stillrockinout Posted May 28, 2019 Report Share Posted May 28, 2019 Agree completely with above comments!! Can I squeeze in my small gripe? The signs for the food vendors are blocking the view from the hill. This is a great spot for families that don’t go down near the stage. Not everyone rides the rail. Great to hear from Chuck, he’s the real thing 🕺🏻❤️🕺🏻 Peace to All Quote Link to comment
t.bell Posted May 28, 2019 Author Report Share Posted May 28, 2019 I liked when the food vendor were off to the side two years ago. Made the field much more open. 1 Quote Link to comment
Nolongerhere Posted May 28, 2019 Report Share Posted May 28, 2019 I had a wonderful weekend, and the music was awesome. Nice to meet a few of you 😉 and until next time, stay groovy 3 Quote Link to comment
Forum MVP Dead duck Posted May 28, 2019 Forum MVP Report Share Posted May 28, 2019 Grate weekend of music. Can’t complain too much about the weather. Everything made it thru the storms standing and was able to pack up dry for the most part yesterday. The boys and I had a great time and shared some awesome memories. Saw way too many medical emergencies this year. Not sure what these kids are getting down with but it seems like bad news. Weekend was over way too quickly and now the post festival blues set in as I head back to work today. Can’t wait for the next run of shows. 1 Quote Link to comment
Forum MVP Rude Posted May 28, 2019 Forum MVP Report Share Posted May 28, 2019 This is a freedom fest and people are talking about banning snoke? What’s next making people wear deodorant or requiring a collared shirt? It’s free air. If cigs are banned I’m out out of principal. I could smoke a vape but are u wanting this to be a Ticketmaster outdoor venue where everything is banned? I’ll move a few steps away from you but there are non smokers who at times need a smoke because of the intensity of jubilee. I’m all with you on the fire dancers roping off our space but you aren’t breathing the smoke outdoors you are just smelling it. I smell lots of things I don’t want to smell but it’s camping. I want nothing banned but roping off dance area. The smell of the chemicals the fire spinners use is worse than any smoke there is. 3 Quote Link to comment
Forum MVP PoetryGirl Posted May 28, 2019 Forum MVP Report Share Posted May 28, 2019 What a great weekend and I enjoyed seeing all my friends so much at times I was at a complete loss of words. I’ll be back in 2021. By night 3 I’d loosened my load and it was a beautiful day. The feel of this first set was cruising on a Sunday drive in a three on a tree classic Ford truck with 4 people packed in on the bench seat. Of course we were rocking. During Let It Grow the sky opened as the sky turned purple pink with the setting sun. The crowd got super happy to hear Pocky Way and good dancing. All the dancers stayed and we threw down on the dance floor and ended up cooled off by nature. I love some watchtower! Black Peter was amazing and delicately delivered. What a night! The encores about sum it up. Grate show! Grate band! Grate crew! Grate People all around!! 6 Quote Link to comment
Forum MVP Tea Posted May 28, 2019 Forum MVP Report Share Posted May 28, 2019 1 hour ago, PoetryGirl said: I enjoyed seeing all my friends so much at times I was at a complete loss of words. Hey - I resemble that remark Quote Link to comment
Forum MVP Greg from Chestertown Posted May 28, 2019 Forum MVP Report Share Posted May 28, 2019 Hey, I have a complaint. I didn’t go. I worked all weekend. Be grateful. It could have been worse. You could have been in my shoes. 2 Quote Link to comment
Forum MVP Mango Posted May 28, 2019 Forum MVP Report Share Posted May 28, 2019 Consider this Rude. Freedom has many angles. I think i have the right to be free of cigarette smoke. I don't smoke so why should i have to be exposed to it? If you want to poison yourself it's your choice but I'm not choosing it. I've also been burnt by people's cigarettes on multiple occasions. It's just inconsiderate. If you weren't biased by the addiction I'm pretty sure you'd be in agreement. And i do breath it in. Is it as bad as the fire spinners? No, but that is not a fair basis for argument. 1 Quote Link to comment
Forum MVP Rude Posted May 28, 2019 Forum MVP Report Share Posted May 28, 2019 There’s manny things I don’t like. I don’t like people spilling booze on the dance floor or on me but both have happened a lot I don’t dance with booze. I’m not saying it should banned. I move away from Scottie when having a cig. I know it bothers him. I’ll move away from you when I have one as well even though I only take a smoke break during a ballad. I get things are annoying, but the health danger is minimal outdoors, and I’m not for banning anything that has to do with peoples personal freedom. It’s a slippery slope. Many people burn other things and that annoys people too but this is a dead show. It’s not a library. The good outweighs the bad. Now all Ticketmaster owned amphitheater’s ban smoking even if no ones near you. I guarantee you there are people mad at every show that we stand up to dance and block others view too. I had Ticketmaster security at van Morrison in the lawn ask me to sit down because other people couldn’t see. I refused. Once we start down this road eventually you will be negatively impacted. I always turn my cigarette into my palm so it won’t touch anyone while dancing and in packed smoking areas hold it over my head. 1 Quote Link to comment
Forum MVP Mango Posted May 28, 2019 Forum MVP Report Share Posted May 28, 2019 It's not about banning...but like you said, you don't like spilled booze on the dance floor so you don't carry it 😉 Additionally, since music and dancing are synonymous, I've always been in support of a designated dance section. The ideal section is up front for two reasons. The first is so that there is no traffic through the dancers. The second is so the band can see! 1 Quote Link to comment
sandflea Posted May 29, 2019 Report Share Posted May 29, 2019 (edited) This was our second Jubilee. What a wonderful time. We were kind of expecting the worst with the weather forecast. Apparently the Robs control the weather too. For me, the highlights were Jeff on Tangled, and of course that transcendent Playin. Marcus King is a damn beast. That trade off between him and the keyboard player was really fun to watch. Very good times. To see Vince bite into that cake on his birthday was kinda fun too. That, and the Amazing Giants coming out to dance. I thought that was really nice and I also thought that the band was really on point. Andy Thorn continues to be a monster. So, no compaints. Other than the I70 cops and roadkill. Lolz. Already miss you guys. PS - Forgot to mention Skip bombs. That Other One!! Edited May 29, 2019 by sandflea 2 Quote Link to comment
LIkeEveryOne Posted May 29, 2019 Report Share Posted May 29, 2019 I felt bad for the band. Whoever thought the band needed help entertaining the crowd doesn’t get it . Fire twirlers , people on stilts and swingers on poles? Really? unless the audience decides to twirl fire , walk on stilts or swing from a pole, it doesn’t belong. Contrived and out of place. I agree with all the VIP short falls. Management needs direction. I’m sure the band wasn’t consulted on the sub-entertainment during their show. I ignored the sub-entertainment but wished I didn’t need to. it was such a grate time, with the grateful things far outweighing the distractions. Count me in for next jubilee, all 3 days Quote Link to comment
Band Member robbok3 Posted May 29, 2019 Band Member Report Share Posted May 29, 2019 We are of very aware of the presence of the Amazing Giants. They are a Jubilee staple and have participated in a few NYE celebrations as well. Personally, I love watching them while I play and it has the ability to give me a spark of energy. Did you see the energy they gave to Salmon when they were on stage with them? Perfect example there. Seeing the crowd enjoying it contributes too. Great people when they are not performing, as well. I understand and respect not everything is everyone's cup of tea. Just wanted to share my perspective. As for the other concerns people have, we hear about them and try to rectify them moving forward. 5 Quote Link to comment
Dharmada Posted May 29, 2019 Report Share Posted May 29, 2019 The giants were very cool to see from a distance. However, I felt like Pippin trying to avoid being stomped on by Ents when they awkwardly walked through the dance area the first night. Quote Link to comment
Forum MVP BillK522 Posted May 29, 2019 Forum MVP Report Share Posted May 29, 2019 Words can barely describe the joy and love I felt over the three days at jubilee. Everyone in attendance smiling and happy, the common thread running through all of us the love of the music of the Grateful Dead. In the world we presently live in, what a blessing that there is a place to go once a year to completely lose yourself in song. Much thanks to the band, crew, and all involved in pulling off this event each year, it is heaven on earth. I was lucky enough to spend the weekend with a group of friends that have become loved family members over the past few years. All you guys and girls hold a special place in my heart and the jubilee wouldn't have been the epic event it was without your presence. Love you all. Let the Red Rocks countdown begin. Praise DSO. 4 Quote Link to comment
LIkeEveryOne Posted May 29, 2019 Report Share Posted May 29, 2019 8 hours ago, robbok3 said: We are of very aware of the presence of the Amazing Giants. They are a Jubilee staple.....Personally, I love watching them while I play and it has the ability to give me a spark of energy...... In a shrouded way, my post was meant in high praise. Your music needs nothing. You guys are soul moving. If you want to march in elephants and stomp the crowd , i’m In. I will just hang further back, and dance around the carnage. Thanks for sharing your talent! Quote Link to comment
Forum MVP Greg from Chestertown Posted May 29, 2019 Forum MVP Report Share Posted May 29, 2019 Saw the giants in Philly NYE a few years back. They got in the way of me being able to see the stage. That’s as bad as it got for me. Agreed, the band can stand alone. They don’t need to accessorize, IMHO. Drummer Rob just made it 20 years? I remember walking up to you and Kevin on the boardwalk in OCNJ after my first show and giving you guys a great big Thank You, my face full of joy. 1 Quote Link to comment
Forum MVP Mango Posted May 29, 2019 Forum MVP Report Share Posted May 29, 2019 Here's what i sent to Tim Walther. I ask that others who feel similarly do the same. This email is intended for Tim Walther. Hello. My name is Aaron Stein. I am a long time fan of DSO, having attended nearly 400 shows since 2002. I am a friend of the band and well known by many as a deadicated dancer and musician. I attended "Gratefulfest" at Nelson Ledges from 2004-2011 and DSO jubilee from 2012-14, 16-17, and just this past weekend. I'm including all of this Not to brag but to give you a sense of my involvement in the DSO family. First of all, i appreciate what you do. So thank you. Many of us were very upset this past weekend by the choice to fence off a large area stage right for "performers". I didn't attend last year but I'm told the area was more off to the side. As I'm sure you are aware, and as Jerry has been explicitly quoted, this music is dance music. This Music is not about performers and spectators being separate- we are all the show. This Music was born of the Acid Tests, in which everyone was the centerpiece of the show. If dancing wasn't a part of it, i wouldn't be part of it. Legend Valley is terrible for dancing. Uneven ground and rocks everywhere make it not only difficult to move gracefully but frankly are dangerous. Now the best area for dancing is stage right (crowd left) up front. The first night it wad wide open (as well as every other year I've attended). The third night started open and they had the audacity to move us DURING THE LAST SONG OF THE FIRST SET. they didn't even begin their stuff until set two so they easily could have waited until set break. The dancing occurring Sunday night was some of the best, most communal, blissed out that I've ever experienced (need I cite my credentials again??). On night two there was a lady on a pogo stick like thing, bouncing around. This was unsafe. My friend, who was outside the fenced in area, got hit in the head by her hula hoop. It left a bump, but more importantly it was a shock that took him out of the moment and ruined his show. Frankly, you are lucky that he doesn't want to press charges. Another friend got whipped by her as well. Need i say anything about the inherent danger of fire spinning? It smells horrible and is certainly not healthy. The whole thing is really quite distracting from the show- the show that we are a part of and in which we are performers. Am i saying to not include it? Well, i don't care for it but i imagine some people like it. Please move it somewhere else next year- not right next to the stage, not in the only viable dance area. Please consider what i have said here. I want to continue to support your productions but if this isn't changed there will be many upset fans- deadicated fans who travel far for these shows (as far as Washington state). Maybe back by the soundboard is an appropriate place. And maybe don't include the fire spinning at all. Another consideration might be having a designated dancing section. Once again, this is dance music. Thank you for listening. I will be sharing this email on the DSO forums and you can expect to receive more emails of this nature. Aaron Stein 2 Quote Link to comment
t.bell Posted May 29, 2019 Author Report Share Posted May 29, 2019 I also sent an email to Tim and All Good. Similar sentiment of placing the "entertainers" there was not a great idea. And the timing of Sunday's set up was horrible! This should be an easy fix for them and we can go back to our blissful memories of the Jubilee. Quote Link to comment
t.bell Posted May 29, 2019 Author Report Share Posted May 29, 2019 (edited) I uploaded a handful of videos to youtube. Most are short clips, but got a nice long pull from Watchtower and Black Peter. Youtube Jubilee 2019 playlist Edited May 29, 2019 by t.bell Spelling 1 1 Quote Link to comment
Forum MVP PoetryGirl Posted May 29, 2019 Forum MVP Report Share Posted May 29, 2019 How about the port-a john servicing right before DSO set Sat night? Having just read about the issues in Paris around early 1800s that inspired the catacombs, I couldn’t but think of the bacteria from decomposing bodies on the air preventing people in the surrounding areas from keeping bread from going bad. I turned the other way but wished I had had a bullhorn to tell those people stage front to leave too and get out of the aerosol of human excrement. 1 Quote Link to comment
Forum MVP Rude Posted May 29, 2019 Forum MVP Report Share Posted May 29, 2019 14 hours ago, robbok3 said: We are of very aware of the presence of the Amazing Giants. They are a Jubilee staple and have participated in a few NYE celebrations as well. Personally, I love watching them while I play and it has the ability to give me a spark of energy. Did you see the energy they gave to Salmon when they were on stage with them? Perfect example there. Seeing the crowd enjoying it contributes too. Great people when they are not performing, as well. I understand and respect not everything is everyone's cup of tea. Just wanted to share my perspective. As for the other concerns people have, we hear about them and try to rectify them moving forward. The giants are fine with me. I enjoy the festive atmosphere they bring. I didn’t like the fire spinners so close to the stage. We had a fantastic group getting down and then they put up gates and chains and boot us out. They booted us out 20 minutes before they even were fire spinning which made no sense. They also created a bottleneck that only allowed 3 feet of room between people in chairs and the fence which caused chaos for people returning from camp. They used to be closer to merch but this year they were 20 feet from the left PA. That’s way too close to the stage and taking up 600 sq ft of prime dance area. 2 Quote Link to comment
Forum MVP gr8fulpair Posted May 30, 2019 Forum MVP Report Share Posted May 30, 2019 7 hours ago, Rude said: The giants are fine with me. Because they make you feel normal height. For similar reasons, I like hanging around really fat people. 3 3 1 Quote Link to comment
Forum MVP Dead duck Posted May 30, 2019 Forum MVP Report Share Posted May 30, 2019 1 hour ago, gr8fulpair said: Because they make you feel normal height. For similar reasons, I like hanging around really fat people. Now if they’d just bring in a hefty stilt Walker I could feel good too. 😂😆 1 Quote Link to comment
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