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Cuttin a rug


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Just use my big ass feet to plow rocks out of my little circle. Tend to just bop to the music with my feet planted because when i totally emerse myself in the music lifting my feet off the ground may cause me to lose balance sometimes and fall. Lol. Did enjoy not being pelted in the back of the bead with beach balls this year.

Im more of a shuffler or a shaker and groover. Not a flailer. Too much collateral damage for a man of my stature. Plus the whole balance thing

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I am so busy......to much work, as I want to post, but may I say......

I call my dance a continuation of controlled falls.

I loose my balance, and when i really dance, I can't walk afterwords, my legs jelly, so I have to keep dancing to keep balance.

I spin, I jump, I two step, and I do it all in tight spaces, open spaces, and on many different surfaces.

People often get scared I will either hit, bump, or fall into them. Has not happened yet, and won't for another decade...hopefully.

Dead duck .......i see some.big boys dancing. I am tall..long wings, but light......skinny....my ex never fed me I guess!!

My point......don't sell your dancing soul out because your afraid to fall.

I have fallen very badly several times. In my own space, but around many people. It's embarrassing, but I get up, and start where I left. We all fall, but getting. Back up is what's important.

Sorry dead duck...,..not telling g you what to do.......i just used your words to tell me what to do.....falling is such a metsphore, and writing this just gave me insight. Pick your ass up...life is not over, it's just feels that way because I let the audience get the best of me.


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I am so busy......to much work, as I want to post, but may I say......

I call my dance a continuation of controlled falls.

I loose my balance, and when i really dance, I can't walk afterwords, my legs jelly, so I have to keep dancing to keep balance.

I spin, I jump, I two step, and I do it all in tight spaces, open spaces, and on many different surfaces.

People often get scared I will either hit, bump, or fall into them. Has not happened yet, and won't for another decade...hopefully.

Dead duck .......i see some.big boys dancing. I am tall..long wings, but light......skinny....my ex never fed me I guess!!

My point......don't sell your dancing soul out because your afraid to fall.

I have fallen very badly several times. In my own space, but around many people. It's embarrassing, but I get up, and start where I left. We all fall, but getting. Back up is what's important.

Sorry dead duck...,..not telling g you what to do.......i just used your words to tell me what to do.....falling is such a metsphore, and writing this just gave me insight. Pick your ass up...life is not over, it's just feels that way because I let the audience get the best of me.


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I'm a dancer. I will accept spinner if we leaving the cult connatation out of it. I don't call what I'm doing flailing.

I'm a controlled flailer. For some reason I never hit anyone in the face. When I spin I tuck the arms and generally people just keep their distance. What I don't get are the people who see me flailing and then think they should try to squeeze by me when they see an inch of space. They usually get popped. Smart people usually put a hand on my shoulder as they pass to avoid carnage. MC u don't really flail your arms. You mostly "double time" as I refer to it. That's when you are hopping at twice the pace of everyone else and let people know that yes, lost sailor is a big dancer and should be danced at 180 beats a minute ;). I'm sort of like the Mockingbird of dead dancing. I will steal your moves and incorporate them into my repertoire. I've noticed that after a medium/long run (depending on who I'm talking with), my dance becomes effortless and completely spontaneous and that's when I have the most fun on the dance floor. I've also noticed how certain dances really feel good during different songs. I'm more of a sunny during a sugar mags or a circumstance, jumping a lot. I'm more of an expressionist during spacey songs like a sailor, and during a Viola or any really funk groove I'm more of an MC.

And duck I hated those huge beach balls. Got hit in the head a few times and those things weighed a few pounds. I saw lots of people hit in the head with those and there's enough force to move ones head several inches. They definitely would create a little shock. I wanted to take my cig and burn a hole in them but luckily a dude in front of me decided to take matters into his own hands. I say beach balls and balloons should have around 1-2 minutes of fun then go to their grave.

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Speaking for myself, dancing is an essential element of my musical experience.  It's actually kind of strange to me because GD is about the only music I can dance to, however there is lots of music out there that I can get tons of fulfillment from without ever dancing a step.  I wouldn't be able to dance to most other music even if I tried.



But as far as the Dead is concerned, I don't think I was ever able truly able to open myself to the music until I was able to let go of my reluctance to dance.  I think dancing is also somewhat critical to the overall mindset  and attitude of the community.  Being prideful is very taxing and stressful.  A tremendous weight is lifted off your shoulders when one comes to the realization that you're in a place and with people where you feel comfortable peeling back some of the layers we cocoon ourselves in as we endure the daily grind of being a productive human.  Dancing, especially for those who are too caught up in maintaining pride to bring themselves to do so, is a shedding of physical inhibitions which contributes to the mindset that we are all fundementally the same - carbon based lifeforms traversing the same Universe.


Finding that groove that activates those dancing genes is easy with DSO in my opinion.

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I never realized I wasn't really dancing until I started seeing a lot of shows. It's like any sport: the more you do it, the better you get. Practice makes perfect and 4 hours of dance is lots of practice.

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on the rug off the rug if you're just standing there it's dangerous for everybody. I have no problem telling someone standing in the middle of dancers that someone is going to get hurt no implication that it's them although it may be them it may be Me or maybe other people experienced in feeling the music to its fullest.MC I had no rug this yearand felt no guilt i danced on the rugs.I brought rugs 3 or4 years and carry them back to the campsite. We give what we can and we share the love- don't see a problem in that.I welcomed 4 different people on the rugs well one on the rug and 3 that set they're rug right next to ours. that were not our "crew" they were dancers they belong there. we do have exclusivity not to our friends but to dancers- friends or not.I have a healthy fear of getting hurt at Legend Valley one little rock under the rug or not can throw me off balance and totally fuck up my back or knee.the rugs help but not a whole lot...

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Nobody told or effectively told standers or talkers to move along this year. This is not a job for me. I lack the social grace. Just rather be done with it. I'm sure if the dance moves me to the rugs I will find myself welcome.

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Nothing is ever perfect. Even when it feels perfect the reality is that you are able to ignore or transcend that which might otherwise bother you. In that sense it's always perfect.

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I need to release the home base so I can find my space of transcendence.  I was never truly going to get there right now considering the life changes I'm going through.  My own internal anguish would always stop me from reaching that place of nirvana.  Enlightened lack of thought.  I look forward to the Jubilee big every year and in my honest opinion, the crowd energy and the energy I got from the band was much higher in Providence and Hampton Beach.  Those around me seemed much more into the show, but I was also free to move as a pleased to search out this place.  


DancinFool puts some energy out there.  I found myself dancing near him quite a bit.  


I'm tired of this thread though.  I will dance wherever the music takes me.  Rugs, rocks, up the hill, or into outer space.  I will no longer bring a rug of my own and I will no longer be around come pack up time.  I will no longer feel the burden of the rugs.  In years past, the joy always outweighed the burden of responsibility. 


I appreciate your higher level thinking mango, but I'm just talking the nitty gritty.

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Yeah I wish I woulda met you, Lager....next time!

MC,,,I don't know what was going on in your inside but when Loose Lucy came along Saturday night...you sure seemed on your dancing game and it was just the spark I needed at that moment. I fed off your energy and it helped propel me into such a fantastic evening!

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I prefer the forgiveness of the bare ground, but certainly dig orbiting the magic carpets. Lots of good inspiration and energy to absorb

The torture spotlight sun night that was behind stage left was a drag.

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We did well Saturday night.  I would dance with you guys all night on the rugs or at least most of the night if the energy was like that.  I might disappear by the end.  I want no responsibility and if I'm there at the end how could I not help carry the rugs.  

I met Lager.  Good dude.

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My show time takes me through the crowd, finding pockets of empty space, looking for natural boarders of protection. It's easier to cover your left and right flank when other obstacles cover your back. Simple military strategy ......sometimes you got to fight for your space, and it's difficult being in our position, because we don't like negative energy, and try to root our behavior towards love, inclusion, and undeerstanding. How to fight kindly?

Irony and conflict is part of the music. its only natural, we as true lovers of the music, the scene, and how we want others to behave according to "hippy code" is why I am attracted to the Rugs.

It's nice to find my own space, and I can carve out space.....personally proud of that fact,but I enjoy being able to find my friends, and the Rugs give that easily found comfort.

I will always be availablefor anyone who wants to bring a rug. It's not labor for me to offer help. It's a honor for me to help others in making the music and dance that much more special. I don't dance barefooted. My brothers and sisters do, and if helping with rugs removes other background noise and concerns when the music plays for them, than I am using my energy to help them, because I get the music, I love my friends, and I love our loosely understood collective order.

I got a ride to Jube this year. I brought no rug , but depending g on future jubilees, I would love to bring some old dance rugs. Even if I don't use them, leave them there, or just leave laying three days straight, it's a simple effort for me to show my appreciation for you all!!!

I have no problem dancing by myself. I got my DSO alone in Jamaica. You all were eating during sound check. I got DSO and all the dance space to myself. I was in a bit of heavenly bliss, but what is the whole of the music with out sharing the smiles and the shaking bones.

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I will bring a Flxible Flyer type wagon next year for anyone to use to haul the rugs from the dance space to the storage space at Disco.


I like the rugs for both the rock issue but more for the community issue. I love the family feel of the area and the homebase it provides. The best part of the Jubilee is being with friends for the entire time. Camping, eating, seeing the shows, dancing. The rugs really facilitate that during the shows.


Bordering the rug space next to VIP was great also and created a natural border on one flank. The chair set up behind and on the other side opposite VIP helped too.


I also bring a used thrift store rug I buy for around $25 each year.  I never plan on taking it home. I don't want it anymore after using it at the Jubilee.


Dr. B B)

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