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Cuttin a rug


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I live in the area where most of the country's carpet and rugs are made. I wonder if it would be reasonable to get a special rug/carpet made for next year. I'm sure if we could decide upon all the requirements it could be done. ... size?   texture (slick or tacky ?)...waterproof... leave in place over night or the whole summer ?   art work design or just plain ? 


pipe dream or an idea worth exploring ?

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I think it's time legend valley puts down artificial turf. Maybe the ones with rubber balls in them. Since we likely won't be falling on the turf or getting balls shot down our throats, the cancer risk will be minimal. Ive got no problem paying a facility fee of 10 bucks for the turf. But...the juggalos would likely mess it up with their knives and machetes.

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I think both ideas above are worthwhile. On Monday when I was fishing out some of the untended rugs out of the dumpster I found someone else's foam rubber pieces that piece together like puzzle pieces...they are light and won't absorb water,,,just pull them apart and throw them in a large garbage bag at end of show--easy to carry many at a time in bag even when spaced out after the show...

Something like this:


Just another idea to add to the mix,,,,,but mango and Brian probably wouldn't like that you can't slide easily on this surface!

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Funny thing is we discussed just leaving the rugs set up all weekend. We did say that the last night could be different but by 9 am monday morning any rugs not put away found their way to the dumpster. Maybe somebody put mine away but it was gone all together. I got deep in the dumpster to look for it.

I lost my energy the last night. Slept through sets 2 and 3. I understand the rain made clean up hard. I also know that you got to do things yourself or it won't get done.

I was real sad to lose that rug. Really wish someone would've looked at for it for me. I had that rug since junior year of college. It will be a shame never to see the swirls again. It was also the rug I used outside my tent whenever camping. I know it's importance only exists for me.

Maybe we won't set up next year. Rugs create philosophy arguments that I don't care to be involved in. I also no longer have a rug to contribute.

I definitely do not believe we can just leave them set up. I never agreed with that.

To the children of the rug, I love you. I'm sure youll set up again. Having nothing to contribute and no longer interested in taking charge and making sure everyone's rug is there the following night, it may be time for me to venture out into the rocks. I stop by from time to time but I respect the rug space is for those that contribute to their existence

Who knows how I will feel in year but I probably just won't contribute.

We shared some real beautiful energy together.

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If I'd known which was yours and that you were MIA, I would've totally recruited ones to pick it up. I did wonder where you were and missed you. Sorry for your loss. You were such a good host of the rugs.!

I rolled up ours and GW through it up on his shoulder. It drained for 10 minutes. No exaggeration - like a faucet. Joe carried it up the hill and said it weighed at least 60 lbs. I would've left it and come back for it the next morning but knew we were heading out at 8am.

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The extra energy expended to carry rugs down may have been too much 1st night. And I didn't even dance on rugs night 2 and 3. Night 3 the rugs were in the boonies and there are much less rocks than previous years. I remember creating a rock free spot last year and ended up with a 6" pile around the perimeter. This year there was just a thin layer of rocks and didn't affect me negatively. And rugs had the same effect as a really sticky floor in making it hard to spin and ripping off the soles of my shoes when I did so. I like to roam too much as well. Like to dance all over. Plus you can get space along with great sound at jubilee and I only sacrifice sound if I have no room to let go and that's not the case at jubilee.

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Hey, I'll share my rug too. I did this year. Between me and Mango, I wouldn't worry too much Rick. I floated around a little but came back to the rug. The rocks would take their toll. I really liked having a home base too.

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I like home base too but the inclusive or exclusive debate causes problems for me. In years past, my own friends were chased away. Verbally and physically. This year we allowed basically any and all to take up residence. We did better saturday night. This led to a major distraction fie me friday night. Having no home base or turf to defend would've much better suited me. I would've just moved but the commitment to the rugs prevented me from doing that more than just a little bit. The oppositionally defiant heads don't like feeling like they can't go where they please and do as they like. If I don't contribute and I don't worry about pack up. My stress and concern for the space will be greatly reduced. I'm not the only one with friends at disco. I'm sure someone else can arrange to have them stashed after show. Maybe you guys even just leave them set up. If my rug not involved, I care little if that backfires

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