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Berkeley #2


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UC Theater- Berkeley

Here comes sunshine

Easy to slip



Expressway to my heart


Loose Lucy

Unbroken chain $

Feel like a stranger $w/ Sikiru

Touch of grey $

Scarlet begonias

Reuben and cherise

Scarlet begonias $

Don't need love

Fire on the mountain $

Drums $

Lost sailor

Saint of circumstance $

Shining star

Music never stopped $

Hey Jude

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Wow wow WOW!!!!

Band announced house lights on per Fire Marshall due to no fire alarm. That or no show. Not a huge deal. Just like a daytime show with the benefit of the stage lights. Made for some great pictures!

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Finally have internet! It's been off at the hotel all weekend....

One of my favorite shows- one of the special ones thru and thru. The whole day I kept thinking to myself "I could really use a here comes sunshine" so I was instantly thrilled to fall right into the laughing water and watch the night begin to unfold.

The lights on sucks. Just no way around it. Sound wasnt necessarily great, though the band was on fire- but I figure back when the Dead were playing, lotsa silly monkeys showed up and tried to take control of the locomotive. Lotsa people complaining. Kinda fucks with tonight because none of my friends wanna go stand in the lights when Billy is down the street- without the lights being on it would be very different :(

I don't give a DAMN if the lights are on or off, personally. Doesn't change my experience other than annoying my friends. I will dance like a silly unicorn and sob to shining star and beam pure joy out to strangers during scarlet and freak out for multiple songs in one show I never heard em play before- holy shit that was AMAZING! Blown away!

Highlight- drumz!!!! Having sikiru was so cool and I have rarely danced so hard to a whole show start to finish. Was prolly most crowded of the 3 nights but we still had lots of room to dance together in the front :) we spent night 1 in the back, late again, but this one we stayed up front. Had plenty of buddies around most of the show and I CANNOT even begin to not put $ on every song. Every woman really IS the most beautiful if u look at it right- same same. While the music is playing there is nothing else. Each song is just exactly perfect- we can laugh about how this lyric or that lyric moved around or how this or that timing or key went a little off or maybe they were tired one night or weren't feeling a song at some pt or whatever you wanna tell yourself to devalue the amazingness that is the chance to get to see this music at this caliber. Sorry my own posts tend to be I loved em all so much but I DO!!!!! Each for exactly what they were and especially how they fit together.

More later- got start getting my space together for the show tonight!!!

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Not gonna make it to night 3- but I am NOT at Billy ;) lol- hanging in hotel cause sometimes life just happens despite our best laid plans and listening to the Dead show they are doing...... Have fun, u guys- more shows always comin around ;) best 2 nights I coulda asked for and paradise rocked too ;)

Last night was seriously one of the most magical experiences I have ever had. Maybe even exaggerated from relative sobriety- I remember nearly everything so clear and with so much excitement from the crowd and the energy. Easy to slip was really needed for me right now- sigh- so wonderful to dance to with the swoops and grace and heartfelt vocal delivery they presented. Gorgeous! The loser took the vibe deeper and it was stormy and stunning with intense energy. Passenger brought us back around and people really got to dancing everywhere. Great space all over! Expressway- one I often skip when listening to recordings but I had so much fun and they kinda made the song their bitch (too blunt?) and everyone was pretty much freaking out with glee and rocking out incredibly hard- very very cool to see!

The masterpiece let me relax and breathe a little as I danced and I felt very full of love and was really happy to be there with my man and my friends and the strangers. Lucy- mm mmm mmmmmm!!!!! 74 how I like her all loose and swinging around with funky little dazzles and tree shaking hilarity. Perfect! Unbroken was powerfully special and the stranger made me jump up and down with excitement and sounded so fucking straaaaaaaange and awesome!!! Touch closed us out of first set just right- just what I needed, every song, every note, every word- and still I had another set to get lost and found in!!!

I will never forget this scarlet. Sounded unlike any other and the Reuben inside- specifically the getting in and out of it- was mind bendingly executed!!! Wow!!! Strangers were stopping strangers to celebrate how much they were enjoying this for sure!

Don't need love- I have no words for how much I loved this and was blown away. Really got into my heart and have me strength :) getting to the fire was super rad and the fire itself was burning thru my fontanelle, releasing massive amounts of burning joy all through me and into the universe around me. Very special.

I already mentioned the amazing drums but it deserves more- maybe my favorite drumz ever!!!! Yeah!!!!

Sailor Saint (the setlist showed they were gonna sandwich this but they didn't) was epic- they are so nicely paired!!! Delicious!!!

Shining star. My man wasn't there. I guess that's why it's a star- can be really far away but you still feel it's light. We had most of the show together but feeling it alone- missing him- made it special and after I talked mad shit to him for not being there I found forgiveness- after all, I had extra room to dance to one of my FAVORITE songs that I am so GRATEFUL they are playing more!!! Thank you thank you thank you- I sobbed to what I didn't dance to and it was the hardest I have cried at a show in a looooooong time. Home fucking run! Straight to the stars......

Music was amazing. Perfect way to close out.

They hey Jude was something else- the whole place lost it. Wish you coulda been here. Way to really do Berkeley right- lights and all ;)

Wish I was with you guys tonight- kiss kiss!

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