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The GOP clown car makes another stop


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Being a life long democrat, it seems a tad strange that I have yet to watch a democratic primary debate this season, but have watched all of the republican debates. It's like a grizzly car wreck. You can't take your eyes off it. Well to be honest I watched about 1 hour of it and it was the craziest thing I've seen yet.

My takes.

1. Trump advocates killing the families of terrorists if they commit a terrorist act. I'm guessing he won't kill any Christian terrorists' families, only Muslim.

2. Ben Carson said that killing innocent children in bombing was merciful. I had to rewind this to make sure I heard him correctly. This is one of the most insane things I've ever heard anyone say. I'm guessing he meant it's better to kill them while they are young before they grow up to be terrorists or they follow a false religion. The moderator got booed for pressing him after. He pointed to the audience and said you got it, referring to that evil liberal media that wants people to answer more in depth.

3. Constant lies about how weak our military is now. We are actually spending as much now as any time in history and our troop strength is the most in 40 years. Being in KY some of my unintelligent friends couldn't believe this when I showed them the stats. They hear the nonsense of how weak our military is and believe it.

4. Fiorina destroyed herself by criticizing men in a joke. Doesn't she know that most of the far right believes men are superior to women. Plus she's a disgusting liar and thank god we don't have to look at her for much longer. When a terrorist quotes your lies after a mass shooting, you hold some responsibility.

5. Candidates advocating for bugging mosques. On average 15 people have been killed a year in the US since Obama took office by Islamic radicals. But you would think that number is in the 10's of thousands based on the rhetoric. For this 15 murders a year lets abandon the constitution, but for the 20k gun murders a year, we must make gun laws less restrictive. You can see who holds the power in this country.

6. Trump also advocated to shut down parts of the Internet. He said America owns the Internet b/c we created it. It's the Internet b/c anyone can connect and be one of its chin links. No one owns the Internet. Complete silliness from a mouthpiece.

7. Fiorina said that if we ask them, encryption companies will give the NSA a back door. The fact is we have asked them and if they give gov a back door, no one will ever buy their product. This is a 1st amendment issue. Speech is not always kind but it must be protected even though candidates advocated for arresting people based on speech but not white people. White supremacist speech is exempt and only Muslim anti American speech.

In the hour I watched I was just dumbfounded by how much nonsense was spewed.

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There are two very good reasons why you are not seeing the Democrats. They are getting help from the Republicans beating each other up on a monthly basis and the establishment wants Hilary to coast into the nomination. They don't want her to look foolish trying to debate Bernie.


I didn't hear any of them say anything about bugging mosques, they spoke of having people go in and listen to what they are preaching, big difference.


I keep expecting everyone to say the joke is over and Trump is not really running, but he remains popular with working class Republicans, especially in the South.


One thing for sure, they need to trim the field of Republicans fast. It's crazy to still have 13 candidates out there. I have to believe right now that it will come down to Cruz and Rubio, Trump will do something to totally blow it up. I honestly believe he has no intention of becoming POTUS, he just wants the attention.  

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since 9-11, 1/1000 of the murders in the US have been committed by Islamic extremists but their base is so backwards and afraid of everyone not like them, they see this as the biggest threat to the country. It's insanity. Trump actually had it right when he said could you imagine if we invested the 4 trillion we spent on war back into our infrastructure.

The nonstop lies get me. Take back our country. I'm guessing they mean take it back from a black man. These people want a return to the 1950s. Technology is passing them by. The world and country is not a simple go to work and go to church. The GOP electorate is too uneducated to see that GOP policy doesn't look out for working people. But these people vote on the anti gay and anti immigrant speech and don't care about everything else. These people scream taxes are too high but the GOP only plans to lower them on the wealthy. There's a reason the GOP cuts education. They want the south racist. They want the south bigoted. The higher the education level the lower the bigotry and that doesn't play well if that happens. Oh real America is the heartland. No that's poor uneducated America. Most people live in cities. That's more real than living in rural Alabama.

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I can confirm that chuck was watching sci fi last night, but pretty sure he's a huge Carly Fiorina fan. He's in to sadomasochist chicks. You've been bad. I heard u were selling baby parts again. Bend over and take your lashings.

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I go to work and I go to church. That's all the Good Book allows. That's all I need.

Thank the lord that you came to your senses after seeing 100+ shows in 1 year. You have repented and are on a good path again.

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You have to look at what you write and realize that you sound more intolerant and prejudiced than the people you are talking about. Reasonable debate and discourse does not involve calling your opponents uneducated, bigoted and racist. There were several minorities on the stage last night, I don't see any in the democratic debates. I won't decide my vote until I know the final candidates, it seems you have already made up your mind. People vote certain ways for different reasons: social, economic, foreign policy. What is most important to them at the time of the election will sway their vote.

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Dude that's not reasonable debate. Advocating the murder of children if your parents commit a terrorist act??? Are u fucking serious???? That's the most disgusting thing I've ever heard. But again I'm a progressive and don't think child executions solve problems. That debate was nonsensical. It was pure delusion. Nothing they talked about could be implemented. When Cruz is now the pick of the moderates the GOP is in trouble.

Did you see the protest video Tuesday at the trump rally. Was a black guy and as they were escorting him out people started yelling set him on fire. Kill him. Heil Trump. Sorry but that's today's GOP. The RNC hates it b/c they know those people are radicals and likely unelectable.

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They will be weeded out, there are lunatics on both sides, cooler heads will prevail. My point is that you can't paint all Republicans as uneducated bigoted racists. I have an African American friend, that is a doctor, who firmly believes Democrats are holding his people back. A very large percentage of successful African Americans are republican. I would say that your view on things is skewed a bit by the people around you on a daily basis, as is mine, but you can't assume that all fit your description just because the ones around you do. By the way, you should be hoping that Trump or Carson wins the nomination because they would have no chance. I think Rubio would be your biggest problem.

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Rude does come off as closeminded when it comes to politics. I'll say it again. If your still caught up in the 2 party paradigm, you need to wake up. They play golf together. Share hookers. They are scamming you. We need new ideas. New thinkers. Less politics. Washington is useless only we the people can be the change.

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Democrats do hold back the jobless and lower income families. They create an environment and culture that pays you not to work. Welfare is for the weak and stupid. It does not and can not help you better yourself. Even Clinton saw that and put in massive welfare reform. Of course, I'm guilty of over generalization and not all democrats support these programs. The extension of unemployment cripples your desire to stand on your own. By the way, Im not a Republican and having this belief doesn't make me so.

I'm also sure we can point to countless examples of where unemployment or welfare for a short time was a bridge to something great. For those people, it didn't create dependency. For many others, it has.

Old proverb I think went don't give a man a fish teach him to fish or something like that.

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[quote name="Mason's Child" post="149150" timestamp="1450374817

We need new ideas. New thinkers. Less politics. Washington is useless only we the people can be the change.

You say you want a revolution?

MC President

chuck attorney General

cosmic Mike chair Fed reserve

mango head of health human service

Dr Barry surgeon General

poetry girl Secretary of state

rude dog Secretary of defence

I can be head of DEA (do what you want just don't hurt anyone)

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I believe your job and position in life drives and dictates many of your behaviors and personality traits.  I do not believe any person to be a bad person (I know some people may have some famous examples that disprove this).  The environmental factors one places themselves in have a very large effect on the kind of person they are.  This was part of the results of the Stanford Prison experiment.  It was famously said that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.  I do not  believe cops are bad people.  I would actually say that in their heart they start out as very well intentioned individuals.  The facts state they abuse their families at 4 times the national average.  I believe this to be a psychological effect of their job and not actually representative of who they or maybe more accurately who they could have been.  Many of these abusers I believe would not have done so if they had been a mechanic or librarian or a school teacher.  The president would find himself in a position of massive psychological corruption.  

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