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I laughed, cried, fell in love and had my heart broken all in one night...

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MC and found, can i watch? film, maybe, even?  


thanks, tea, I still don't quite know what that means, but I have never delved too deep to discover cause I just like the sound of it and don't really wanna know…...


and rudedog, yeah man, the pussy thing…. a little bit crude.  I like to think we can ALL be just SLIGHTLY more clever about it.  and after all, bitch IS the proper term, aligning with its roots in the original sumerian writing known as "cuneiform" and the upside down triangle that represents the goddess/feminine energy or whatever.  i could go for him saying bitch, over pussy, it sounds better.  but still, there are classier raps ;)

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I just heard one today where he says fuck and bobby replies did you say fuck. I think we need to understand the importance of the fight for free speech. They were breaking local laws with that crude language in many towns.

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Jim Morrison exemplified stage acts as a form of speech. Who knew Miami would be so unreceptive? And the Great Society's song "Father Bruce" tells a tale about it also. Ancient history, I know, but the now stands on the shoulders of the then.

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Love poem, one of my favorites

Emily Dickinson (1830–86). Complete Poems. 1924.

Part Three: Love


THAT I did always love,

I bring thee proof:

That till I loved

I did not love enough.

That I shall love alway,

I offer thee

That love is life,

And life hath immortality.

This, dost thou doubt, sweet?

Then have I

Nothing to show

But Calvary.

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I was thinking about posting about Alpine Valley when yesterday I get into the car and on Sirius GD channel 7/17/89 is playing!

Second night after drums and space I lay under the spangled lights with this amazing soul connection in Malcolm from Pensacola whom I had just met on the left side of the stage in East Troy at this most amazing three nights. We lay there listening to China Doll->Dear Mr Fantasy-> Hey Jude .... I was 17. I had a full scholarship. My parents fought everyday and are rather contrary in thought to me. And I in these moments with him I arrived at a beautiful place of transformation where the mind turns on a dime and the light cracks open an awareness space. And I stepped into bliss with him into this easy loving space and we boogied down light filtering through the trees, pulsing and strobing through throwing stones and sunshine daydream. Ready to meet an amazing guy.....

As I met up with my crowd and set out towards the Biergarten before leaving, Zephyr caught up with me. I hung with some heads from a local college. Amazing smart guys who I worked with at a local cafe. Zeph was just graduated and my senior by 4 years... And on that night we shared this new friendship. As he was friends with my buddies from work... They were educating me in the GD and it's magic. We developed a great friendship and the next night, danced all in it the pouring rain!! when I came back to his alma mater my sophomore year, we began to date. He taught me about unconditional love, trust, loving oneself first frankly and honestly, being a good friend. Dead to the core. 8 months later, Zeph died in an armed robbery at 23. I was second witness. He would have been 47 this week.

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Great story.  Nothing like strippers and dead.



What GD song would be perfect for 'dance' songer for a stripper......errrr.......entertainer?  Cats Down?  I'm guessing the lap dancers would have to charge mega bucks for the 30-minute PITB and would prefer Mama Tried or Don't Ease me In.

CC Rider

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