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A Question For Those Of You That Have Seen Dso Over The Years In The Same City


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Rob - I hope I didn't sound all snooty in my last post. Chris had mentioned that his focus up until now was largely on '68-'74, and I just wanted to impart to him how much I enjoy '76 to '78. I loved every stage the Dead went through for what each new turn had to offer, just, I'm sure, like everybody else who heads to DSO shows. I personally just feel most deeply moved by, and most in touch with, the mid-late seventies. I was a little worried that maybe my post was too strongly worded, and after I read yours, I feel like I came off sounding arrogant. I hope not .Like yours, it was just my mild, modest, soft-spoken, timid opinion;)

You post didn't come off snooty/ strongly worded/etc @ all !

I was just mentioning (like you stated) that there are bright spots/weeks/months or years in all the decades of Good Ol' Grateful Dead music!

I personally loved Pigpen era , only to be knocked out by Kieths piano work that followed , not forgetting to mention how hot the band got once Brent got into his comfort zone with the band.I also enjoyed the Hornsby period that followed next!

To sum it all up.....With so much music out there I try to explore Internet Archives, keep an open mind when a fellow deadhead raves about a show & just give it a listen-I find theres always a gem , that I never heard !

As with DSO.....I just get the ticket....Go and have been impressed each time(60's-90's recreation or elective setlist).

The end result is always .... A real good time!



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Well, I'm kinda partial to the '72-'74 years too, probably because my first DSO show was Hollywood '73. I absolutely fell in love with this band that night! I have been to many since and I too am not too fond of many recordings after '90. I say that to say this, DSO plays those 90's shows so well and with improvisation, it's hard to find fault in those live shows, maybe the only fault is they tend to be shorter. Funny, I see the set up and say to myself "Shit, a 90's show" but then, after a few notes during warm ups, I say to myself...this is going to be awsome! DSO never lets me down, no matter what show they are doing.



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couldnt agree more i was let down on a show not going to say im just a real big fan of 71-73 love it

this i might take some @#$% for im not a real big fan or sait c or lost s idk its just my vew on it

on the other had i love box of rain i love any thing of recking i dont know if we should complain im thankful for a band that will play any dead !



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