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Michael Doc Watson

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Everything posted by Michael Doc Watson

  1. Amend to that. It's good to hear a few words from all these good friends. ...and I didn't realise that is the young gentleman I call "D C Frank" For some reason I keep moving back to the Ledges , sitting with DC and Rick on a fence which really must have been a picknick table turned on end. The band had just played "Ruben and Chilise" It was a good afternoon.
  2. Rick, I doubt if any of your actions should deserve that much shame or guilt that you have described in that long post. (I think it took me half an hour to read it all.) Hopefully sharing your thoughts will help chase those sort of demons out of your head. I wish we were together now so as to give you a big hug. Unfortunately I won't be able to make it to your celebration in New Orleans. My diminishing health prevents me from traveling too far from the local ER which has become a much too familiar place. It’s not a good time when at first sight the nurses call me by my first name. They are working up to another major surgery which might be my last. Hopefully that will get scheduled after the upcoming Atlanta show which maybe I can attend and see you and all our other good friends. Peace and Love, Doc
  3. The magic of the park in Springfield is wonderful. It's my favorite place to see DSO. I do wish we could play there again.
  4. "JK left because Bobby & Phil asked him too." For John it was like playing baseball and getting called up to play center field for the New York Yankees.
  5. About 15 years ago DSO's show at Atlanta's Variety Playhouse was stocked full of songs we rarely hear. Eaton had put together a strange but fun set list. Rob took a lot of heat and complaints on this forum for doing that instead of the usual often heard songs. In those days Rod would join in the conversations in the forum but due to the bitching of folks about that set list he stopped posting here. I wish he would come back. Peace and Love, Doc
  6. This weekend (Oct 18 &19) two days of a small GD festival in a Nashville park "Touch of Brews Festival". (Terrapin Beer sponsored) John K will do a solo "acousti'Lectric" show and then set in with other bands both days. My family is even going along to Nashville which is unusual.
  7. Looks like time for old friends to drop by so I thought I'd say High. These posts bring back memories of better times when we would meet at the Ledges and dance in the sand, swim in the lake, and on a moonless night get lost in the maze of paths in the woods, also know as the "warzone" if I remember right.... Did anyone ever find the second tunnel? Peace and Love, Doc
  8. Wonderful time with friends again at a DSO show and staying on the mountain top at C&K’s home. Two good friends from Georgia and East London came along with me , both rookies for DSO. We ran into a hail storm on the way to the show. Before the music my nephew, Willy, and his wife, Mary Helen, were talking to me but after a few minutes I had to say, “I’m sorry but I don’t know who you are”…shows you how smoky my head was at the time. First set was strong dancing right on the rail next to Melie. When Jen came down to dance I realized I was between the two most beautiful ladies at the show. At set break we realized that I had not eaten anything all day so Donna took my hand and led me to some good food. We took shelter and ate while the thunderstorm passed by. Latter my good friend, The Englishman Derek, was craving a candy bar but could not find one anywhere. I went on a quest and came back with a bowl of big peanut M&Ms which a vendor gave me from his personal stash. It’s these little fun things that add to the music and dancing that make DSO shows so magical. Peace and Love, Doc
  9. I'll probably be doing the two Ashville shows. I can't pass up seeing all my friends again.
  10. We all owe Ron a big "Thanks" for all he does for our DSO community. Those few days of darkness should remind us that staying in touch with our friends is so important. Ron told me that the renewal date for the forum's domain name snuck up on him and he appreciates the reminder. I don't know how much it costs to run this forum but in the past there was some method to kick in some funds to help Ron out. Maybe someone can remind us how we can do that. Thank you, Ron. Peace and Love, Doc
  11. It was a really fun evening starting with dinner with Dino and other friends at the Speakeasy across the street then at the rail for the first set which included the best "Red Rooster" I've heard. It was good to hear Bobby Whitlock's and Clapton's song "Keep on Growing". For second set I went upstairs where I could occasionally sit down to rest my old body. The combined "Dark Star>Drums 'n Space" clocked right at 30 minutes. A beautiful young lady started dancing in the space in front of Chris and me which got me up shaking my bones again. "Wharf Rat" brought on a slow dance while we listen to the story of those less fortunate.....after Saturday Night and Brothers and Sisters, "I got up and wandered Wandered downtown, nowhere to go but just hang around" Outside there was a little band playing on the flatbed truck and folks dancing a bit and a few dogs on leash watching everyone have fun. Peace and Love, Doc
  12. Chattanooga show should be a retirement show for me. I would like to see more DSO but my body is just getting where it doesn’t have the strength. Just a few years ago I would have done all these Southern shows starting off this fall tour. I’m looking forward to seeing many of my friends next Sunday and dancing to the fine music played by the Best Band in the Land.
  13. Hospitality for Chattanooga Oct 15.... I've purchased a "table for 4" set of tickets and a hotel next door with four bunk beds..... I don't know who I will miracle for this fun day.
  14. I'm excited about seeing all my friends I've missed recently and the two nights of DSO. This Salvage Station is a nice venue, almost as good as the nearby Pisgue Brewery in Bear Mountain.
  15. Nice sunny afternoon to yaws at the Jubliee, wish I could be there with you …maybe after all these medical things cool down. Music is probably starting there by you. There’s a rumor out down south here that tonight’s opening song is “The Promised Land”. Peacce and Love Doc
  16. "Promised Land", Springfield Ohio Park, maybe ten years ago
  17. Truckin’ I’m going home Whoa, whoa, Baby back where I belong. Back home, sit down, patch my bones, And get back truckin’ on. Sometimes the Light is all shining on me. Other times I can barely see. Lately it occurred to me, What a long strange trip it’s been.
  18. The C19 situation really slowed me down. Going a long time without shows led me to get into recorded music from the early 70s , a whole group of stars which I call the “Tulsa Team” because almost all of them were playing rock n roll with Delaney, Bonnie, and Friends….Eric Clapton, Bobby Whitlock, Leon Russel, J J Cale, George Harrison, Rita Coolidge, Joe Gordon, Claud Ryder, and the great bands, “Derek and the Dominoes “ (very best electric guitar album ever) and “Joe Cocker, Mad Dogs and Englishmen” ( greatest rock n roll tour ever). I will put on DVDs, YouTube, or CDs on the living room system when the family is away and dance and rock out. I do admit that this music has taken over my enjoyment. my last DSO was the two nights at the Caverns. I was hoping to go to the DSO Nashville but I’m afraid this operation and hospital spell has squashed that possibility. If you are talking to any of the band please tell them why I can t be there. I know all of them (except Jeff) from my many years of hanging out around the band and all our friends. I miss Dark Star Orchestra, The Best Band In the Land Peace and Love Doc
  19. The NG tube was removed this afternoon. Now I can swallow without pain. Maybe I ll get actual food tonight. Sure would be good to have some soft grits.
  20. I m getting better day to day. Today I finally got an all liquid lunch, juice, chicken broth, lemons ice, and jello. Before this I had nothing, not even water, for two weeks. peace and Love Doc
  21. Well I m in the hospital again after an emergency operation which removed ALL of my colon. Today marks second week being here. I m doing ok but recovery is very slow. Today’s CT scan indicated the remains of my inside, small intestine, was ok and no additional complications. ”I will survive” to dance again someday with all my friends out there. Peace and Love Doc
  22. The Band is probably in Paris by now, Thursday afternoon. I wonder if anyone stayed over in London for all the ceremony going on there about the Royality. Now that brings to mind a question....Did the Grateful Dead ever play for members of the Queen's Court?
  23. I have seen that a safer path is to not take the interstate exit from the Jubilee. Several years I have taken the smaller "back roads" going south from the Jubilee and never seen any cops that way. If you are exiting the Jubilee by way of the main gate you turn left (south) rather than turning right toward the interstate. Go carefully through the nearby small town and then find your path home. If necessary you can pick up the interstate at a different location. Peace, Love, and Safe Traveling Doc
  24. I heard from a couple other friends that they also have tested positive. The incubation time is said to be 3 to 5 days and symptoms might even take ten days to start so early testing might not show accurate results. Concerning the other item....I wish I could remember making out with any of the beautiful ladies. Peace and Love, Doc
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