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chuckvegas last won the day on December 13

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  1. She was a keeper for sure!! ❤️😃❤️
  2. I remember that one time… 😃
  3. I remember right well. To quote Fritz the Cat, “happy times, heavy times.”
  4. One does not mess with Roberta Lincoln ❤️
  5. Like everyone here and so many everywhere, I am without adequate words. So let them be his.
  6. Good of him to bring up the Great Society too!
  7. a soldier in the armies of the night
  8. There’s a similar line/notion in The Pilgrim. This also gets me every time: And searchin' for a shrine he's never found Never knowin' if believin' is a blessin' or a curse
  9. Dr V Woodpile, Anth, Brent Fan (one of the CCs), the other CCs like you said, Fancy Steve, SVT, Man in Green (he has another nom de plume I think), Hypnotist Collector, Jenna, Capt 420, BandA (going way back!), Web Ed, Grateful Fred, Gus, Gary and Connie, Row Jimmy, Long Distance Runner, Susan Angelina (❤️), Christophe, James!! And respect above all else for those no longer with us. I love and miss everyone more than words can tell
  10. Rob, to say I’m sorry I missed that is an understatement. So it seems like it is time to the long-awaited Airplane tour. And if they did Silver Spoon there's a lot more Kantner Slick to dive into! Here’s hoping 😎
  11. The Airplane was my first love, at age 14 in ‘69. You never forget. Now to really get into it:
  12. Glad to see that the Airplane dream is slowly coming true. I’m waiting for 3/5 of a Mile in 10 Seconds>Twilight Double Leader>Silver Spoon (a little Kantner Slick action). And then the show that recreates:
  13. Things have really calmed down since the good old days at the Ledges.
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