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chuckvegas last won the day on March 14

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    Nothing. Not a damn thing.

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  1. I still have a problem reacting to the content, so let me add here a huge “like” ❤️
  2. Since there is a problem with me reacting to this content, I will manually add my “like.”
  3. chuckvegas

    Wilkes Barre #2

    They are young musicians. I can think of many terms to describe Dew but “dirge” is not one of them. God help you if you asked about Desolation Row.
  4. Frank, good to see you here! It has been too long! Your words always ring true. Doc, bless you. My travel is likely over for good also, and I am thinking in my heart of you and another fellow voyager. At least we got while the getting was good! Rick, it took true grit to post a mea culpa of such depth. There is a lot to say, and I think you aren’t the only one to commit a faux pas or two. For now I will just observe that sometimes the trouble with L is its other face.
  5. I wish you better luck than we had getting them to play Eye of the Tiger at the Ledges.
  6. So good to see you here. You guys truly help carry the torch. Through this world of trouble the music reminds us we got to love one another.
  7. Good way to put it, Doc. You can strive to see the unseen. And sometimes it is best to let the sayable remain unsaid.
  8. I was there for that one, Doc. I remember the fallout. It was a bit much. We were blessed by that show.
  9. She was a keeper for sure!! ❤️😃❤️
  10. I remember that one time… 😃
  11. I remember right well. To quote Fritz the Cat, “happy times, heavy times.”
  12. One does not mess with Roberta Lincoln ❤️
  13. Like everyone here and so many everywhere, I am without adequate words. So let them be his.
  14. Good of him to bring up the Great Society too!
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