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August West

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August West last won the day on February 21 2024

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  1. Since Chuck, Kris, and Blythe made an appearance, I might as well stop by. Miss you all!
  2. Friday Saturday DSO. Lotus Thursday.
  3. Vegas is making the arrangements. That sounds like a great idea. Do join us.
  4. Herdy, Bix, Vegas, and I will be in Maryland all 3 nights. Gold section. We have a huge house rented, that's where the after party will be. Hopefully Scotty and the Daylights are flying in, so we can have live music. Steph is doing well, just got herself a Mercedes Benz. Her and Jesse are living the life they love. Hope I don't miss you this time Sunny. Peace brother.
  5. Get a fucking haircut already Pop- Pop.
  6. Dino sure picked a winner with that one, he's doing a great job with the lists. Always love hearing Ship Of Fools, one of the most underrated, underplayed songs in the repertoire. Moved upstairs with Mango for the 2nd set. A lot more room, and really didn't give up anything sound wise. Thought of HB during the Peter, wish he could have been there. The 3 hour ride home was treacherous in that monsoon. High energy show from start to finish. A+.
  7. I don't think they've done that since the band Terrapin Nation we used to know. And yes, he kills it. Who sings Masters Of War? If I had to guess it would be Lisa, but not sure. Haven't caught that one yet.
  8. I had Disco Pizza, I thought it was ok. Michelle is a really nice person. IMO it is no comparison to the pizza up here, not even close. But if you're in NC, or SC, I'm sure it hits the spot. I spend a lot of time down there (coast) and have yet to find a decent pizzeria.
  9. Just ride Pop- Pop.
  10. You should never pick fights with girls especially one with a DSO Masters degree. Because, that’s right, the women are smarter. That’s right.
  11. 6 PM sharp.There are many great restaurants in Asbury, depending upon what you're looking for. Porta which is right behind the Pony, is an open air bar/ restaurant where most folks will be. Asbury has been revitalized, and is thriving. There is an retro pinball arcade there that is really cool. It's right on the boardwalk near Convention Hall. The beach is very nice also, but in Jersey nothing comes for free so there is a daily fee of 7$ Water temp is in mid 70's. Safe travels,. http://pizzaporta.com/asbury-park-menus/ http://silverballmuseum.com/asbury-park/about/
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