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Tom Banjo

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Everything posted by Tom Banjo

  1. I'd recommend going if I was close, can't beat two nights dark star same spot. Just keep a low profile. It isn't a big let the freak flag fly night. Stay in the lane. Don't drive a night. Enjoy the music.
  2. Charlotte they gave us a little piece of the field. I still retreated to the concourse by 2nd set but the field was nice for a little bit. Most of my friends bailed right away made keeping space tough. I've never done the stadium show in Rochester. Hopefully they let them use a little of the field eventually.
  3. I had a 4 year old tell me yesterday that they weren't talking to me anymore cause all I say is what what what what.
  4. And to be fair Americans on vacation are disgusting drunks. Yes big time generalizing but if we actually educated kids about drugs. Promoted healthier alternatives to alcohol. Simply provided better structure for the youth as a society. I mean at the end of the day good people don't need cops or laws. Raise good citizens and we can reduce the size of the police quickly. Get so drunk you fall down on the street. Or so jacked up on speed you thrash into my lady. Or drive off the highway into the median cause you can't handle your booze. We gonna need cops. We give them their justification. Just my 2 cents. Look out for your neighbor. Help those who don't know how to party learn. Discourage those that can't party from partying. Teach basic human decency and respect. This problem may go away or remanifest itself. Power is a mother fucker.
  5. Venue is awesome. Beach towns always sucks for cops. One day I'm gonna throw an epic Dewey beach party. Not this year but coming soon.
  6. I'm glad I didn't see that. I loved the family vibe. My lady and I had her 4 year old with us. It made the night special in its own unique way. I am also glad some were there to protect the kid. Hopefully the darkness was from your eyes and no threat really existed but those thoughts get no benefit of the doubt. Right or wrong you gonna leave the kid alone.
  7. I'd love to say hello Ron. We will be in town by 330/4. I will have my girl friend with me and another kid who has a name on the boards but does not post. He coming on hard into dso. Been doing full tours.
  8. Is that what it said in years past? We've always brought are own drinks and food to the event. I guess it's time for a red solo cup.
  9. If you can't bring a cooler that is definitely new. Where'd you see this information
  10. Van Morrison way more mellow groove to me. I'm excited for this gig. Long time since we been to Springfield. We drive through Dayton that day and we will drive through Dayton that night. If you still need a ride get in touch.
  11. Thanks for the reply Ron. I'm glad you view it as our world. I try to keep that mentality myself but if you get in my car it may be our world but it's my car. It's not a democracy. Every ship needs it captain. You are the captain of this ship. I appreciate that you listen but you are judge jury and executioner. You haven't steered us wrong before. I trust that you'll continue to steer us right going forward.
  12. First and foremost, let me thank the DSO band, crew, and production team for delivering such a quality and well run music festival. The crew and band work overtime here not just putting on shows at night, but also participating in various side projects of theirs throughout the day. I love these guys for all they do for us. I know it’s a labor of love for them, but at times labor is just labor. I want all of you to know I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. A quick note to Taper Ron: We may not want to do away with the review sections. I like the introduction of place to discuss venues and shows before they happen, but I’m not sure the same place will serve well for post show discussion. Maybe we just need an adjustment period. This is your world and we just living in it. Either way I’ll make it do what it do. The Jubilee like Jamaica, Black Mountain, and Penns Peak to name a few is a must do event for me. I had to strongly consider skipping this years event due to some unfortunate but once again, it became Jubilee or bust. There are just too many friends, laughs, and smiles for me not to come and that doesn’t even mention the music. The sound system here is topnotch and DSO never disappoints here at there festival. One may argue they never disappoint period, but here at the Jubilee I feel like DSO delivers just a little bit more than their average. They certainly bring their A game. This year would be no exception. After seeing the set list for the Wilmington, DE show I could not attend. I must admit I was down a bit we might not get any Pigpen here at the Jubilee. I must thank Rob Eaton and all others who had their hand in the construction of the set lists for the Jubilee. The were masterfully constructed and the contrast from set one to set two on the first two nights was strikingly beautiful. Both nights consisted of an 80s style set opener with a Pigpen era 2nd set. We got plenty of Pigpen. It overflowed my cup and the 80s stuff was played off the charts too. Help on the way Slipknot! Franklins Tower Feel like a stranger Must've been the roses Cassidy Expressway Mississippi half step Corinna Tangled up in blue I’ve said it before and I will say it again. Help Slip Franklins very may well be the best way to open a show. The energy is off the charts. The crowd is forced into a heavy get down right away. Most people at the show even those that tend to other pleasures sometimes generally lock in and dance for this particular segment. The crowd participation in the music and the song takes us to higher places. During Help on the Way, I felt the music creates new pathways of creative movement throughout my body. I can feel myself even now returning to the idea that without love in the dream it will never come true and all that that entails. It’s beyond powerful. It’s terrifying, it’s enriching, it’s healing, it’s motivating, it’s awe inspiring, it’s really not describable as the emotions come in waves as the connection grows. So was the music here. Dark Star delivered this opening segment with such control and precision, but forceful and wild at the same time. The music was truly rolling away the Dew. My schedule got fucked and I didn’t get to sleep the night before, but that didn’t matter none as the music fueled me. The stranger was funky and silky and sexy – just what you’d expect. DSO crushed this big sound 80s song with that state of the art sound system. Cotter, band and crew really deliver here at the Jubilee. The sound production is top notch. I slow dance to the Roses. Catch my breath feel in the connection and remind myself that it’s not a secret that I won’t tell to another that your own lips told to me. It’s the love you shared with me. Expressway made it clear it was an elective. A few in the crowd had to ask the name of that tune. Clearly, it is kind of a DSO rarity. It was performed brilliantly. I love dancing to half step. I have a certain two step back while I spin most I do during across the Rio Grande that I love. It slower, but still maintains a very serious dance groove for me. However, the dance party erupts again during Corinna. I’m still not crazy about this song. It carries no meaning for me. Its fancy throwaway, but the dance groove DSO laying down with Corinna as the vehicle is heavy in the funk. If you can listen to that and not want to move your feet, I’m not sure you can hear right. It’s great fun to dance to and I know many others feel that way about it. Some feel even more strongly to the positive about it than me. They rave about it. Tangled was a great way to finish the set. Jeff and DSO always get us smiling and twirling during that number. Box of rain It's a mans world Cryptical envelopment The other one Eyes of the world Drums Going Down the Road Death don't have no mercy Viola lee blues ---- Golden road to unlimited devotion This set very much hit home with me on a deep personal level. I’ve stopped crying every time they play Box as I’ve shared with you, but I still go through deep thoughts of my dad. Currently, I have deep thoughts of my grandfather. He took a turn for the better, but is looking at weeks hopefully months to live. Here, at Jubilee, I thought deeply of my father and smiled in his memory. Cryptical always hits hard. The lyrics though few are very powerful if you listen closely. They scare me they haunt me, but they fuel me. They provide the basis for why I had to get on the bus. Now many would consider me to be a starship captain of a my own bus. I’ve smiled on a cloudy day, but I just keep on going back to never land. We will just keep hanging with Peter Pan, eating fairy dust, and fighting captain hook. The Eyes of the world was a great way to break the intensity and power of cryptical other one. I don’t even feel like the energy level goes down at all. It just takes on a more positive outlook and smoother dance energy. The fury inside you calms down and you reattach yourself to the light inside of you, which allows you to attach yourself to the light around you. I use drums for a smoke break and dance reprieve. The highlight of the show may have been Death Don’t. The weather we had been warned about slowly started to move in. The rain began to fall. I once again thought heavy of my father. This time I did allow myself to enter that sacred place of sadness where the world disappears and I forget the need to appear strong. The tears trickle down my face and I do nothing to compose myself. I bask in the love and in the loss. It washes over me. It provides healing and its serves to strengthen a love that isn’t gone, but has only grown. He will not be forgotten. By viola lee it was pouring. The viola was perfect to end the first night here in Ohio for me. All I have to do at the Jubilee is look around and I know that I got a friend somewhere. More to come….Thanks for reading… Love is real.
  13. This place is cool. It usually scorching hot outside but great wide open out door venue. I'll be there
  14. I hope we can make a big showing here to show our appreciation for the free music.
  15. I knew your intent JJ. Just pointing out the holes in the dilemma. This music can make me horny but also sad exuberant melancholy. The whole array it's so beautiful. I was never offended.
  16. I find that offensive JJ. Looks like rain. Wharf Rat. Morning Dew. None of these songs elicit sexual or sensual responses. But yes some other songs do. I can name a few shows in particular that took this feeling to the next level. This caution was there. There was also a night at the capitol. We got king bee and love light that night. 70s recreation
  17. I just saw that now after your post. I will amend my plans to be there. I feel with dso you should never miss a free Springfield gig.
  18. If that caution didn't make you want to fuck I'm not sure you like sex. Hell it was so great I'm sure some single guys had to take the next step up from pocket pool.
  19. For those of us not in attendance, we hope you saved some pigpen for us at the festival. I mean wow. Ouch it hurts not to be at this one. Just painful. It looks like dark star and that's it for the other one still in play. Could really use a jubilee pigpen lovelight. Thanks for letting me vent. I'm ready to dance to whatever we get. Super excited.
  20. Getting reports of an early style show. Acoustic first set Frozen Logger
  21. I'm leaning towards 5/26 with an elective on the 28th. This pure speculation. No inside tip.
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