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robbok3 last won the day on May 30 2024

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  1. Rob K here. Very sad news, for sure. Bill was one of a kind and a beacon for the rest of us to search for. Here is an "interview" I did with him during one my pandemic Q&As https://www.facebook.com/robert.koritz/videos/10158207653300170
  2. Sean is seriously talented and is able to attract the best players for whatever he is pulling off in a certain week. It is a ton of work but it never disappoints. Everything from CSNY to Prince to Waylon and Willie. I have done numerous gigs over the years with him. This will actually be the first Dead I have done with him. Clapton, Dylan, Paul Simon (my fave) and on one Glorious night we were booked to do Little Feat and it turned out to be the night the Blues won the Cup. Quite possibly the happiest I have ever been on a stage. Check him out, no matter the artist, you will be impressed.
  3. Donovan sat in with Chris Robinson in Jamaica for SOTW. We did not know that was coming last night. Lots of fun. Great surprise call by Jeff on the fly.
  4. We are of very aware of the presence of the Amazing Giants. They are a Jubilee staple and have participated in a few NYE celebrations as well. Personally, I love watching them while I play and it has the ability to give me a spark of energy. Did you see the energy they gave to Salmon when they were on stage with them? Perfect example there. Seeing the crowd enjoying it contributes too. Great people when they are not performing, as well. I understand and respect not everything is everyone's cup of tea. Just wanted to share my perspective. As for the other concerns people have, we hear about them and try to rectify them moving forward.
  5. The family drums on Saturday night included members of Donna the Buffalo, the mighty pines, Chris Robinson brotherhood and some of our friends. One of the better ones we have had. Having it be mostly musicians creates an excellent groove. Tara Nevens from Donna the Buffalo on Washboard was absolutely outstanding
  6. robbok3

    Milwaukee (9/28)

    Nothing. But Cassidy was in the show the next night, so we switched it out. The biggest differences were minimal keyboard rig, minimal drums and having Lisa sing
  7. robbok3

    Milwaukee (9/28)

    We had originally planned to play that 81 show. Due to some mechanical difficulties we didn't arrive at the venue until 615pm. Our amazing crew set up a bare bones stage REALLY FAST and we based the show off of what we had intended to do that night.
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