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BrotherEsau last won the day on December 13 2022

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About BrotherEsau

  • Birthday 05/07/1974

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  1. Does anyone know if there are any folks streaming DSO shows live mia the Mixlr app? Channel names? Thanks in advance!
  2. Does anyone know if there are any folks streaming DSO shows live via the Mixlr app? Channel names? Thanks in advance!
  3. If one were to do the 5 show run from SLO to Napa it's only 270 miles over those 5 days. Great bang for your buck tourwise.
  4. Does anyone know the cutoff date for Jubilee early bird tickets? Or have an idea based on previous years? Thanks in advance....
  5. Respectfully disagree. I don't think it's the bar. Seen a bunch of other bands there (The Lizards, Eggy, Bare Fuzz) and the music sounded great. I just looked up who plays what and see that Charlie Morgan is the lead guitarist. I preferred the songs Eric played and sang. Ymmv. One guy soloing the whole time doesn't do it for me within the context of the Grateful Dead. Also what does the bathroom location have to do with the music?
  6. Last month I caught Hyryder in Columbus for my first time. I had fun and they are talented no doubt but 2 things that I noticed. 1) The guy who plays the Bobby role basically soloed the whole time leaving very little room for the Jerry guy and keyboardist to shine. Also his voice didn't impress me, but the Jerry guys did. Let him sing more. 2)Kind of related to #1 There was little to no musical "conversation" happening the whole show. Not sure if they were having an off night or what but overall I was kind of dissappointed and don't really see what all the fuss is about this band. Will def give them another shot but if that's how they operate I'd probably pass in the future. If they were booked to play Jubilee I'd likely hang out at my campsite and conserve energy.
  7. Just got back from seeing their 3 night run in Hollywood. Phish is kind of like black licorice. Not everyone likes it but those that do really do. They take me to similar places that the Deads music does. First saw them in 1992 in Vermont. 30 years and 31 shows later I'm probably more into them now than I ever have been. The bands love of the Dead is well documented. On the other side of the coin I know a lot of heads that can't stand Phish. Different strokes for different folks I guess.
  8. Excited for Legend Valley. Will be my 2nd Jubilee after last year. Met some really cool people last May. Hope to make some more friends this time around. The lineup looks top notch. Big fan of the Nth Power, Sam Bush and Bruce Hornsby. Have also heard positive things about Dogs In A Pile. Was going to share an image of the lineup but it seems like the forum only allows files under 1KB 🙄
  9. Yes they did. The Saturday night show from 83 was a blast. Beacon Theater. Rob B said that he was in attendence at this GD concert.
  10. Does DSO usually perform re-creation shows at the Jubilee or are they unique setlists?
  11. Thanks for the info Michael. Looking forward to a fun weekend of music, dancing and festival camping.
  12. First time poster and first time going to the Jubilee. I live about 40 minutes from Legend Valley and wondering what time to show up Friday for entry. I read the notice that folks will be admitted entry at noon. And that people who show up early will be turned away. So my question is if I show up at 10 am or 10:30 am is that doing it wrong. I don't need to be the first one in but I'd like to avoid some of the rush if that's even a possibility. Not expecting to be let in early but assuming there will be some sort of line of cars forming prior to 12 pm.
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