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Wharf Rat Stu

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Wharf Rat Stu last won the day on March 23 2022

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    Bonaire, GA

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  1. Reading these set lists and the reports from those in attendance, what a tour! But, it is too bad that they didn't sprinkle in some Elective Shows. To go throughout Europe and not play: Help>Slip>Frank Estimated>Eyes Scarlet>Fire Lisa singing White Rabbit, or any lead for that matter, Was Lisa even in Europe?
  2. Hmmmm, no Georgia Dates? Hardly surprised after the Thanksgiving shows last year in Atlanta, Skip actually gave the crowd a homework assignment to all in attendance to bring 4 or 5 friends to the next nights' show!
  3. Nope, not I! Stupid responsibilities keep getting in the way!! Hope you all peg out your fun meter!!!
  4. Wharf Rat Stu


    First let me say I hate DUKE about as much as anyone, and still hope they lose every game; Go 'CUSE!!!! I now live where the climate suits my clothes, down here in Middle Georgia, 10 miles South of Macon. In the 2014 NCAA 2nd Round, the #14 Mercer Bears, an Engineering School in Macon, beat #3 duke. After the game, Coach K visited the Mercer Bears locker room to congratulate them! Who does THAT!!! I am sure Coach K has some skeletons in his closet but that gesture was a class act and earns a ton of respect.
  5. Hmmmm, Greg, not sure if Bad Company did this tune. Foghat made it a hit in the early to mid-70's... Ha, I was about to Google the origins of that tune then as I was about to type in "I just want to..." I had a quick vision of what hits may come up and quickly deleted the idea. That would not be a good Google on my work computer...
  6. GD did break this out in 1966 with Pig on vocals. Google it, there is a clip available. Brent even sang this number a few times in mid-80s.
  7. Ahhhh yes! Seen a few late 80s Dead shows at The Frost! Nothing like seeing an afternoon Dead show. The show is over before Dark then you have all night to do, well, whatever it is we do, then repeat the following day. I have not even come close to be at every outdoor venue but The Frost Amp just may be my fav that I have personally been to. I have yet to get my Red Rocks show... Any other contenders?
  8. Thank you Sudds. SOunds like too much fun!! All joking aside, my sister went to this show and she talked to someone who works there blah, blah, blah and she was told DSO sound checked I Fought The Law. How funny / coincidental is that!
  9. Good comments Greg from C-Town. Personally I am glad DSO didn't cover anything from The Mac. And I agree with the flow theory etc. WRT "I Fought The Law", I read somewhere that on the limo ride to the show when GD first played it, that song come on over the radio. Then they played it that night as an encore. I don't think IFTL had any longevity potential and was glad to see it dropped.
  10. Uh-oh! Rude said the "J" Word! I didn't think we could mention "JRAD" here? LoL!! I seen JRAD once, and would not mind seeing JRAD again. I think when they play a song, they play it as good as anyone. BUT; their pre-song jams just don't work for me. They will play a killer Bertha, Stranger, or what ever then they break into a 3 - 5 minute jam that just doesn't go anywhere for me and it is a buzzkill. Just my opinion...
  11. A band named The Rockets made that song famous in the 80's maybe? It is different than The Band's. If you heard the Rockets sing it, I bet you will recognize it...
  12. Thanks Tea. Dark Star > Man Smart? How crazy is that! I wish GD took more chances, or experimented, with various song combos such as this. Imagine China Cat> Cumberland Bluz or maybe Other One > H.C. Sunshine > Morning Dew!
  13. So are we talking about Fleetwood Mac's 'Shape I'm In'???? Not a fan of The Mac but I do like that song.
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