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sandflea last won the day on September 4 2020

sandflea had the most liked content!

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  • My DSO Shows
    Just got back from the Jubilee, but every show possible within 200 miles of Virginia
  • Gender
  • Location
    Hampton, Virginia

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  • Interests
    Beaches, Biking, Busking, Birds, Bikes, Beer, Badongadonk, Bugangasana, Boats, Bb, B#, and Bhang.

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  1. We'll be there. Happy Holidays Everyone!!
  2. My first Bears too, and I was blown away. This festival is all chill, no worries, and lots of naps. We had a blast, and we'll be back. We hope Rob Eaton is OK, but OMG, we had a wonderful time. Plenty of smiles and lots of great folks.
  3. Acoustic opener with Jeff is very nice. Great way to open the night.
  4. We had an absolute BLAST! Really fun night!
  5. We'll be in Richmond and Norfolk - local shows. Really can't wait!
  6. We are very much looking forward to getting back to the Jubilee!
  7. We're looking forward to the Jubilee, but it's definitely been fun to watch the Skull and Roses festival this weekend. Might have to build in a trip out west next spring...
  8. We loved them at Peach - our first time "back". Praise DSO!!!!! So nice to be dancing again with all of our friends and family!
  9. Sounds like a grande time!! I wish we could have been there. Really looking forward to seeing these guys at Peach!!
  10. Hope everybody has a great show! We have a few friends there shaking their tails. Enjoy!
  11. Fantastic set list! I just wish they were streaming these shows..
  12. OMG they sound so great!! Jehovah's favorite choir!!
  13. Apparently they did look at Boy in the Bubble. It's a little rough, but it could have been so much fun..
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