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Greg from Chestertown

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Greg from Chestertown last won the day on March 30

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About Greg from Chestertown

  • Birthday 10/02/1961

Profile Information

  • My DSO Shows
    O.C.N.J. Music pier, Wilm.,De. The queen and Grand Opera House, Birchmere, Electric Factory, Dewey Beach, Baltimore, Atlantic City, Anthem DC, the Hamilton DC, Philmore Philly.citizens bank park parking lot, Philly. Fredrick, Md. fairgrounds, Freeman Arts Pavilion Selbeyville, De., Pat Garrett amphitheater, Bethel, Pa. union craft Brewery, Baltimore, Penn’s Peak….
  • Gender
  • Location
    Chestertown, Md.

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  • Interests
    Finding and collecting Native American artifacts, gardening, boats.

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  1. Dark Star used to play longer fillers. I remember one Electic factory show went until ten after two in the morning. Might have been their first show there. Not sure.
  2. My one Radio City show, they played from 7:00 to 12:30 in the morning, obviously including set breaks.
  3. Or the other end of the spectrum, ccatching a Saturday night show and you already know what the encore is.
  4. Ship of Fools then Terrapin looks interesting. Two Jerry tunes back to back.
  5. I know of one person in this country that those voices you hear are not representative of.
  6. Now listening to exactly two years earlier, same venue, Reuben and Cherise. Crowd reaction sounds like a bust out. Cap centre feeling some love. isn’t that the spot they busted out Ripple for the only time after the fat dose of 1980 acoustic renditions?
  7. That’s a great set list. Yea, praise DSO, as Bill K. Would say.
  8. Was Don’t Do It first time played? I remember that tune from the Last Waltz. Barely though, I haven’t seen it in years. I watched it so many times.
  9. Second set opener is interesting. No show stoppers but still looks like a great night of good ol’ Grateful Dead music. I’m guessing Lisa Was there for the filler. I wasn’t there. Plenty of reason to dance yourself into the dirt.
  10. I never think about the story the original author was trying to tell whenever I have heard it. Whether it was delivered live from either the fat man himself, John K, or Jeff.
  11. I was thinking about the morning Dew recently. My conclusion was that it’s the first Jerry Ballad. Been around since the beginning. Since before there was a Jerry ballad slot. That pace that others are dishappy about is what we love about it. That pace is Jerry at his best.
  12. Thanks, I’ll relax now.
  13. When I try to click on a heart and like any posts, a screen pops up that says “sorry, there was a problem reacting to this content.” I would like to participate but I do not have to.
  14. I caught the original also. Dark Star seems to be hitting a few Spectrum recreations lately. That’s the real white whale, to catch Dark Star doing a show you were at. When I try to “like” someone’s post, a screen pops up that says we’re unable to handle that right now. So, you guys are great. ….. I tried to tell everybody but I could not get across.
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