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DesertDead last won the day on January 26

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  • My DSO Shows
    California, Arizona, Massachusetts, Illinois, Florida
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  1. Happy Birthday, Brother! 🥳 DD
  2. well in this thread, it’s Brent’s final show 😔
  3. July 23 nuff said
  4. Summer Tour 1988 opener First VOTC to close the first set 6/17/88
  5. What a wonderful lineup! Sam Grisman Project is special stuff.
  6. Um, wow. Did all four. Thought I’d invite any questions about Sphere, particularly for those going to Dead & Company. Happy to share anything I can. It’s the best-sounding venue I’ve ever experienced. Then of course the immersive environment and visuals added to that: unbelievable. The band was up to the task, they were stellar shows. DD
  7. I’m just impressed at this accurate and straightforward presentation of the setlist with zero edits 😝 thanks, found
  8. Too many for me to count this evening; affirmative, many.
  9. One guess only! 😝 What does Bobby have them play N1, set 1 opener? I’ll say Not Fade Away. Anyone going to that show? Chuck?
  10. This is elective if that’s what you mean, RD.
  11. There are no seats in the pit area of the Greek; the latter.
  12. Yeah, I’m in this thread for sure. Heart sank when forum fell… Thank you and love to all involved. DD
  13. Beginning to look like me trying to recall Tempe
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