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helpfrankslip last won the day on March 29 2018

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About helpfrankslip

  • Birthday 02/25/1964

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  1. helpfrankslip


    I've always enjoyed it when they do sugar mags scarlet, i think buffalo 90 is my favorite
  2. helpfrankslip

    SF #2

    Everything was just exactly perfect, hard to pick a highlight when the whole show rocked
  3. The Warfield can't get here fast enough
  4. I more than likely would have needed a hand to my car being I have a hard time realizing when my legs have had enough
  5. Yeah that tlmd is incredible as is the jack a roe but it's definitely the ripple That's the real treat on it
  6. Reckoning just might be my favorite or if not then definitely the most played of the dead releases not counting dicks picks
  7. helpfrankslip


    One of my favs is the wooo hoo's in music never stopped after each first line in the verses
  8. That explains it i enjoy Dylan but I'm not familiar with his entire catalog but very few can write songs like him, my brother used to say i wouldn't doubt he wrote the abc's
  9. That's hilarious an 80s setlistl, i would've said to him i got a Benjamin if you can show me an 80s rag let alone h2h or new Orleans
  10. So i seen your post and have heard a buzz going around about it so i downloaded an app on android devices called HD movies and they have all new movies free no commercials, the soundtrack play's so well with this movie but your right in that this is definitely one of the better action movies to come along in quite awhile in fact Hollywood should take notes here.
  11. More than once I'm observing my dog who is concentrating on something i can't see and after a few minutes he starts growling and getting agitated at this something that's not there, I've heard stories about this trait in canines but now I've seen it and it really freaked me out
  12. I remember that do you wanna dance!if i remember right(which is seldom) they also did the banana boat song.
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