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  • My DSO Shows
    See 'em 5-6x a yr since '12. Denver. Boulder. Pompano. JITS 3. Jubille x2. Anywhere within the square btwn DC, Columbus, Cleveland, Ithaca, and Philly. Maybe more than 6, lol! Brain recently splattered on the walls of Stage ae!
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  1. Where to now St Peter? Not the Dead, but Lisa vocals/DSO. Seems ripe for a soaring guitar addition. Sounds like an acid trip lyrically? Elton doesn't come to mind for a dead cover but this could work imo. I never knew this song until recently.
  2. Dept of corrections in my state requires 2 negative covid tests 24hrs apart before one is allowed back to work. Its unlikely this patient continues to be infectious to others. The persistent positive test results are due to remaining viral fragments in the nasal passages and not active virus. They were symptomatic but never a concern for cytokine storm. They stayed home and took tylenol. They continue to have mild residual symptoms 6 weeks later, which has been reported elsewhere. They just never had a cough, sob, or fever. The dept of corrections criteria are strict. I explained to them the patient is not infectious. They still want 2 negatives before l can clear them for work (liability). Immunity testing would only confuse the situation at this point. Plasma infusion would only be for severe active disease. That book sounds interesting though, thanks.
  3. I just saw this corrections officer who was first covid + in mid april. Still + nasal swab. Never had fever or respiratory problems, just persistent headache and malaise. Cant find anything else abnormal. Wants/needs to go back to work at 90% but cant get a negative test or a day without tylenol or motrin. Nasty bug with a broad spectrum of variability we know little about. Symptom screens and temp checks may help some but nothing to truly be confident about. We need to excuse liability. Some lawyer sitting in the bushes trying to find someone responsible will be very counter-productive. Take your precautions (you might get shot telling others to take thiers) and if you really fear this bug stay home. We will survive. You could get sick and die, but the odds are in your favor.
  4. I understand the fight to reopen. Economy is fucked. But l want paid, heavily armed ghetto thugs and hells angels enforcing mask use. Multiple cases of grocery clerks being assulted and killed by these assholes for being asked to wear a mask. Following the lead of this Menace Your mask helps you most. Not this, my mask helps you, your mask helps me bullshit (although it works both ways). Show some fucking respect and wear a mask
  5. http://www.tupelomusichall.com I'd do this. Happy to pay extra so its worth it for the band. Red cup's & vape pens.
  6. Vermont will likely be one of the earliest states to make it to phase 3. Jay peak could work. Strict, expensive. The band and venue could have a needed payday and some struggling heads could get a fix
  7. Phish at dicks what a cauldron of shit that would be. Wook flu, pubic lice, the Plague, and now covid 19...
  8. Residency (casino's, private farms), testing, controlled enviornment, reduced capacity, masks, social distance and hygiene. DSO has the fans to make it happen. Think JITS with protective policies and responsible heads. Gotta keep the wooks away. I'll do the same for baseball too
  9. Thanks. Just day dreaming again. Lucky to have an essential job and the wife would freak out anyway. Maybe some day. Ive done some sections in NH, TN, VA, never enough to be truly trail hardened though. I do like the idea of a restaurant, shower and bed once a week. I hope this ends soon too
  10. Seems like the Appalachain trail might be something to do during this time. Then again, the logistics of town visits and resupply are really fucked now too l guess. That, and the AT had a bad norovirus outbreak last year, so it would be wise to avoid the bubble of folks that migrate south to north starting right about now. Agreed, l dont know what to do. Another walk, then start drinking, eating, smoking again tonite. Supposed to be in pompano for vacation right now, Arrrrr!
  11. Dream on. I dont see groups of 50+ gathering together until there is an adequate vaccine which wont be til next spring, and even then it will be for essential workers. If we're lucky, we may get back to work (socially distanced, masked) and 1/2 capacity restaurants by summer. The "bomb" scenario in gatherings of folks with no immunity is terrifying, ie the funeral in rural GA, the med confrence in Boston, some party in CT...
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