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count2 last won the day on August 19 2023

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About count2

  • Birthday 04/11/1971

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    Seattle area

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  1. Totally agree, tours have been interesting since Covid. I'd be much more likely to travel for shows if there were 2 or 3 in the same place. I've been surprised that Portland hasn't had a double header these last few years, but glad to see it happen closer to home this time around. Also surprised there is no stop at the Warfield this winter. I'm heading to Chicago soon and usually I'd be able to catch DSO at the Vic this time of year, so no fall Midwest is a bummer, too. The Northeast is definitely winning out overall.
  2. 2 nights in Seattle is a pleasant surprise!
  3. Also worth noting that Space turned into a pretty distinct Dark Star tease. Building up for The Greek.
  4. Also Corrina after Space... And Love The One You're With at the very end.
  5. Forgive the shameless plug, but there's no need to be counting in this day and age. Just go to https://www.gratefulsets.net and do a search like so:
  6. New Speedway to open second set, not Viola
  7. Someone smoking in the bathroom caused a false start to I'll Take a Melody. We had to evacuate and wait for the fire department to clear the place.
  8. First set was something like this but I'm probably missing something. Half Step GSET West LA Easy to Slip I'll Take a Melody -> Fire Alarm -> I'll Take a Melody Big Iron Tom Thumb Blow Away Aiko
  9. It was an elective. I don't have things straight enough in my head to try and write the setlist down just yet. Half Step, GSET, West LA, and from there the sequence gets blurry. Island Bro?
  10. This is one of those things that could go either way, I guess. The two towns are right next to each other. Deadbase shows Chandler in 87 with the wording "new location for venue"
  11. The programming is done in PHP, and the database is MySQL which is a free, open source database that is owned by Oracle. This combination is probably behind more than half of the sites on the internet, including these forums. I think it's safe to say that this site wouldn't have been possible 20 years ago! A lot has changed with what can be done in a web browser. My first experience with Oracle in the late 90s was on a computer the size of a refrigerator.
  12. So you might have found a bug with my contact page, because I didn't receive anything there. But I just made a change if you wanted to try that again, or you can PM me here on the forums. I'll certainly research, and if needed, correct, anything that folks point out that might be missing or incorrect. Some eras have been more heavily researched than others and it would be fair to say that not everything is 100% perfect. You are actually the second person to ask me about Compton Terrace. Because the venues are organized by city, and this venue moved from Tempe to Chandler, there are actually two separate venues. https://www.gratefulsets.net/loc/AZ/Tempe/ComptonTerrace https://www.gratefulsets.net/loc/AZ/Chandler/ComptonTerrace
  13. So I have this little project that I've been working on for quite a while now - 6 years? I think it's ready to share with the world, or at least the Deadhead subset of the world. This started out with the thought - why is there no modern, searchable online database of GD shows? Eventually, since this is the sort of thing that I do for a living, that thought grew into "I could do that, but do I really want to?" It was a huge undertaking, and over the years it got shelved several times. About a year ago I found myself telling @John A about it, and it is in large part because of doing so that the project eventually got to this point. Several folks here on the forums have seen this, but I owe a huge thanks to John in particular for his contributions to the data, and his infectious enthusiasm for all of these Grateful Dead stats and details. The site isn't complete, and probably never will be, but it's time to get it out there, to see if anybody actually uses it. If it gets discovered and has enough people visiting, I'll keep paying for the hosting... but if not, it might not last. So I hope some of you will check it out, pass it around, and have some fun with it. https://www.gratefulsets.net/
  14. https://archive.org/details/dso2023-02-07
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