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  1. Yeeeeee hawwww!!! TLMD! LOSER Bertha >GSET crazy>truckin I was movinnnn fantasy>jude> nah nah nah nahhh nah nah nah Thank you!
  2. Vic81

    JITS 2025 - Night #4

    Once in awhile you say to yourself that was THE best show that you’ve EVER seen or ONE of the best shows you’ve ever seen. but soon you catch yourself saying it a lot lmao that being said, the second set of the final show of the week was up there with one of the best I’ve ever seen. morning dew to start that monster double decker sandwich was something I needed to experience PITB>UJB>umbroken>d/s>imagine instrumental with the crowd singing some of it >last time >DARK STAR>PITB>UJB. This was totally amazing. Dark star was all ready sending me into orbit when we got the pitb reprise and ujb reprise. You don’t want these nights to end but they have to. the whole week in Jamaica is just amazing and I really loved the matinee. Wasn’t sure it was gonna be topped. Something about a daytime show that warms your bones differently. But that last set was something I’ll cherish for quite sometime, especially as I sit here in NY in the snow thinking about my sunsoaked week, of great people, beautiful weather and music that makes me happy beyond words. They are second to none when it comes to re creating the Grateful Dead music and the vibes that come with it . Ending with ripple my cup was beyond full. Dark star thank you once again, much love, and thank you Melvin and JGB!
  3. I Love catching these 60s shows. Psychedelic and loved it. Super fun!! And ooh happy thanksgiving to all you crazy people out there who are extended family
  4. Very special show for me and my family. My wife’s and sons first time here and my 8 month old first show. Headphones for him and a blanket and he was very content watching the kids run and play and dancing with his mom and dad. What beautiful night on the water, couldn’t have asked for anything more. short first set but I said to my wife earlier I wanna hear Mississippi tonight so that was cool, and what a beautiful birdsong. when the lights go down my boy was loving the lights and music still. He made it to Truckin and then we had to keep truckin, he was toast. thank you dso for making this special for us. Great mini road trip for the fam as we headed to Mass for treehouse brewery. See you guys in the fall!!!
  5. When you get these kinda shoes you have to appreciate it. Keep on growing is always good to catch. Foolish heart had a great groove to it but i really liked the unusual scarlet>gdtrfb. It was a great transition and unexpected when you’re waiting for those fotm chords coming in. This was My first time here as well as my 8 month old!!!! This was his second show after we hit up Thomson’s point in Maine. i really like this venue. Has the black mountain vibe a little…but the 4 beer limit is a little absurd lmao
  6. I understand the logistics of this but try to start south at the cap and then head up north. Been a long time bro but I’ll most likely be in Boston or New Haven.
  7. When DSO put this on the tour schedule i was excited. I saw Billy and the kids last summer at the Pier and it was great. The view is insane and if you get a day like Sunday there’s nothing like it. but other than that, unfortunately there hasn’t been any reason to go there for any music. DSO hasn’t been to the city in years, maybe since coney island 6 years ago. Definitely haven’t been to Manhattan in 8 or 9 years. It’s falling apart again in this city but it’s nice to have a show in your backyard. So the day was perfect, sun shining, a cool breeze and Alotta smiles. I love how the guys in the band talk about playing at home. I heard some reminiscing of club wetlands !!! Minglewood and Row Jimmy first set love. Sugaree.. thank you dso for everything as always, it means the world to all of us
  8. Hey everyone! Anyone have any info on this place. Looks super bougie. Is it an outdoor show? I wanna take the little guy. Thanks!
  9. What great show, finally some good weather around here. Barraco said at the beginning of the show the front row on stage was at this show!! The stone pony is cool for obvious reasons but it always gets super packed. A lot of families are down the shore vacationing and they go there regardless of who’s playing to hang. show was incredible. Start to finish everything was perfect. Haven’t seen the boys since the spring so to have a perfect show on beautiful NJ night was awesome. Weather in the northeast has been brutally humid and gross all summer. Loser is a song that I’ve loved since I got on the bus, but when Jeff gives it that little solo extra extension it warms my heart. Kind of like 7/7/89 off the top of my head. thank you dso as always, see you soon back in NY
  10. No word on any of the rooms yet? Usually this happens before the summer.
  11. Late night on the east coast sometimes I would watch pac 12 or wcc college hoops if he was broadcasting just to hear him say the funniest and wildest shit. He always peppered in some dead lyrics, something about being on tour or just talk about Jerry or the band. during Covid one of the games they had cardboard cutouts of people in the stands. He made sure there was a Jerry cardboard figure behind him. His recent special on Sportscenter is called “Luckiest man Alive” and it was a really good. very special to the dead community, NBA and college basketball world. Alotta love poured out for him today. RIP Bill
  12. Yea rude I was waiting for DSO to show up in this article. I was getting a little annoyed at first. On a side note if anyone gets a chance to see Sam grisman project it’s def worth going. Those Garcia/grisman songs are being done very well by that young man and his crew. I caught a show last year and I was so happy went….Catfish John and hobo song were unbelievably good.
  13. https://www.pastemagazine.com/music/the-grateful-dead/the-everlasting-influence-of-jerry-garcia-and-the-grateful-dead
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