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Rbarracoph last won the day on November 22

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  1. Stoned Me Van Morrison done by Jerry Band
  2. Casey Jones and Saturday night part of second set. No encore Extra: The Weight
  3. Neither of those songs were performed on 9/10/74
  4. Chuck, Jeff Mattson band, with lisa and Skip, did all of those just a few years back!!
  5. Ramble On after keep on growing Saint after Sailor
  6. 4 hour show. 3/14/71 with a ton of filler šŸ˜‰
  7. Skip and I Trade off in first two verses and Lisa joins us for the whole third verse
  8. Eaton, Jeff, and I were at Englishtown
  9. Heard there is another spot a few miles down the river šŸ˜‰
  10. Iā€™m quite surprised and wonder where this person was standing. It was massive on stage. That being said, hard to compare a small indoor setting as opposed to large outdoor.
  11. Etta= Force of Nature;-) She changed the lyrics and made it her own Merci!!
  12. Actually, Willie Dixon wrote it. Also done by Muddy Waters
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