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Mojo Hand

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Mojo Hand last won the day on August 17 2022

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About Mojo Hand

  • Birthday 04/29/1972

Profile Information

  • My DSO Shows
    12/29/2011 - philadelphia
    12/29/2013 - philadelphia
    7/29/2014 - atlantic city
    8/14 - Kempton arena
    12/14 - philly electric factory Nye run
    8/14 - Dewey beach
    not keeping track anymore
    Too few to impress
    Too difficult to figure out where I've been
  • Gender
  • Location
    new jersey

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  1. 9/8/88 is when I got on the bus. Would have loved to have been there to see DSO give it a workout. So many Spectrum shows in my hometown. The City of Brotherly Love. Go Eagles!🦅
  2. A life well lived. RIP and eternal thanks for the memories. I guarantee when he got to the pearly gates…..they said we’re not letting you sing up here buddy! Stick to the bass.
  3. Freeman stage would be nice…but I would much prefer a rerun to the bottle and cork, Dewey beach since we’re hoping for Delaware. Love that place
  4. Nope. I had forgotten about it by 4pm. Took my kid to the batting cages and missed a couple notifications that tix were available thru cash or trade because my phone was in the car while I was pitching. Ha. Wasn't meant to be.
  5. thanks for the Bump Bill. And thanks for the advice Rude. I've never used Cash or Trade. Earlier this morning, I had recalled you mentioning a good website for short notice tix. I went through all your old posts this morning to find "cash or trade". Oh well....Not feeling optimistic. Probably will just end up throwing batting practice to my 13 year old tonight.
  6. The ups and downs of life. Spur of the moment. Yahoo....I can go to Red Bank tonight. There's no tickets available.....bummer. Gladly buy an extra if anyone has it.
  7. As is the case with others in the band......Hunter had lost his fastball or clearly mailed it in when he came up with Samba in the Rain lyrics. These lyrics are cliche, elementary, and an appeal to the least common denominator. Velnick was clearly not a good choice to replace Brent. His songs were horrible and his vice was awful. Luckily, history has not judged the Grateful Dead on their efforts such as Samba In the Rain, Long Way to Go Home, Eternity, Easy Answers, and Wave to the Wind. New songs in the mid 90's were tough to endure. Interestingly......as the story goes, Jerry was the member who was most disinterested in the mid 90's. Yet, in my opinion, he seemed to be the only one introducing music with some level of integrity and awareness of the standards that had been established over previous decades. So Many Roads is a classic. I think Days Between holds up as a solid Jerry ballad. Given more time, I think Lazy River Road would have developed into a great first set song. While I never preferred Liberty, it certainly sounds and feels like Grateful Dead music, which is a lot more than can be said of Eternity and Easy Answers! Ten and ten is thirty, if you tell me it is so Let's get down and dirty, baby. Let's get sweet and low Any way you call the shot, That's how it's gonna be You can serve it cold or hot, It's all okay by me Tie me with a ribbon bow, Wrap me in cellophane Send me out to steal the show or Samba in the Rain Samba in the rain oh baby, Samba in the rain Let's get down and dirty, Don't bother to explain Don't care if they call a cop and say we are insane We'll keep goin' til we drop. Samba in the rain
  8. I think Loose Lucy was at least 15 years. maybe??
  9. I guess so........ but probably best to keep them marginalized as much as possible. 😉
  10. beautiful night indeed. perfect weather. even a little chilly at night. Touch of Gray Stranger Franklin's Walkin Blues When push comes to shove Cassidy China/Rider Samson Terrapin D/s MIracle Stella Throwin Stones lovelight Mighty quinn Really well played. Stranger/Franlkin's was a highlight. Pre-Drum 2nd set as good as it gets. stella was EXCELLENT.
  11. I read all of just stuff 25 years ago. Such a great writer! My absolute favorite. Another Roadside Attraction and Skinny Legs All are my favorites.
  12. I generally enjoy biopics because I don't know the person's story that well. Examples include; Johnny Cash (Walk the Line), Jim Morrison (The Doors), Ray Charles (Ray), Stephen Hawkins (Brief History of Time), John Nash (A Beautiful Mind), Petey Greene (Talk to Me); Muhammed Ali (Ali), Vince Papale (Invincible); Jordan Belfort (The Wolf of Wall Street) I've never seen a biopic where I know the person's story inside and out like this Garcia movie. Interesting. I really like Jonah Hill in just about everything I've seen him do......especially Superbad, Moneyball and The Wolf of Wall Street.
  13. Perhaps an analogy. I am a huge fan of the Philadelphia 76ers. Maurice Cheeks is my all-time favorite player. He is a point guard and a hall-of-famer. My guess is that he is in his 70's. I would be pissed if the Sixers allowed him to run the point guard in a playoff game this year........out of respect, nostalgia, or otherwise. I am a Bobby freak. Always have been. His music is what gets me going the most of all. I am a musician and songwriter. He is my musical hero. But he's clearly lost his fastball. Sure......I'd love to see Bobby sit-in, but not at the expense of great music. I would rather Eaton stay on stage and play, and have Bobby there as an extra guitar player. When he chooses to take the reigns and sing a bunch of jerry songs and dictate the pace, that's not great music. I have chosen to forego Dead and Company for many of the same reasons many of you have chosen to skip it. And those reasons were on stage with DSO at the Warfield.
  14. No insult taken Tea. I fully recognize that I am very finicky and closed minded as it pertains to DSO. Generally, if they play anything outside of a recreation from 1973 thru 1991.....then I complain and call the band bad names. If they play a recreation from 73 thru 91.....then I praise them with the highest accolades I can find. Seems reasonable. LOL.
  15. Oh man.......I love Bobby as much as anything in this world. However, I actively have chosen to skip his performances for the past 10 years. From Day one of all post Jerry iterations, it has astounded me that Bobby sang Jerry tunes. Bobby butchers them by trying to adapt his lyrical style to Jerry tunes and it doesn't work. Combine that with the slow pacing of recent years.....no good. I don't go to DSO shows to see novelty acts. I attend so I can experience a transcendent musical and physical experience. I would not have been a happy camper if I was at this concert. Most especially if I traveled any distance or made any special personal arrangements to attend. I think it's a great gesture to bring Bobby on stage. But I think DSO made a HUGE mistake by having Eaton leave the stage and Bobby take over. Bobby should have been a special guest on stage playing alongside Eaton, and he should have played within the framework of what DSO does. Instead, they chose to compromise the quality of the music they presented to fans on that night. We pay to see DSO perform Grateful Dead music. What I saw on these videos is not on par with DSO at their best. To be honest, I thought the same thing when DSO had Lisa leave the stage at Red Rocks for Donna Jean. I have no idea what Donna Jean sounds like now. I have never listened to her or seen her post Grateful Dead. However, I do know that she was inconsistent as a singer and her stage presence was a straight out downer. Look at her body language from 70's shows. There's no comparison to what Lisa brings to the table. Why would the band choose to take off half a set in deference to someone else? I don't think they are entirely considering the fans perspective in that decision.
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