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Just read total of 52 Covid-19 (21 this week) cases on CU Boulder campus since move in August 17-20. That’s a campus of 33k. Pretty damn good.
Not allowed to attend. Alas, I will not be adding my positive love there in person. I should buy my own rapid spit testing ,...power to the people! I could test the non NE for admission.
This is a pretty cool link. Right now my county rate is 248/ 100,000 or 0.24%. risk map according to event size. https://covid19risk.biosci.gatech.edu/?fbclid=IwAR0SVeIcxwx9DmCPVR-4X9J_WThz5pTmkRZ-4eVJ2UOwrSEaehqQRvO7RRs Seems like a reasonable map to consult.
I think the shows have made me miss you all even more.. dang it. I’ve got the Monday blues.
Nightryder and Corina!!!! Shake it up babe.
We need to get you on a routine training schedule. Jam band training is essential to successful expression. At least 2 hours dancing hardcore on weekends. Couldn’t these drive-in shows set up big PAs? I saw a parking lot set up for a brass band setup Couldn’t we have similar circles or how about bring your own rug? 🤣 but truly - this... on a field/ Thornville, etc
Hyryder was a blessed reprieve from the end of live music for us since March 4. Sweet freedom. I needed to dance terribly. It is my first love!! Loosen the stillness and meditate in motion. Pure joy! Flight was a snap and uncrowded airport. It was a reunion a year coming; last time we all danced was Boulder/ Red Rocks with DSO. Wahoo! Hyryder is a tight band with a decidedly psychedelic bent to their interpretation. I've been listening to a lot of psych rock of late; latest is Rose City Band. Good sound with space to dance. Lots of Pigpen these two shows, though I haven't a show of theirs to compare it to. Ripping Cream Puff War. I'm a Hog for you, Baby. Good Lovin 4/25/71 style. High Time was so sweet. First night 2nd set had an origami of Alligator>Schoolgirl> Estimated> Lovelight>Viola. I unfolded with it. lol. I met Ammagamalin Crew second night. Good to know you, buddy!
So good! Reading all of this. The band playing. Friends dancing. A new setlist. it’s been such a long, long time to be gone. love you people!!
Embryonic Journey would have been epic!
TO GARCIA by Ken Kesey Hey, Jerry-- what's happening? I caught your funeral. Weird. Big Steve was good. And Grissman. Sweet sounds. But what really stood out -- stands out -- is the thundering silence, the lack, the absence of that golden Garcia lead line, of that familiar slick lick with the uptwist at the end, that merry snake twining through the woodpile, flickering in and out of the loosely stacked chords...a wriggling mystery, bright and slick as fire... suddenly gone. And the silence left in its wake was-- is-- positively ear-splitting. Now they want me to say something about that absence, Jer. Tell some backstage story, share some poigniant reminescence. But I have to tell you, man: I find myself considerably disinclined. I mean, why go against the grain of such an eloquent silence? I remember standing out in the pearly early dawn after the Muir Beach Acid Test, leaning on the top rail of a driftwood fence with you and Lesh and Babbs, watching the world light up, talking about our glorious futures. The gig had been semi-successful and the air was full of exulted fantasies. Babbs whacks Phil on the back. "Just like the big time, huh Phil." "It is! It is the big time! Why, we could cut a chart-busting record to-fucking-morrow!" I was even more optimistic. "Hey, we taped tonight's show. We could release a record tomorrow. "Yeah right--" (holding up that digitally challenged hand the way you did when you wanted to call attention to the truth or the lack thereof) "--and a year from tomorrow be recording a Things Go Better With Coke commercial." You could be a sharp-tongued popper-of-balloons shit-head when you were so inclined, you know. A real bastard. You were the sworn enemy of hot air and commercials, however righteous the cause or lucrative the product. Nobody ever heard you use that microphone as a pulpit. No anti-war rants, no hymns to peace. No odes to the trees and All things Organic. No ego-deaths or born-againnesses. No devils denounced no gurus glorified. No dogmatic howlings that I ever caught wind of. In fact, your steadfast denial of dogma was as close as you ever came to having a creed. And to the very end, Old Timer, you were true to that creed. No commercials. No trendy spins. No bayings of belief. And if you did have any dogma you surely kept it tied up under the back porch where a smelly old hound belongs. I guess that's what I mean about a loud silence. Like Michaelangelo said about sculpting, "The statue exists inside the block of marble. All you have to do is chip away the stone you don't need." You were always chipping away at the superficial. It was the false notes you didn't play that kept that lead line so golden pure. It was the words you didn't sing. So this is what we are left with, Jerry: this golden silence. It rings on and on without any hint of let up...on and on. And I expect it will still be ringing years from now. Because you're still not playing falsely. Because you're still not singing Things Go Better With Coke. Ever your friend, Keez
DSO played Satisfaction on 4/5/14 at the El Rey. It was changed in for Sugar Magnolia. Some guy was up front throwing ice chips at the band first set and got thrown out. Epic Viola Lee Blues! A friend was there on conference and we took my childhood bestie who was practicing plastic surgery at UCLA to her first show. She wore a Metallica black dress with a super low mesh V front and back. Lol. The only time I’ve seen band members before the show out front. Jeff stopped by and told us we were in for a grate show. And it was thanks for spurring the memories .
55 years ago! https://lostlivedead.blogspot.com/2009/09/june-18-1965-frenchys-hayward-ca-lords.html?m=1
Yes, didn't reflect what BJ's has to offer.
Ready to take my parents’ long ago offer to knock me into next year.
local music store stickers. You could start a movement to change the perspective. I’ll send anyone one who wants one. Two sizes. Full size bumper sticker and a 5.5 in one. The smaller is a limited edition as he isn’t happy with the size and won’t order from that company again. 🤣
This is the CDC position. Persons with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 who have not had ANY symptoms and were directed to care for themselves at home may discontinue isolation under the following conditions: Negative results of an FDA Emergency Use Authorized COVID-19 molecular assay for detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA from at least two consecutive respiratory specimens collected ≥24 hours apart (total of two negative specimens)*. See Interim Guidelines for Collecting, Handling, and Testing Clinical Specimens from Persons for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). Note, because of the absence of symptoms, it is not possible to gauge where these individuals are in the course of their illness. There have been reports of prolonged detection of RNA without direct correlation to viral culture.
wow! What a trove. One word: milpa!!! Amazing... right!?! i had someone once say to me that the Native Americans got their revenge with syphilis. I thought for which, the disease or the rape?
I believe an asymptomatic, persistant positive test means (A) you are a carrier and (B) have never mounted an immune response. Since this is a new species to species transmission, there are people who do not have the HLA type to recognize the virus. Your friend’s best bet is a vaccine that takes his immune system by the hand and says don’t you see..... this virus. Of course, he may finally recognize it. Another option would be an plasma infusion from a recovered person. The cytokine storm people who die or almost die is from their immune system saying , “wholly f$&@, what the hell is this foreign invader living here?!? Give all you got, boys.” It about kills them, or does. The best we can hope for is some ancestor handled bat shit. Seriously. PBS styled infomercial; “for more information like this and other interesting facts, check out the book “1491”. “
It is a sign you may have infection if you can’t smell. His shampoo has a nice fragrance. So yes, I would have left the salon at that moment because I care about other people and do not put my needs first if it impinges upon their life, liberty or pursuit of happiness. This week I refused a patient and rescheduled because there was a real chance he could have been infected.
I had 3 inches cut off my hair yesterday. Masked, I went into his lavatory to wash my hands. As I made my way, he remarked, “if you can’t smell the shampoo, you need to make an appointment with your doctor.” Valid point! Checking a sense of smell could be a marker for health, too.
While buying your ticket, fill out a waiver. Waivers downloadable and may be available to others if tickets transferred. Sure would cut out the scalper game.
I’ll sign a waiver holding no one responsible if I were to become sick. I’ll have my temperature taken and wear a mask. Why should my personal life be any different than my professional life?? I risk infection from asymptomatics every day I work.
I see no evidence of the GD ever playing Birdsong -> Deal In Deadbase. The Race is On