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Everything posted by PoetryGirl

  1. Happy Father's Day- you are all Fathers, Brothers and Sons!

  2. The setlists were incredibly crafted and the music just followed suit! It was such a fun, lovely Jubilee celebration. Thank you all who put it together and made it happen. Still floating on a sunshine daydream. Just when you think it can't get any better !! I love it when I am surprised like that. Ha!
  3. http://deadessays.blogspot.com/2013/12/eyes-of-world-field-guide-guest-post.html?m=1 interesting discussion on Eyes. It most frequently paired with Other One and Truckin in 73/74 (11/13) until paired with Estimated in 77 with which it was played 172. Also 73-76 saw Eyes ->Stella 10 times. The coda: Some have compared this coda to the similar “Stronger Than Dirt” section of "King Solomon’s Mines" from Blues for Allah, but it is a different riff. (On August 13, 1975, an actual “Stronger Than Dirt” follows “Eyes.”) Others have compared the coda to "Slipknot!" Interestingly, on June 20, 1974, the coda segued into an early version of “Slipknot!” and then into "China Doll." 😆
  4. Good gracious this train jumped the rail on Saturday. I believe there were several trains jumping the tracks. It was like - yes, we will build it, it will be good, we will drive the shit of it and if we crash, then tomorrow we will build a better train and drive the shit out of it again. ha-HA!
  5. Good Vibe force field was well done ! No rain between 10-4;00am .
  6. Happy Birthday bubble maker! Your bubbles made yesterday special. We made our own. Some ran through the stream like fish in the filter bubbles surfing. It was a great hippie bath. The driftin bubbles were like being under the sea. Hanging in the aquarium
  7. Aw - we were on the green rug and the disco lemonade tablecloth yelling F*** Yeah. I was one of those people. 8:30..... near tapers.
  8. Green rug right side stage 8:15 John Nixon photography
  9. Rumpke played an early slot on Saturday on stage. It was a beautiful day! Sunny and cool breezes to be found with spells of warmi sunshine to dry some mud for firmer ground. Owsley County had Lisa Mackey play solid harmonica for a song and overall delivered a lovely way to start the afternoon. Love ❤️ in the afternoon ...,Jeff Mattson and friends mixed in originals with covers of Jefferson airplane, the Louven brothers "the Great Atomic Power " , a nice song with the refrain "that's all".
  10. I found out what was played last night and posted in tour dates calendar for Keene. I posted under comments. I can't leave a "review" as I wasn't in attendance and the rating system requires a choice of stars, even if I declined attending. Something to consider,
  11. Hello TR! 😀 i notice the events have places for comments and reviews. I am left wondering how and what would be the best use. We have a DSO reviews section. What vision around this feature do we need, or do you foresee? My mind goes to relegating venue and show specific info, reserving long or pointed reviews for the DSO reviews section. Like - "Cap center night two will be the recreation of 8/21/72", AND Maybe recommendations about the venue- i.e." Parking difficult, great floor space, crowded but dance space can be found, etc.-" OR even " live streaming tonight on ....." This could preclude creation of topics to talk about these things. I am thinking in the past under Open Discussion or Kitchen Table such a topic was opened for iPenn's Peak to warn of chance of road blocks leading to venue. This would be the perfect place under Tour Dates Calendar to post such info and comments.
  12. Wake up to find out that you are the eyes of the world!

  13. I found the golden ticket!

  14. Heading to the Promised Land! Going to see the Prophet on the burning shore. Ready to boogie down.

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