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Weather Command

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Everything posted by Weather Command

  1. ...other times I can bear .....ly see....
  2. Loved the 11 shows I saw but Huntington first night wins the prize for me....hard to choose but this elective paved the way! Thanks DSO and crew..You guys/gal make it happen for us GD snobs!!! Happy Holidaze! See you in Albany!
  3. Sick show!! One I will remember....for a long time
  4. pretty CERTAIN this has been done several times before but indeed, sick! Especially in that slot! prolly wrong here, but am wondering if I heard TN do this one at one point some years back? Anyone?
  5. dude, you know I'm here to help..its bix,,, touch base if you want to chat..love you bro. halloween was best d & c show ive seen to date..easy
  6. ..KEEP going...Welmont is packed with talkers so glad you were able to pay attention...SO many good ones..
  7. they cant make it to salt lake buddy...you'll be waiting...maybe forever. and, SLC always has a good crowd...in fact, i remember a time where they did 2 nights there... dude, as long as your posse is with you, im in...i don't care if they push me out of the way either,,,,which they do..often...
  8. Weather Command


    prolly the best dancin ive ever seen live...
  9. literally flailing/dancing on the rail.....grate venue....next night in indy, grate room as well...
  10. Praying for this!!! Miss my friend!
  11. ...never ever but more tickets than you need thru axs....pain in the ass
  12. make an effort..get rewarded!!! Wow! Poor folks that couldn't hang around for filler!!!!
  13. Decided about 5 months ago to attend Mountain Sol Festy in Felton, CA...essentially Santa Cruz mountains....GRANOLA central.....easily the most hippy vibe I've even been apart of Ran into JK...so glad he has found a home with JGB....sick shit...He needs to be turned up..reminded me of Furthur a bit but Phil wasn't there? Next night GGW was loud and on point....must mention Billy Strings and Turquaz...Turquaz is amazing!!! Then onto Bobby and Wolf Bros....so raw, so good...the dance was epic....saw some dso peeps and the Bobby tour friends of course...need to go out west more often...energy there is REAL! Bobby ended night with Brokedown..only hours before RH's death...so sad but what timing.....We will miss him so much but songs are forever!!!!! LOVE
  14. ...really hard to explain how great this band really is....Red Rocks is mind blowing...so many of my bestest friends were unable to attend and were sorely missed....you know who you are! Lets plan on next year ..please!! There has to be 500 people I've met over the years who are close friends....we all know we cannot always make it to every show but this one(s) are can't misses!!! Love to you all!!
  15. Your crew makes it even more than it is..tonight was one of the best dancing sessions EVER!!!
  16. Having difficulty getting tickets ( prepaid for ) from axis for RR show...is it just me?
  17. Sorry for late response...theyre gone...been gone...just do t check.in here much anymore
  18. I never look at the setlist beforehand...but, have an idea of what might be played..total buzz kill when they announce the show...
  19. One of the 10 shows I saw this tour...the best dancing experience for me.....lotta tension at show..cops and dogs..venue was not my favorite.
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