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Everything posted by Nolongerhere

  1. Beginning my countdown to my 8th Jubilee. Last year I camped in GA for the first time since like 2012. It was fine. I got a decent spot with some shade. THat being said, it took a couple of hours to get set up as I made several trips back to the car to grab my stuff. That inspired me to spring for VIP tickets this year. I camped in All Good 2012 VIP at legend Valley, but never for Jubilee. How hard is it to get shaded spots in VIP, especially if I'm arriving in the afternoon? Any one have experience or details/tips tricks on VIP camping?
  2. Rude, here is a solution from a guy who needed someone to handle his workload: https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2013/01/16/169528579/outsourced-employee-sends-own-job-to-china-surfs-web
  3. I’ve always had an irrational fondness for Fall Tour 1983 and this show in particular. Awesome .
  4. That's fun. I've always loved Fall 79 shows, and this one is no exception. The original has one of the most exhilarating Eyes of the World in the post-74 era. Garcia just hangs out on the opening chords and intro of eyes for an eternity, setting up a amazing groove. On the auds, you can hear it hypnotize the audience.
  5. I love the songbook. You guys are bar none the best executioners of it and have been for some time. I love the electives and the recreations. When I get to attend the show, I’m able to transport to a happy place and dance and be free and there are no distractions because your musicianship and professionalism shine through. Thanks!
  6. I’d love a set list in this spirit for the Jubilee!
  7. I'm in dying need of DSO time. I just wanted to go on record and state that in case that wasn't obvious. It's been since October at the taft.
  8. Got this tape in a trade in 1996. Loved it.
  9. Red rug front and center and an adjacent rug to start.
  10. I'm hoping for an elective or 1983 show on the 5/26 and the 5/28/1977 on Sunday. That being said, if the music hot, the style nor setlist will matter. I just don't want to know what's being played on the first night really cause I like the mystery of not knowing what's coming next.
  11. Thank God its Friday!

  12. Nolongerhere


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