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Everything posted by Nolongerhere

  1. After Further Fest Others Ones tour in 1998, we left Shoreline and ended up driving north. After cruising through the mountains on I-5, our car broke down and we pulled into Ashland, Oregon. We parked on Water street, and slept there until we got the car fixed and made our way up to Mt. Ashland. I loved that town. I went back in subsequent years for stints here and there. At one point in early september of 1998, there were like 40-60 "backpackers" and tour kids sleezing around town at the same time. Sounds like a fun show...
  2. Saw Billy Strings in Lexington last night. Sold out the Manchester Music Hall. Last time in Lexington he was in a small club. This time decent sized hall. Awesome show. Wish I could have gone on to Louisville tonight!
  3. Fresh set list! Love it!
  4. I want to go on record and say that I'd love to hear Here Comes Sunshine at a future jubilee/show. Still not caught one.
  5. Just secured my ticket. Doing VIP again. As usual, crazy year and I can't wait to get out and about find some grooves for a few days.
  6. Wow! I love Daniel Lanois. His shows are rare.
  7. Didn’t see this until today. Lee Owen, Stu Allen, Dino English, Rob Barnes, 12/21/2019 Promised Land Althea Me & My Uncle> Big River It Must/Roses Masterpiece Reuben and Cherise Let It Grow Don’t Ease -/- Scarlet Begonias> Fire on/Mtn LL Rain* w/ Jenny Adkins Uncle John’s Cryptical> Other One> Cryptical> Black Peter Saturday Night -//- Box of Rain Cosmic Charlie Show was high energy and lee and Stu locked in early and often. heres the videos: set 1 set 2
  8. My side hustle is being a hit man and leaving during the music after being there a while is still a good alibi, or I had to go assist my children at home out in the country. You decide
  9. I had to leave early too, and I left during Fire on the Mountain. They may have cut a song or two, but here was the setlist for set 2- Set #2: Shakedown Street Scarlet Begonias> Fire On the Mountain Truckin'> The Other One Stella Blue Dear Mr. Fantasy Lovelight Around & Around Morning Dew E: Knockin on Heavens Door Also, not first time they replaced Lee this year. Stu Allen filled in for Lee on July 27th as Lee had a competing gig and couldn't be there. Here's the video:
  10. Ammagamalin, I actually walked by you and I thought, “that dude looks like “ammagamalin” who I stayed with in Cincinnati” but the music was playing and I didn’t want to interrupt the vibe to find out. it was good show and the band stepped up with lee being out and had a good time. Hope you are well!
  11. I wasn’t hyped about the set list (which is what happens when I know beforehand), but I should have known a set list means nothing when the band plays. They played awesome and I got lost in the notes, which is what I always want. Great time!
  12. I had a wonderful weekend, and the music was awesome. Nice to meet a few of you 😉 and until next time, stay groovy
  13. I used to have a Dupree’s Diamond News issue from the late 80’s where the writer essentially blamed all the problems with the late 80s scene- crowds, prices, parking lot, vendors- all of it- on venues allowing beer sales during Grateful Dead concerts. He tried hard to convince all who would listen that booze was killing the scene, but...hard to tell Dead fans what to do. When I drank some beer at this years Jubilee, I thought of him and gave him a toast.
  14. In the summer of 1987, I was 8 years old. Touch of Grey blasted at the speakers at my local pool, and many of us received "In The Dark" from parents thinking that latest classic rock tape was better than the Michael Jackson tape. I love that album, and I love "When Push Comes to Shove", cheesy as it is
  15. I like the song. I like the darkness. Also: I hate Iko-Iko. Funny huh.
  16. Very nice. Been downright hungering to see a victim. Looks fun.
  17. Hopefully you didn't bet that Max Security would win, cause after he won he was disqualified. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/05/06/sports/maximum-security-kentucky-derby-appeal.html
  18. I understand, Rude. I love the Jerry Band material-balm for the soul. However, Owsley County moved beyond that a few years ago. You know what I'd like to see? A band that covers the Howard Wales material, Legion of Mary, Reconstruction, and all the Garcia/Saunders stuff from the 70's, in addition to the JGB stuff we know and love from the 80's. Here's to your Jerry Band Sunday needs.....
  19. The years I fly solo are the best. I love it more than I should
  20. Sounds like you had a great Spring! Not jealous at all
  21. Nolongerhere


    Congrats to her (with your support) finishing. I finished my MS degree in 2014. It was a grind, and it grinded me along side the full time job, family, etc. I'm happy to celebrate anyone who finishes such things. Congrats!
  22. I would also love to hear Victim. A nice dark, crunchy, psychedelic one
  23. Winter seemed excessively gray, rainy, and pretty dismal this year in Kentucky. Thankfully, the sun is starting to shine and its not raining every day anymore.
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