Straight out of the gate the pendulum was swinging perfectly, with Skip dropping absolute bombs to lead the way. Very nicely picked setlist and absolutely amazingly played. You could refer to it as a masterclass in Grateful Dead if you ask me. I won’t go through the whole set but just want to touch on a few things quick. The Box of Rain, the unexpected and rarely heard Two Souls in Communion dedicated to Pigpen, and Bird Song hit me a little harder and I hadda catch a few tears during them, as I spent the night with a friend of mine, who recently lost his father, and I too lost mine when I was 16, the only person we were missing was my best friend and cousin who also became part of the club a few years ago and we woulda had the trifecta. I woulda liked to have been with both of them for this, as my cousin has been a fixture by my side at every DSO show for 20 years, but we will get em next time! That’s the thing about Dead, it’s cathartic and takes you to places where you can be vulnerable and go back in the annals of your mind and break you down to your core, but also put everything into perspective and put your mind at ease. So I hope in some way it did the same for my friend.
Second set I was looking for Feel like a stranger, The Other One, as I know I heard a couple notes of it both nights, and Morning Dew. 2 outta 3 ain’t bad! And that Dew was super hot soaring into the neighboring galaxy!!! Safe to say all in attendance had an amazing weekend including the band, as there were nothing but smiles abound! Praise DSO, the keepers of the flame! Until next time!