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sgrmag2564 last won the day on May 7 2019

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About sgrmag2564

  • Birthday 06/25/1964

Profile Information

  • My DSO Shows
    First Show, Aug 2001. Philly, Norfolk, Hagerstown, Charleston, NY, Wilmington, Richmond, Raleigh, Jacksonville, Ohio, I need to get west of Miss. I dont count, guess, 100 perhaps
  • Gender
  • Location
    Marathon, Florida

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  • Interests
    Things have changed since 2008. I still like salt water fishing, just way better here in the keys.

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  1. Thank you, wow, the first jubilee I attended was $60 bucks all in.
  2. I’m getting a bit old to be sleeping on the ground, so we got an Airbnb. We still need a parking pass for day trippers. Eventbrite was a bit confusing. I’m wondering if we need a separate $25 parking pass for each day? Anyone know? thanks joe
  3. I think the band put this out for purchase some years ago and I’m trying to get a copy without success. Can anyone point me in the right direction😀✌️ Thanks in advance
  4. When Bob and I camped, we got an RV GA pass and tent camped. Plenty of space and they didn’t look to muddy, certainly no 6” tire tracks. I’ve been to all but 2 jubilees, and a few Grateful Fests at the Ledges. Jubilee makes me feel a new sense of faith in humanity. I ponder this question, How can so many of us with a variety of life experiences from the 4 corners of the country and everywhere in between be so loving, considerate and joyous in the mud, and heat? I have never been around a more pleasant crowd of people in my life. EVERYONE I had the pleasure to talk to were wonderful human beings. You said it…98/100 even with the muddy campsite experience. Thanks for the review, it was all you eloquently described.
  5. Any Wharf Rats attending? Looking forward to meeting you😀
  6. I saw that show. I thought the benefit for the Hell’s Angels NY boss’ son he did at The Palladium on June 25…1982 or 1983 (I know the date because it was my birthday) at midnight was solo too. We were going to see Marshall Tucker that night and were surprised to see Jerry playing at midnight. I might be wrong, but I don’t remember anyone on the stage with him that night.😀
  7. I’m getting old now, so my memories of the Grateful Fest/Jubilees get all jumbled up. I’ve seen DSO somewhere north of 100 and less than 200 times starting in 2001. (I stopped counting my GD shows too at around 50 shows in 1981 or so) I missed the first two Jubilees, and one other. What was the year they did a Thursday set with For What It’s Worth? That whole weekend was one of my favorites. It started me down the blue Grass road and reading about the history of American Music. Thanks all, Love you, Joe
  8. I’ll be cuttin a rug in Frederick on Halloween. I’m dragging a rookie onto the bus with me. I just have to keep my mouth shut and let the music bring him home...lol. DSO IN LESS THAN 24😁❤️
  9. I know exactly what you are talking about!
  10. The countdown is really on, got my flight to Cleveland booked yesterday. Excited, but sad to miss the drive up from Richmond with Bob. I'll be heading from Cleveland to the venue around 11 am Friday, I hope to get there by 2, actually, Lorain OH, not Cleveland. I think I missed 2 of these, I won't miss another!
  11. "He who carries a cat by the tail will learn a lesson he can learn in no other way" Ottomon Roman😎
  12. Great Twain quote, kinda reminds me of a show.

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