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Island Bro

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Everything posted by Island Bro

  1. Yeah a March 1st summer tour rollout would’ve been helpful… ready to see the rest of the summer dates!!
  2. I’d say even if the festival is free it wouldn’t be wrong to feel that way 😉 You certainly aren’t alone in your preferences 😜
  3. I just never knew what Grace was up to before Airplane… Cool shit!
  4. Wow just when Jefferson Airplane is beginning to feel like ancient history in the best of ways,,,the archeological digs turn up more evidence of psychedelic yesteryear reaching back just a little bit further than you’ve gone before… thanks for the history lesson, once again Chuck 😉
  5. Looks like a fun one Nice slot for Piece of My Heart to show up…😀 Piece of My Heart> Foolish Heart seems like a rather nifty start to a second set
  6. Did they lay down a filler on top of that fall 77 beauty?
  7. Absolutely… ‘Twas a great way to dive back into the Warfield which I hadn’t been in since over thirty years ago seeing Jerry band shows there…such a beautiful old theater and Cotter had the sound dialed so well for that space with Skip well represented in the mix while he slayed dragons with Mission Control.
  8. A weekend steeped in primo ‘78 DSO in a 100 yr old theater in SF with so much history and soul… The roof was blown out on Saturday night in the best of ways possible… once again the musical journey offered confirms to the cleareat of perspectives that they are TRULY A BAND BEYOND DESCRIPTION WOW ,,,thank you for a REAL good time 🙏🏼
  9. Looks like a beauty Saturday night! I would lap up every drop of that 2nd set!
  10. Hey I caught the Sam Grisman Project over the weekend and they are worth hitting up if they come to your area. Cool combo of electric and acoustic in each set doing a mix of GD, Jerry Band, and old traditionals that Jerry and David used to do…nice spread of music and the electric stuff had some juju for sure. Almost added the Sunday night Seattle show when we heard Dawg would be sitting in with them (now 77 or so) but couldn’t quite swing it. Fun presentation of music from a bunch of 30-something rippers…check ‘em out
  11. Similarly to you Tea,,my first concert was ‘82 and I was 11 but it was for The Who…during their ‘82 “Final Farewell Tour” which is pretty funny considering they’ve had many tours since then 😂
  12. Wow…that’s a big pillar to fall. His music has had a profound impact on me going back to a very young age. I’ve felt that his 1971 solo album, “If I could only remember my name” (which Jerry, Phil, Mickey and Billy contributed musically to and Jerry actually helped arrange and produce), lands in the category of one of the finest albums made. I’d say that about a lot of albums actually,,including Deja Vu as well,,,but that solo album is truly something special… Anyway,,thank you Croz for your immense musical contribution to this world 🙏🏼
  13. My oh my…that there’s a true beauty!
  14. Indeed,,,and the final St. Stephen ever played ups the ante on it even more 😉
  15. Right on Tea and son! Cool footage to see for those of us less familiar with the sport…your son is rocking it!
  16. Classic tape… Kind of pandemonium on stage as they try to relay to the docs out in the crowd where the woman in labor is located… Finally Bobby is like, “Well,,somewhere around here a lady is giving birth”,,,,and then the music kicks back in . so somewhere out there there’s a person that was born in Golden gate park at that unusual 75 show…!
  17. What an amazing adventure this band has been on!!
  18. Big hugs to ya Doc!! I look forward to seeing your smiling face on the dance floor out there somewhere before too long!
  19. What did they play in Minneapolis last night??
  20. The dude definitely had something going on… Thanks Jerry
  21. Yeah it seems to be leaning towards Warf but think we would just stay in the city and not rent a car though that Lake Tahoe scene could be some fun for sure Haven’t been to the Warfield since back seeing Jerry Band in early 90’s…sweet theater from the bits and pieces I can remember 🤓
  22. Vacillating between the 3 Colorado vs Warfield…gonna be one or the other but not both….hmmmmm…. Looking forward to when they start doing multi-night runs at Mission ballroom in Denver,,,place sounds awesome. Was imagining the typical pre-Covid February run starting up in the NW…but….once again facing how things change over time…
  23. Caught Grateful Shred last night in Seattle…well named band…great vibes and jams Loose dudes, ready to rip They play again tonight and So does Bobby and wolf bros which I’ve been wavering on but I think we finally figured out our strategy… Get cheapest tix we can find for Bobby at Paramount theater (glad we didn’t already buy anything),,sit and pay homage to Bobby and enjoy the old ornate theater (while visualizing DSO bumping up to there from the Showbox at some point),,take off at set break so we can catch all of grateful shred and DANCE the night away…! Should be a well rounded night 😎 Shred is playing night 9 tonight out of 10 days up the west coast…like old school DSO days when everyone was a bit younger..!!!
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