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Island Bro

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Everything posted by Island Bro

  1. Island Bro

    JITS 2024 #4

    Now how could that not be a big ol’ bundle of fun?!? 🤩
  2. Island Bro

    JITS 2024 #2

    Woo hoo!!! welcome to your new little one! Definitely the best of reasons to be missing the beach shows…enjoy meeting your new family member tomorrow!! 🤩
  3. That must’ve been thoroughly enjoyable 😄
  4. Thoroughly appreciated that stream,,Thanks again Tea, for the tip-off about that a few days back. Fantastic show,,tore it up dancing all of second set in the living room,, Noting there was a pretty clear Tomorrow Never Knows (?) instrumental jam coming out of space after drums before the drop into Mr Fantasy. Thought we might get dosed with Hey Jude after that but clearly they had a lot of other material to get chomping on… huge thanks for that stream!
  5. Cool that DSO is headlining this year… Wondering if that means they get 3 nights this year…? At least 2 nights for sure I would think…
  6. That is indeeed a fact. Im glad there are many other bands out there exploring this music and also glad that some of them are worth going to see live… And yeah, Tea,,,more DSO streams would be most welcome 😉 And more double and triple headers would also be most welcome on the tours these days,,as I’ve said many times before…but maybe that conversation belongs in a different thread 😆
  7. Cool,,see what you think,,should be a good night. I caught them Friday night and then Terrapin Flyer on Sunday night so it was an interesting weekend of two different GD bands. I had seen Terrapin Flyer once before and Melvin played with them,,but overall I enjoyed them more this time around. First set was JGB and second set all GD…kinda think overall I’d lean a bit more toward Terrapin Flyer over Zach Nugent as the jams felt a bit more sophisticated if that’s the right word… But they are both bands I’d enjoy seeing again when it lines up. However I’d say that other than DSO I’m most interested in catching some more live shows with Grateful Shred and Hyryder…keeping both of those bands on the radar for sure…
  8. I hear that fer sure… im definitely as much of a 69 slut as you are and I’d be disappointed if I just barely missed one . Could see them drop another Pigpen in your run,,,maybe a ‘71,,,but I guess you’ll get a lot of other goodies out of yer 6-pack no matter what 😉
  9. Zach Nugent’s Dead Set Had a fun Friday night with these guys. Didn’t realize Sunshine Becker (Furthur backup vocalist) was gonna be singing with them. A solid, young shredding band well worth catching when in the area. The dude on keys/organ is someone to keep an eye on in the coming years… Good stuff!
  10. Ahhhh…nice work Count2!!! Stoked you are releasing the ponies out into the world… Your work and countless hours on this project offer something that is truly fun, useful, and fascinating for all deadheads to explore and learn from… Thank you!!
  11. What did they play for the Saturday night show?
  12. Rude,,I’ll try and keep an open mind about oysters from other regions but I do hope I get to introduce you to some super freshies from Hood Canal and Willapa Bay out in Western Wa….top notch bi-valve mollusks I must say…
  13. Looking like it’s gonna dry out and be quite WARM this time around…
  14. Stoked the see that the Capitol Theater shows will be streamed this weekend… $20 bucks for both shows and you can watch them for a week… thank you
  15. Now this one is out of the bag for late July: 50 yr anniversary of Watkins Glen; https://wonderlandforest.com DSO along with an Allman Bros band and The Band, band… should be hoot!!
  16. I would be all over heading to these unique shows…always pining for a 3-pack, anywhere…especially out west in a beautiful and unique spot but gosh darn it this the only weekend that I’m fully committed to for Oregon Country Fair (DSO and members have played there in years gone by)…a soul nourishing event that I’ve been on board for since my first in ‘88… I sure wish Jackson hole landed the following weekend but alas…that’s how it goes sometimes! clearly will be a unique and magical weekend!
  17. Though not from the band,,here’s some solid confirmation for ya: https://snowkingmountain.com/king-concerts/ maybe official band announcements by June? 😂 oh and tix went on sale today! Just follow the link above…Looks like $120 for 3 day pass for GA 😉
  18. I do think they are extremely talented musicians and a tightness to the band that I can appreciate but their music never hooked me…lacking in some sort of depth and/or soul. I’m glad so many people enjoy them, but not my thing. Agree with Mango that String Cheese actually does something for me and can fully enjoy what they have to offer and the dance culture around that band though my live hits of that have been limited. Overall,,would rather go catch a really hot funk band for non GD music experience
  19. I’d say hire Hardpan for logistics and tour announcements…I mean,,,he’s quicker than anyone else in this case! Seriously…early May…and still July dates and other summer shows yet to be announced?! This year looking like a C- for getting the full summer tour sched rolled out…I know there’s tons of details to be pinned down and more than I can understand about show announcements but most people have already locked in their summer plans and spent $ for shows and festivals…not to whine,,but……. oh well,,the shows will be kicking ass anyway.
  20. $187 for all those shows (17 cds) in a box set doesn’t seem too unreasonable. Cream of the crop stuff in there 🤠
  21. The backup singers/horn players added a LOT to that show…both of the gals voices were heavenly and I loved what the dude brought to Shakedown with his singing… Also thoroughly enjoyed Duane Betts’ contribution and the dips into Allman Bros… Good stuff for sure!!
  22. Was still rolling after the 🔥DSO show…love me some 76….other one-comes a time-Franklins-Sugar Mag….wowzer!! Helluva He’s Gone and the Eyes-Music 2nd set opener kicked ass. Liftoff achieved during Sugaree in first set… was still rolling after the live stream so I circled back to check out Hyryder and see what you guys have been talking about last couple years…hell yes,,smokin rippers for sure…fun high energy tight band I look forward to catching live some time. kind of parallels Grateful Shred in my mind…who’ve also been gathering steam and starting to get out and tour a bit and on my radar. yes,,digging the free stream…very cool of the promoters to choose that path and provide the music for everyone… Anyone know how many attendees? I went last year and looks similar this year from the stream but can’t remember how many there were….
  23. 🤘🏼 about an hour to couch liftoff 🤩
  24. Mars hotel set smoking hot fun to catch glimpses of Rick and Whitney shakin it out to them… I wanna see more of that band!
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