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Island Bro

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Everything posted by Island Bro

  1. I like the idea of Loser…Besides other connotations l like the total irony with ‘last fair deal in the country’ after paying over $500 for a ticket 🤣
  2. Respect to both you guys for taking on the hardest and most important job there is…being a parent! Whether you make it to shies or not I don’t know what could be more important than helping babies and kids grow!
  3. Damn good looking set list…glad Tea got some old school rockin along with all you guys!
  4. Yes Tea…I totally get you…I love the moments in life when things we’ve never seen will seem familiar… Peculiar glimpses into something difficult to put words on…happens a lot within the Grateful Dead experience, thank goodness 😉
  5. Cool hobby Greg…that’s a helluva collection you’ve found so far! May your collection continue to grow. 😀So many leftovers out there waiting to be discovered and appreciated…
  6. Thank you Ron…you help us stay connected to the music and each other!!
  7. Incredible tour end… I wish there were words to describe… Such a special night The vibe heading into Franklins was already so high and then when Warren and Danny stepped on stage it just got crazy and rest of show was just nuts Ive seen some kickass Low Sparks but this was other level with those dudes in attendance… Gotta be the most haunting and intense Dew I’ve ever experienced… I was so curious how they play Take a Letter Maria and they’ve already taken great ownership of that tune and fully rocked it out…they had us so in their hands by the end of second set that it was a perfect time to lay it on us…very fun way to end a show… Our cups overfloweth out in PNW thanks to Jehovah’s favorite choir making it up this way and dishing out the goods…so grateful. And now our favorite Band beyond Description gets to take the momentum of all these sell outs and bust a move at the Greek Theater…hell yes
  8. No time left for filler 78 beauty dripping with brilliance exquisite jams throughout my oh my thank you
  9. Filler: And it stoned me> playin in the band reprise
  10. Wasn’t there but sounds like it was a ‘78 beauty 2/4/78 mmmmm didnt catch what filler was… Stoked for Bellingham tonight 🤩
  11. Ahhhh…stoked you guys got the old school bomb dropped on you down there…figured it was gonna show up somewhere on this tour and was quietly hoping maybe up in the NW but glad you guys got ripped to the core on a Sunday night in Napa!! That filler on top of that show just looks way dreamy… 🤘🏼
  12. Fun to hear Koritz’s end of show statement about an upcoming exciting band announcement 🤩
  13. Dug the stream…crispy clean…such a tightly played show!! Very thankful to whom ever produces these occasional free streams😉 Softened the re-entry coming in from SoCal…got off the plane and was on the stream within minutes for the drive home and rest of the evening… thanks for that!
  14. Dang Gr8ful…you were there too?!? glad to hear you were around and fun to be in the same room with you guys even if we didn’t see ya… enjoy your western musical adventure!! ⚡️
  15. Also noting the let it rock was super smokin hot missed ya Bill! Pulling out after tonight until NW but passing the torch off to ya for your central coast /norCal run…enjoy it all man! 😎
  16. Thanks for tracking and dialing that set list Bill… dug the Lisa/Barracco vocal chanting during the Tommorow Never Knows jam….have only heard instrumentals up until tonight… amazingly young crowd in this college town…I dig that…and they were getting down and getting off sweatiest damn Tuesday night I can remember 😱
  17. Thanks for that interesting post AC…yes, firing on all cylinders indeed. wasnt sure they played the middle Playin’ jam between Black Muddy and Miracle found in the original show, but maybe that just flew over my head,,,,when they did come all the way back into Playin’ to finish it off at the end of show it was this precision shift out of Around and Around…not slowly woven together out of a transition jam. They fully finished Around and then a split second later dropped right into the Playin’ jam….just full band completely turned on a dime so suddenly like a well oiled machine. Listened to the original show and it was kinda like that but different—this was better and crispier cleaner, I’d say…(honestly most of the show was played better than the original but maybe I wouldn’t say that if I was actually at the original 😅) The jam out of Miracle rolled out an exquisite grroove with a slow slinky drift towards drums… The Sound venue is so new and impressive, $17 million facility and indeed had very good sound throughout venue. Main floor got ridiculously crowded for second set and retreated to balcony and found solid space up in center with killer sound and view of band so I guess even in a sellout it’s safe to say that good dance space can be found…lots of fun dance pockets out on the edges of both levels… Holds 1900. Definitely better than house of Blues in San Diego and nice to be just north out of the city in smaller town on the beach. The space certainly doesn’t have soul, being so new, but it has a lot going for it….but nothing like being in an old beauty like the Wiltern in LA which is just an incredible expression of artistic beauty…possibly most intricate and gorgeous old theater on all the west coast from what I’ve seen…..
  18. Completely GAME ON show…such a different experience than Del Mar which was super fun, played so well and arguably had better sound in the brand spanking new venue but…. complete roof blowout during Deal after a super solid first set and just total second set beauty perfection…whatever words you use for speechless situations… LA crowd was full throttle and giving it loud and clear back to the band right out of the gate and all the way through and the symbiotic organism fed on itself thoroughly throughout the night…band was so ready to go out on limbs and lay it all down…never recall seeing Jeff quite so animated and playful and literally getting down while slaying the shit out of so many jams… it was just one of those nights…. the Wiltern is such an old beauty (had seen them there 4yrs? Ago) and it makes me wonder how the influence of such a beautiful space that clearly has soul and so much history influences the music… terraced floor so no slope dancing, like the warfield and other small halls I’ve seen that have Eliminated the slope floor for flat terraces….boulder theater comes to mind too… didn’t talk to tons of people but was surprised how many peeps we came across who were DSO virgins in last couple nights. Definitely DandC splillover in there… getting their minds blown I’d say! wow thanks for this full throttle dialed in Saturday night in LA Smokin’ Hot🔥 ⚡️🌹⚡️
  19. Methinks you guys don’t have Sir Kensington’s mayo out there? It just might be on the top of your list if you did… However,,Duke’s we do not have out here so perhaps I don’t know what I’m missing…
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