Yeah Tea, exactly. He started the set off with the acoustic for the Dupree’s and somewhere mid Mountains switched to electric as the jam drifted toward the Dark Star….
And there was Cosmic Charlie to open the encore filler before the Hard to Handle (not before Bid you Goodnight)
That has absolutely got to be the best Monday night this here sack of bones has ever experienced…holy sheesh,,Ventura got the goods in a very cool small intimate venue (640 peeps)
Full throttle all band craftsmanship leading the night through the most peculiar and wondrous caverns of outer space…
Skip was absolutely on fire and exercising leadership throughout the night on so many of the jams…driving the train through such fantastic old school grease pits…
Skip and Barracco were dialed in together tightly and carving all sorts of new ground together and clearly enjoying the hell out of it together…Those two held down and launched out a lot of the jams throughout the night and Barraco fully brought in the spirit of pigpen to the max…King Bee…ahhhhhhhh….Hey Jude…ahhhhhhh….lovelight…ahhhhhhh
Note that this show was the first of just 2 times (both 69) that Pigpen sang Hey Jude…and didn’t show up again til late Brent era.
extremely thankful that our timing included this show on a Monday night after the 2 rippin electives in Del Mar and LA…back outta the game now til Seattle/portland…
Thanks for such a good time down here in SoCal!!!!