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acududeman last won the day on June 13 2022

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  • My DSO Shows
    Roughly 50 since '99......mostly in and around DC.
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    Northern VA

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  • Interests
    Drums, Music, Liberal politics, Acupuncture/Holistic Medicine, Movies, Motorcycles, Modern Art/Architecture, Meditation/Yoga, Grateful Dead

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  1. It's a shame that the refs stole the LSU game from the Gamecocks. Cocks playing about as well as any team in the country right now imo.
  2. Terrific original recipe in Baltimore last night - we were rewarded with a killer second set after a rain storm cut the first set a bit short.
  3. Hard to argue with this Warriors juggernaut. 4 rings in 8 years.....dominate and fricking impressive!
  4. I'm pulling for Tatum's boys in green.
  5. Day one rainy....and muddy. But the music was superb! Sun here today and for remainder of the fest.
  6. Yes! All three of my party! 🤠
  7. One in my party has dropped out of the festivities next weekend, so it looks like I've got an extra VIP-Camping 3-Day Pass. Message me if you're interested.
  8. Mango - I just messaged you. It looks like I have an extra
  9. This is my (57th) birthday weekend, so last night I treated myself to go see Marc Maron at the Kennedy Center. I was mostly familiar with him from the late night shows like Colbert, Fallon, Maher and such. All I can say is that his live stand-up show is outstanding.
  10. Praying for nice weather......the only other year I attended (2015) was stellar!
  11. Scored one today.....all set! Thanks for the advice Rude! I'm new to CashorTrade......worked like a charm
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