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2muchfun last won the day on February 27

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About 2muchfun

  • Birthday 02/07/1958

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  • My DSO Shows
    Riverfront Live ,Cincinnati,OH 9/24,25/2021
    Headliners Louisville, KY 1/22/1999
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    Newburgh Indiana

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  1. 2muchfun

    Wilkes Barre #2

    40 hours in Wilkes Barre was a whirlwind of excitement. Been so long…8 months of no DSO…that Dino sprouted a beard. Venue was an unobstructed view theatre with ga seats and balcony. Sound was great. Even with lax security there was plenty of dance space on first night with a more rowdy crowded in the aisles 2nd nite. From my 3 rd row aisle seat on left had no problem moving and grooving the whole time both shows. First night right in my wheelhouse with a 78 recreation. The set up had most of the band on left side of wide stage with Skip and Barraco on the right side back 40. I don’t think they even had mikes. From first notes of Jack Straw till end of show I was in bliss. Comes a Time was the highlight for me. Drums was indeed a jovial team effort with most of band and others. 2nd nite had same set up with different instruments and mikes for all for elective. HSF, The Stranger and Gomorrah were highlights. Also during Iko Dino sported sunglasses scrolling SANDY (a well known DSO admirer) across the lenses. Seeing her and Vinny acknowledge the gesture was heartwarming. Of course Dew was second set highlight and how can I not enjoy yet another Saturday Night…uh huh. I returned home thinking I know it’s only DSO but I like it….yes I do.
  2. Rick, I will certainly not be casting stones at you as I have plenty of sins on my hands as well. Your honest admissions are admirable. My experiences with L are behind me now but hey we’re both very positive and not so much. I can commiserate with Chuck and Doc as time has brought various health issues. That being said I am flying to Wilkes Barre to catch the 2 shows there cause so far I can’t stop for nothing. I enjoy seeing yourself , Whitney, and any of various kids every time I do. Congrats on upcoming nuptials. Brian says be careful…I agree…watch your speed.
  3. I am prescribed 12.5 pills daily to control me thank you. Oh doctor please, some more of these. GD age diversity is and has been quite profound. What a drag it is getting older. Stones Kennedy center invite also unlikely. On the bright side…DSO Wilkes Barre a week from tomorrow!
  4. Springfield shows were some of the most fun DSO experiences. I cannot believe with all of his contacts Rude cannot find a federal judge somewhere to force DSO to play in a state that has no salt water on one of its borders. DSO can play Kennedy center: the Darkstar—>YMCA—>Darkstar would be epic.
  5. I still have about 50 of my stubs. Used a collage of them to make a gif to print on my envelope used to score Dead50 tix from mail order. 2 are full tix…11/5/77 my third show. Crowd pushed through glass doors. 7/2/95 no show Deer Creek. First stub 5/4/77 my first show Last stub 7/9/95 no explanation needed. The stories this baggie of stubs could tell…..
  6. Show was pre Dino and Rob K…Even Kevin was on hiatus.
  7. Ahhh…at the original…my mom called and said when I was visiting as she was walking over hippies on way to work. Told her as fast as the subway ferry and bus can get me there after the show…Will be late.
  8. Welcome, the responses of the people posting so far is testimonial enough for me. DSO and its community has been transformative in my trip. Great idea posting here. Back in 1977 when the bus came by, GD tickers were not an easy score, but you could get JGB tix for $6 and get first 10rows consistently to watch Jerry and the magic. Look forward to catching one of your shows soon.
  9. Not to put words in AC mouth but check out his post in “seeing the unseen” thread in Random Thoughts…refers to the plethora of Cincinnati musicians playing GD off sheet music. Lots more there but will let AC elaborate.
  10. I second that emotion. This 2fer will end my longest DSO drought since 2003! Yes even through covid caught several parking lot shows. Look forward to seeing you BillK, As far as JK leaving, of course he had to accept Bobby Phil invite. The manner in which he left vis a vis interaction with band mates, or lack there of was an issue I believe. As Rob E stated DSO is bigger than any individual member…proof in the pudding! Only current band member present at my first show in 1999 is Lisa.
  11. NIL budget and ACADEMIC scholarship budget should be the same for college “students”. At very least NIL money or NFL should repay the athletic scholarships the “student” athlete receives. 5 times the amount if they do not graduate. All these monies go to academic scholarship fund. Alternatively, NFL has actual minor league and run it as a business…not using academic institutions to do their dirty work.
  12. That’s what happens when you have AI aka FPI pick the best instead of playing the game. SEC best wins are against each other.
  13. AKA DSO secret weapon…(not so secret)
  14. They never disappoint. Good seeing you AC
  15. and of course Queen Latifah belting out a few bars of Shakedown
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