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    L.I., NY

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  1. A great show, as always….. I just wanted to add how great the venue was…..
  2. Please tell me you caught DSO on your side of the Atlantic?

  3. 3.28.85 Nassau Coliseum, Uniondale Truckin> Smokestacks lightening High Time
  4. Bob singing on Peter Gabriel’s Sledgehammer...
  5. vbf3

    The Space At Westbury

    Never thought I would ever say this, but as good as this Morning Dew was, it was not the highlight of the night. What an amazing hardcore night of early GD music with it all being played loud and with incredible energy. A big thanks to all....
  6. vbf3


    Lots of great moments and surprises throughout the show. Standouts for me were the jams in Feel Like a Stranger, Supplication. and Tangled up in Blue. Also great to listen and follow along as they worked back into St. Stephen after the drums. Looking forward to the next time where ever/whenever that will be.
  7. Flattered and honored to have you put me on your friends list. See you when you come east soon.


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