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Brian NJ

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Everything posted by Brian NJ

  1. Thank you Rick! Not for apologies but your humanness. You have been in my eyes like a younger version of me since we first met. I have always been a fan of mega-dosing for decades and at times loss all contact with any semblance of reality. I can go on forever about that and someday maybe I will at length but that is a life that all but killed me... I will say what I said after the 9:30 club pisser of a show. Not one of us here on the scene, (myself included, friends, band members, crew, everyone), hasn't done or said something that they wish nobody ever knew or heard about at least every couple years. btw This is my 1st knowledge of your transgressions . You live life to the fullest and is there any other way to live? "Though I may not caution all I still might warn a few". You have heard those words from me to you more than once. Please be careful my friend I love you! I am sorry that Nicole and I won't make it to yours and Whitney wedding. Life is happening and at times overwhelming. Rick you are a good person that like everybody else fucks up sometimes. You know I will always be in your corner without judgement!!! You can overcome anything your mind creates that drags you down!!! On a side note if this helps anyone... March 4th, 1995, I was withdrawing from fentanyl from 2 different doctors, a huge heroin habit, seconal from 2 different drs, percs , chloral hydrate, nembutal, talwin and more. I had a hard time walking with a cane. 2 fusions in back ( broke both fusions, 4 herniated discs above that, 6 operations on my knees, reconstructed shoulder, splenectomy, 8 broke ribs, 48 staples... People shot at me almost weekly. I was robbing and ripping off heroin dealers in Brooklyn and Manhattan... 30 years clean! Today is a great day to be alive!
  2. Skeleton Crew, Newton New Jersey: 2 Barraccos a Steve, Tom and Barry. If you have not seen these guys it is a must! Hunter/ Barracco collaborations are very good fun exciting musical productions. Old time Dead and Dylan favorites were done keeping the Integrity of the original score but still making it their own 😁. I will say it again, if you have not seen these guys it is a must!
  3. We were all booked for Anthem with hotel for 2 nights and I just cancelled. On dec 21 I felt a little sick and now i feel like death, Not Covid just a bad cold...
  4. Anyone else have a problem reacting to posts? Or logging in. I always have to log in twice. Won't accept first login...
  5. Greyhead, Jersey Steve, Darby's dad, Row Jimmy Greyhead, Jersey Steve, Darby's dad, Row Jimmy LisaCat
  6. Filler; Take a Letter Maria, Woodstock, volunteers, correction Ripple. A Killer Rob b Mr Charlie! Awesome high energy show. Great soulful Black Peter. As always thank you DSO and crew safe travels to Buffalo and Europe ✌❀🎢🎡🎹❀❀😎
  7. Greg and Chuck love and miss you two ✌❀😎
  8. cnjBrian here, now we need vince&sue, JFolks, RickE, Frankeene, Torin, Little Boy Lost,, Found the sound, Mango, china cats,, cc1, cc2? Tinkerbell, Nantucket, nwnjSteve, Dancin on a pin, Dancin fool, Looky Loo, Dr Barry and more.. Chuck, Blythe, Greg help me out, Who else?
  9. I see, that's wonderland forest. Great place! Hope it doesn't rain like last year...
  10. Where is this? Not on tour page.
  11. Maui Cultural Arts Center in kahalui would have been a good venue. I saw Gregory Isaacs there around 1998 Outdoor capacity probably 3 to 4000 people indoors gotta hold 1500-2000. We would have been there if it was Maui... Flying with the puppy just wasn't going to work to hit Oahu then Maui. Out of 13. 8 week vacations in Hawaii I've never been to Oahu had no desire to go to Oahu don't plan on ever going there. Maui Kauai and the Big Island are my favorites.
  12. You were missed the last time they played there and Thanks for letting Found and I use your truck ✌❀
  13. I was outside the bowl and didn't hear lyrics on beatles tune. I should've sweat more less pee 😞...
  14. Great Show. DSO was on fire with wind blowing rain horizontally ❀
  15. Also a Corrina and A day in the life no lyrics in the second set.. I thought Pompano was fantastic but the words cannot describe this set list in a way that exhibits the perfection energy and vibe of the show!
  16. That was a great show! Mango you called what show this was on the second song that night. If I remember right original venue couldn't be played and this was in an old firehouse. Turned out to be a perfect venue for a 69 show!
  17. Wow. That's how you start a tour! Happy for people that made it.
  18. Best indoor venue I've ever seen dso. Mango See you in st Augustine!
  19. The Anthem is the best indoor venue I have seen Dark Star at. Been there every year and will hope to make it for what is it, fourth time. Great Sound and friendliest attendants/security. One year after I believe it was help slip Franklin's security saw me leaning against the rail trying to catch my breath before the next song and asked if I needed water I said no a minute later they came up and gave me two bottles of water . Later that night a security woman saw me dancing and came up to me, pulled me off to the side, wanted to talk to me, she asked me if I am going to be all right ? I looked at her and realized she thought I was tripping my ass off . When I told her I hadn't taken any drugs in like 20 years she said sure sure but will you be okay tonight. LOL she couldn't believe somebody could have that much fun without drugs.. If you are not staying too far from the venue take Uber there and back. You will thank me!
  20. Although New Jersey gets a bad rap it is a good place to live. It is the Garden State and not sure how I would fare without Jersey corn and Jersey tomatoes not to mention all the other great fruits and vegetable grown here. I have spent 10 plus years traveling into New York City daily, Manhattan Brooklyn mostly. I would much rather live where I live and travel to the city. It takes just as much time for me to go to the city as to the beach or to Ken Lockwood Gorge or many other areas that are beautiful parts of New Jersey. I couldn't handle living anywhere near a place like "try that small town" I get very nervous when I am surrounded by nothing but Caucasian people. Except at a Grateful Dead like event...
  21. Airports, decent hospitals, good italian resturants, seafood, cultural arts and culture in general are a few reasons I Haven't moved to the sticks!
  22. I haven't heard Northeasterners complaining. I guess it's relative to who you have in your circle πŸ™‚ Rude you can always hop on a plane and go see the band possibly the Northeast where the highest concentrations of deadheads in the nation are!
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