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Everything posted by franknkeene

  1. First post in something like 7 years. Forgive me in advance if I am out-of-bounds. Didn’t Ken Kesey and group eventually “graduate”? It’s been 40 years since I read Tom Wolf's book. Allow me to stick my neck out so you can chop it off. I experience that we will never remain in Terrapin as a constant state of being through L. Rather L provides a glimpse of what the Station is like – never permanent, just a glimpse that is dependent on the substance. After graduation I have nurtured those experiences with some other method that does not require anything external, but rather, comes from completely within ourselves. Forgive me, but I will now project me onto you. Like a Terrapin that retreats into its shell, as humans, I have discovered that I can turn the always-outward-facing senses and perceptions the other way, inward bound. For the last day since your post, I have imagined you discovering yoga, although I have never met you…..although maybe I danced in your circle at Hampton Beach. Like Starbucks, there is a studio on every corner. From what I know of you and Whitney, only through your writings, you guys have the modus operandi. Have you ever been to India where no substances are needed for the experience of Terrapin? Even that is not necessary (IMHO) but a fun trip. From your post, I know you have the ways and means. Your openness and writing skills are inspiring. Strangers stopping strangers. Frank
  2. Goodness gracious, that was a beautiful festival, the one day we attended. The lake was 5 minutes walk and re-entry was allowed. Eggy, Lucid, Dogs in a Pile and Keller tuned our souls up for a pristine show by DSO. Funny how I didn’t resonate with the merchandise in the 8 DeadCo shows I attended from east coast to San Francisco. And yet again at this festival I connected and resonated with the merchandise from these vendors. Mystery, the difference in experience. The Adirondack people were/are beautiful people. The venue staff and security were beautiful and the day was crystal clear. Oh, and the music. Thank you to all the powers that be and DSO Band and crew. 👏❤️
  3. First post/reply in years. My dad had the same surgery 20 years ago when he was approaching his mid 70s. The doctor said the same thing about his chances, although the odds may have been lower for him. He went through very well and recovered relatively quickly even at his age at the time. Taking your friends age and 20 more years of medical industry experience, I believe he’ll be fine. since I haven’t posted in years, shout out of praise to all those Boulder and Red Rocks shows. Last summer’s Hamptons Long Island show was absolutely spectacular.
  4. The 4 night New Year's run would be spectacular for streaming. I wonder if requesting/suggesting at Fans Live would matter, but, I imagine the band has a say (financial aspects) along with the streaming service. Sending out a wish....
  5. Time will tell, but the photos of Jonah in the article look better than the younger one above.
  6. Back in the 80s I lived in New Paltz for 5 years and Albany for a couple. I would often frequent this part of the Catskills Mountains for backpacking. Black Dome and the surrounding mountains, the lay of the land, is such great energy. I think Hunter and Windham ski mountains are nearby too. Stunning area with great vibe.
  7. I am looking forward to this, big time. '83 (and 78) are my sweet spots.
  8. @RudeMany thanks, Rude. With all this not happening, I didn't even think of the lot. PM me if you locate. Thanks.
  9. Hey Rude, If you bought the shirt online, can you tell me web address? I need to get my new nephew into that shirt. Thanks
  10. Echoing what has already been said.... three streams into the living room were fantastic. So grateful!
  11. @Hardpan My social media reflexes are soooo slow. Great meeting/seeing you and bro. Amy and I enjoyed your company. Please visit us any time!
  12. @Chuck - after the quarantine let's head to India and Nepal like we once discussed at set break years and years ago (was it in Lowell or Princeton?). Much better timing for me these days. I'm a little familiar with public transportation from Agra to Shimla. Train outta Delhi, rickshaw, and rent-a-car (which btw comes with a driver). @Hardpan If you see someone wearing a blue sweatshirt with "Late Show with David Letterman" on it, that is me. Around the social guidelines would love to meet you! If you need a place to camp out let me know - you can at my place.
  13. Never thought I'd start a thread with a title "Swanzey, NH". I'd often say that "my band" is playing in "my backyard" for the Keene shows... relative to the traveling to attend other places. Boy oh boy, I'm getting literal when I say "my band" is playing in my backyard. So grateful ! https://www.drive-in-live.com/concerts-content/dark-star-concert-drive-in-live
  14. "...it was amazing to hear almost all of Red Rocks get down almost to pin drop quiet during Black Peter" From my seat and experience, *ALL* of Red Rocks was quiet and still. What an experience to be at a concert with thousands of people - the silence and stillness was exquisitely beautiful, most palapable. Maybe the pre-show weather up there (and Hot Tuna) mystified us a bit. ............"Now".......... Thank you to band, crew, and Colorado people for a most amazing three nights of such sweet music ❤️ Frank
  15. franknkeene

    SF #2

    Rob E. I wish you would reconsider 1 in 10 downloads to be a recreation. My most played download of the 2 dozen I purchased is the Jamestown, NY 11/15/2013 - an early 80s recreation. I'd listen to this show 'until the cows come home".... but definitely grateful for what you do offer.
  16. Stay safe Chuck, all. I encountered some winter treachery myself in the UK some weeks ago. It was so rough going, I posted this on Facebook
  17. For some of us, part of this DSO experience is reliving the past. But truly speaking in this case, the past comes up on me- so the past is reliving me. I did not attend the Long Island shows but when I saw Revolution in the setlist I was immediately transported back to the Olympic Arena Lake Placid and Carrier Dome Syracuse circa 1983. Just from reading the set list. This fall tour 2018 has been very special - four magnificent shows for me. If I ever get the nerve to share 3/25/90 experience that came around again this 11/17/18 in Albany, I will. It is ultra personal and I'd have to ask the other person involved before putting in a public forum. I'm not the first person to say, "Praise DSO".
  18. franknkeene


    I was in shock when I learned how close this show was to my daughter's college graduation and our hotel. The Friday night champagne toast at the school ended at 6:30 and I was at the bar across from the venue by 6:45 with my bro. My love for electives is growing - just look at this set list. Although the crowd was really, really into it (few talkers thank goodness), I was surprised not to see any dance circles. What a night! Thanks!
  19. franknkeene


    My voice is for a longer drums and space { wink } in electives.
  20. I became a fan, a deadhead. I can identify the exact moment in the Sugaree that sealed the awakening. Not too many demarcation lines in life as crystal clear as that.
  21. What a GIFT from the band to Keene (and never forgetting the folks behind the scenes). Friends, colleagues, and folks around town were abuzz this morning. I tend to notice the next-morning-buzz after all Keene shows - all of them are quite obvious. This morning's buzz had an extra bounce.
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