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gr8fulpair last won the day on February 21

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About gr8fulpair

  • Birthday 08/28/1966

Profile Information

  • My DSO Shows
    *4/7/05 Charlotte - Spectrum, Philly 4/25/83
    *2/9/06 Charlotte - Uptown Thtr, Chicago 1/31/78
    *7/15/06 Asheville - Greek, Berkeley 5/14/83
    *2/8/07 Asheville - Civic Cntr, Baltimore 5/26/77
    *2/9/07 Asheville - Original
    *2/10/07 Charlotte - Pauley Pavl, L.A. 11/17/73
    *9/6/07 Asheville - Oxford Speedway, ME 7/2/88
    *9/8/07 Charlotte - Original
    *2/28/08 Asheville - Hampton, Va 3/22/87
    *2/29/08 Asheville - Hampton, Va 3/23/87
    *7/3/09 NLQP - Original
    *7/4/09 NLQP - Auditorium, Nashville 4/22/78
    *7/5/09 NLQP - Original
    *2/19/10 Charlotte - Springfield, MA 1/15/79
    *2/20/10 Charlotte - Original
    *7/1/10 NLQP - Terrapin Nation
    *7/2/10 NLQP - Syracuse, NY 9/28/76
    *7/3/10 NLQP - Original
    *7/4/10 NLQP - Alpine Valley, WI 6/28/87
    *9/11/10 Terrapin Hill, KY - Nashville, TN 12/16/78
    *9/12/10 Asheville - Winterland, S.F. 2/24/74
    *2/3/11 Greensboro - Original
    *7/01/11 NLQP - Avalon, SF 4/4/69
    *7/02/11 NLQP - Winterland, SF 3/19/77
    *7/03/11 NLQP - Original
    *2/23/12 Winston Salem - Original
    *2/24/12 Charlotte - New Haven, CT 5/12/81
    *2/25/12 Atlanta - Chicago, IL 6/29/76
    *8/3/12 Black Mountain - Winterland 2/23/74
    *8/4/12 Black Mountain - Original
    *8/31/12 Legend Valley, OH - Charlotte 10/5/84
    *9/1/12 Legend Valley, OH - Columbus 9/30/76
    *9/2/12 Legend Valley, OH - Original
    *2/15/13 Asheville, NC - Original
    *2/16/13 Charlotte, NC - 9/18/88 MSG NY,NY
    *2/17/13 Atlanta, GA - Original
    *5/24/13 Legend Valley, OH - 7/10/81 St.Paul
    *5/25/13 Legend Valley, OH - Original
    *5/26/13 Legend Valley, OH - Original
    *8/12/13 Raleigh, NC - 12/6/71 Felt Forum
    *8/14/13 Wilmington, NC - Original
    *8/15/13 Winston Salem, NC - 4/1/84 San Rafael
    *8/16/13 Black Mountain - 6/11/76 Boston
    *8/17/13 Black Mountain - Original
    *2/14/14 Charlotte, NC - Original
    *5/23/14 Legend Valley, OH - Original
    *5/24/14 Legend Valley, OH - 11/6/77 Binghampton
    *5/25/14 Legend Valley, OH - Original
    *8/1/14 Pocahontas, VA - 8/1/73 Jersey City, NJ
    *8/2/14 Pocahontas, VA - Original
    *8/15/14 Black Mountain - 9/20/91 Boston Garden
    *8/16/14 Black Mountain - Original
    *12/28/14 Richmond, VA-6/14/76 Orpheum, SFCA
    *2/19/15 Asheville, NC - 5/3/69 Winterland
    *2/20/15 Charlotte, NC - 5/22/77 Pembroke Pines, FL
    *2/21/15 Raleigh, NC - Original
    *5/22/15 Legend Valley, OH - 6/17/76 Passaic, NJ
    *5/23/15 Legend Valley, OH - 4/22/69 the ARK
    *5/24/15 Legend Valley, OH - Original
    *7/31/15 Pocahontas, VA - Original
    *8/1/15 Pocahontas, VA - Original
    *8/7/15 Black Mountain - 10/1/76 Indianapolis, IN
    *8/8/15 Black Mountain - Original
    *2/15/16 Athens, GA - Original
    *2/17/16 Charleston, SC - 4/5/82 Philly Spectrum
    *2/18/16 Asheville, NC - Original
    *2/19/16 Raleigh, NC - 3/27/87 Hartford, CT
    *2/20/16 Charlotte, NC - 4/5/71 NY,NY
    *5/27/16 Legend Valley, OH - 3/27/87 Hartford CT
    *5/28/16 Legend Valley, OH - Original
    *5/29/16 Legend Valley, OH - 8/27/72 Veneta, OR
    *8/2/16 Charlotte, NC - Original
    *8/5/16 Black Mountain, NC - 6/5/69 SanFran, CA
    *8/6/16 Black Mountain, NC - Original
    *12/2/16 Washington DC - 3/30/90 Uniondale, NY
    *12/3/16 Washington DC - Original
    *4/12/17 Asheville, NC - 4-7-88 Worcester, MA
    *4/13/17 Asheville, NC - Original
    *4/14/17 Raleigh, NC - 6-23-76 Upper Darby, PA
    *4/15/17 Charlotte, NC - 3-27-83 Irvine Meadows, CA
    *5/26/17 Legend Valley, OH - Original
    *5/27/17 Legend Valley, OH - Original
    *5/28/17 Legend Valley, OH - Hartford, CT 5/28/77
    *8-18-17 Black Mountain, NC - Original
    *8-19-17 Black Mountain, NC - 5-18-77 Atlanta, GA
    *12-1-17 Norfolk, VA 12-21-68 LA, CA
    *12-2-17 Wash D.C. 6-14-91 Wash D.C.
    *4-6-18 ATL - JGB 9-1-89 Columbia, MD
    *4-7-18 ATL - JGB 9-2-89 Columbia, MD
    *4-8-18 Birmingham JGB 3-6-76 Seattle, WA
    *4-10-18 Asheville - Original
    *4-12-18 Charleston - JGB 3-19-78 Pitt., PA
    *4-13-18 Charlotte - Original
    *4-14-18 Raleigh - Va Tech, VA 4-14-78
    *7-8-18 Red Rocks - 7-8-78 Red Rocks
    *8-17-18 Black Mountain, NC - Tempe, AZ 8-18-87
    *8-18-18 Black Mountain, NC - Original
    *11-30-18 Norfolk, VA - Original
    *12-1-18 Wash. DC - 6-9-73 RFK, Wash. DC
    *4-12-19 Charlotte, NC 4-12-78 Duke Univ
    *4-13-19 Raleigh, NC Original
    *4-14-19 Wilmington, NC 4-27-91 UNLV
    *6-28-19 Knoxville, TN 10-2-76 Cincy
    *8-16-19 Black Mountain, Original
    *8-17-19 Black Mountain, 5-3-79, Charlotte, NC
    *9-6-19 Boulder, CO 7-13-76, Orphiem, SF,CA
    *9-7-19 Boulder, CO Original
    *9-8-19 Red Rocks, CO 9-8-83 Red Rocks, CO
    *12-5-19 Richmond, VA 10-21-73 Omaha, NE
    *12-6-19 Wash D.C. Original
    *12-7-19 Norfolk, VA 6-7-77 Winterland, SF, CA
    *10-30-20 Frederick, MD Original
    *10-31-20 Frederick, MD 10-31-70 Stony Brook, NY
    *11-1-20 Frederick, MD 11-23-78 Landover, MD
    *4-16-21 The Caverns, Pelham, TN 7-22-90 Chicago, IL
    *4-17-21 The Caverns, Pelham, TN Original
    *6-5-21 Cola Speedway, Cayce, SC Original
    *6-6-21 Cola Speedway, Cayce, SC 10-30-70 SUNY Stony Brook, NY
    *8-27-21 Asheville, NC Original
    *8-28-21 Asheville, NC 4-29-77 NY,NY
    *9-3-21 Park City, UT 9-19-72 Jersey Cty, NJ
    *9-4-21 Park City, UT Original
    *5-20-22 The Caverns, TN 12-18-73 Tampa FL
    *5-21-22 The Caverns, TN Original-JGB
    *6-17-23 Asheville, NC - Original
    *6-18-23 Asheville, NC 9-16-78 Egypt
    *10-13-23 Birmingham, AL - Original
    *10-14-23 Atlanta,GA - 5-18-77 Atlanta
    *10-15-23 Chattanooga, TN - Original
    * 1-30-24 San Luis Obispo, CA - Original
    * 2-2-24 San Fran, CA (Warfield) - Original
    * 2-3-24 Monterey, CA - 2-3-79 Indy
    * 2-4-24 Napa, CA - 1-25-69 SF, CA
    * 5-17-24 Asheville, NC - Original
    * 5-18-24 Asheville, NC - 7-22-84 Ventura, CA
    * 2-13-25 Seattle, WA - 9-11-91 Spectrum, Philly
    * 2-14-25 Seattle, WA - Original
  • Gender
  • Location
    Brevard, NC

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  1. That second set was chock full of energy and bliss. Help, Slip, Franklin’s is the ultimate party starter and it did its job!! From the slow drippy Low Spark on it was pretty continuous for the rest of the show. No break, an unadulterated dance party for the last 2hrs. Not to cast shade on that first set that ripped from Lazy on, but come on, electives are for the adventurous and we got paid!!!! So love our boy Island Bro for adding to the bliss of this trip! He’s got a grate fam and group and keeping it real in PNW! Me personally thinks dso has outgrown that venue, makes Orange Peel seem spacious, haha. It’s prob the size of OP, but in a city 10 times bigger. Can’t wait to come back! Thanks to the hard working band and crew that bring this joy! You’re the best!!
  2. We woke up at 3:15am at our home near Asheville and by 11pm (8pm PST, haha) we heard the first notes of a killer opening Jack Straw about 3,000 miles away. Wow, talk about a long day. I was thinking about how Rude doesn’t even like to do a 4-5hr drive on show day, lol. Our son moved to Bellingham, so we combined a visit with him and these two shows. His first dso shows! His only prior exp with the Dead being a Dead & Co show I took him to in 2017 that was not very good. He was loving it last night!! Bertha in the 2nd song spot nodded 80’s to me, esp after the jack straw opener. From there it ripped. The Candyman was all melty and oozing goodness. Just love the guitar work in Brown Eyed and obviously Jeff does two. Those flourishes created liftoff!! TJed a raucous throw down and the Bucket kept us nice and sweaty up til set break. I actually called the China Rider (impressing my son, haha) which was more than adequate to get back in the groove after a cold break outside with flurries. After a soothing Looks Like, He’s Gone reminded me why I always yearn for that number! Jeff’s guitar work was crisp and emphatic. Then, the Spoonful>Jam>Drums>Space>The Wheel, wooooow! That was prob an hour of the second set and there was a lot to take in. I chose to let it take me in and really lost my bearings several times. Beautiful Black Peter and my second called song 😅 Knockin was a kaleidoscope of Dylan brilliance perfectly delivered! Don’t even need to say this, but Lisa slayed that Little Piece and left everyone with cups FULL. Venue very reminiscent of my local Orange Peel with all the shoulder rubbing and apologies to bystanders, lol. We got there right at show time to a line around the block but the band noodled and we walked in right at the first notes. Spent most of the night stage right by the ADA section where I had about a 3-4ft circle of space, best we could do. Couldn’t find Island Bro but will correct that tonite, haha! Thank you band and crew for hauling this party all over for the people that love it 😍!!
  3. He hasn’t seen it in a while either……
  4. One of the most deadicated musicians in the entire industry! PS: pun intended.
  5. even if dso is responsible for our hurricane disaster, I’m still gonna go see um.
  6. A ray of light in the land of darkness. An insatiable appetite for joy for himself and more importantly, those around him. Solid gold…. RIP you big, goofy ol’ sonofagun!
  7. Jeff did that drawn out, gut wrenching solo on Loser and oh, it cut deep. Cassidy always dreamy, Ramble was chunky and funky. Big thunderstorm at set break extended it to about an hour or just over. Was really worried with all the lightning they would cancel the rest of the show since we had already gotten a set done. But the cell moved on east and they came back out ready to lay it down, and that they did. Could hear a pin drop several moments in ship of fools, Barroco slayed that just wanna make love to you. Sung in sort of a Pig/Brent combo style. From Terrapin on just a pure magic carpet ride! So great to have Doc on the road again, I did more steps both nights than Rude and PG out swirled both of us, haha. Thanks again to band and crew who worked a little harder than usual with the weather situation. Also Dino announced last night it was the 25th anniversary of his first show playing with dso. Wow. Way to hang in there Dino!!!
  8. The first set was shakin off some cob webs with some solid staples, the sunrise was epic, always love a Minglewood, set closer kills! Believe it or not was super cool. The second set however, was the stuff fuckstix are made of. Holy fuckstix that second set brought the goods. Pretty full house in Asheville, happy for the band!! Great dancin tonite, yeah baby, love groovin with my homies!!!!!
  9. Asheville 5/17 Touch Minglewood TLEO Hey pocky All over now Believe or not On the road again Sunrise Uncle John’s Music never stopped Gimme some lovin Shakedown>uncle reprise Allogator Drums/space Love the one you’re with Going down the road Saint of circumstance Standing on the moon Viola Lee Blues Next time you see me Sisters and brothers
  10. Come in…. when… it’s.. RAAAAAAAIIIIIIIINNINNNG! Often brings a little moisture to my eyeballs.
  11. Non-Pig HTHs do not qualify, haha. With all due respect in that 82 version Etta James sounds terrible. I don’t hate the Tower of Power horns in there, but don’t love them either. Both of those elements are totally incongruous to the character of the song. it does however appear I’m fighting a losing battle against 8-6-71 so I’ll concede the debate but won’t change my opinion. Maybe I could arm wrestle Ed into submission and get him to sell everybody on 4-29-71, yeah that’s the ticket! 😂🤣😅
  12. Ed, stop fucking up my fantasies with your interesting facts and expert analysis. Wouldn’t it just be easier to agree with me and I’d just crawl back under my rock with my soundboard of 4/29/71. 😎😅😳
  13. 4-29-71 Hard To Handle, Filmore East. So after listening to this version of HTH for the umptenth time, I am professing this is some of Jerry’s best work. Still get chills all the way. He slays every nuance of this song. Pig is spot on. The band is in sync. I’d really love some honest feedback on this and songs/versions you think are better AND WHY? I wanna learn, but can’t get past how fucking good that is. (Ed is gonna bust my balls about his fav but I leave it to the experts…., you fine folks, ha!) please, you have to listen before responding, it’s on archive or ladies and gentlemen the Grateful Dead release. You won’t regret the time spent, lol.
  14. The recordings on Relisten are pretty rough including the Charlie Miller (which is odd). I thought the Rooster was noteworthy and was all over the China Rider that followed. My general consensus is Brent killed Rooster in the mid-late 80s and his board made that song in addition to Bobby’s slide. Love that song, and that story AC!
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