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Taper Ron

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Taper Ron last won the day on January 4 2023

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About Taper Ron

  • Birthday 09/19/1946

Profile Information

  • My DSO Shows
    10/27/2000 Liberty Hall, Lawrence, KS
    07/20/2001 Fillmore, SF, CA
    07/21/2001 Mystic Theatre, Petaluma, CA
    07/22/2001 Palookaville, Santa Cruz, CA
    07/24/2001 Ventura Theatre, Ventura, CA
    07/25/2001 El Rey Theatre, Los Angeles, CA
    07/26/2001 4th and B, San Diego, CA
    07/28/2001 Sunset Station Casino, Henderson, NV
    09/07/2001 Tipitina's Uptown, New Orleans, LA
    09/08/2001 Tipitina's Uptown, New Orleans, LA
    11/15/2001 Senator Theater, Chico, CA
    11/16/2001 The Indigo/Historic Sweets Ballroom, Oakland, CA<br /><br /><br />
    11/17/2001 Fox Theatre, Redwood City, CA<br /><br /><br />
    11/20/2001 SLO Brewery, San Luis Obispo, CA<br /><br /><br />
    11/21/2001 Galaxy Theater, Santa Ana, CA<br /><br /><br />
    11/23/2001 4th and B, San Diego, CA<br /><br /><br />
    11/24/2001 El Rey Theatre, Los Angeles, CA<br /><br /><br />
    12/31/2001 Riviera Theater, Chicago, IL<br /><br /><br />
    07/12/2002 Oregon Country Fair, Eugene, OR<br /><br /><br />
    07/13/2002 Oregon Country Fair, Eugene, OR<br /><br /><br />
    07/14/2002 Oregon Country Fair, Eugene, OR<br /><br /><br />
    07/16/2002 Mangy Moose, Teton Village, WY<br /><br /><br />
    07/17/2002 Levelz, Steamboat Springs, CO<br /><br /><br />
    07/19/2002 Gothic Theater, Englewood, CO<br /><br /><br />
    07/20/2002 Mishawaka Amphitheatre, Bellvue, CO<br /><br /><br />
    07/21/2002 Riverwalk Center, Breckenridge, CO<br /><br /><br />
    02/28/2003 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA<br /><br /><br />
    03/01/2003 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA<br /><br /><br />
    03/02/2003 Catalyst, Santa Cruz, CA<br /><br /><br />
    07/31/2003 Catalyst, Santa Cruz, CA<br /><br /><br />
    08/01/2003 Warfield Theater, San Francisco, CA<br /><br /><br />
    05/07/2004 Mystic Theater, Petaluma, CA<br /><br /><br />
    05/08/2004 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA<br /><br /><br />
    10/23/2005 Univ of Nevada Reno, Reno, NV<br /><br /><br />
    10/18/2006 Crystal Bay Club Casino, Crystal Bay, NV<br /><br /><br />
    10/02/2007 Crystal Bay Club Casino, Crystal Bay, NV<br /><br /><br />
    09/30/2008 Crystal Bay Club Casino, Crystal Bay, NV
  • Gender
  • Location
    Topeka, KS

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  • Interests
    Machining (Lathe, milling, 3D Printing etc)
    Building Models
    Web Design

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  1. Brother BONES You can use the "Filter Builder to find anything you want, I'm pretty proud of this feature! I found 0nly four shows that played both songs. The most recent was 9/28/19 Madison, Wisconsin
  2. Did you get a notice that the forums would be down for maintenance?
  3. I still have cassettes, but I also still have a Cassette Deck. When dating forms or or checks if I have written the date of Dead shows (more than once 10/2/87 first show I taped).
  4. Ya know if you posted videos in the Video System, they would always be viewable in the future instead of getting buried as new threads are posted here, the forum designed for reviews. All your videos are grouped together. Furthermore, when you add a video there a thread is automatically posted in the "Now Listening" Forum. Videos added to the VIDEO System are also listed in the sidebar, ensuring they will be noticed.
  5. Sad but true. And even sadder, one of those "don't give a fuck about you/us" Owners is the President. No wonder I'm depressed.
  6. Thor had been thundering around the Heavens for decades, he was, well, Horny. He decided he would come to earth and find a woman, but, she had to be perfect. He searched and searched... He was never happy, he grumbled and thundered He was a GOD after all. Finally, he came upon the most beautiful woman he had ever seen - BUT - there was one thing, she had a hair lip. He decided she was the one. They went through the entire Kama Sutra, and even added few chapters. Finally, he was quelled, as they showered he said to her: "We've made love for thirty days and thirty nights, I should tell you I'm Thor" She replied: "You're thor I'm tho thor i can hardly pith"
  7. Welcome home, Sarah! You were missed.
  8. Ron, glad you put the hammer down on this thread.

    My guess is that there is probably one troll impersonating multiple individuals, stirring up stuff.....though I could be wrong.

    It just seems fishy that there are so many brand new posters in the past few days.


    Cheers,  Reid



    1. Taper Ron

      Taper Ron

      That has certainly happened, though all of them are from different IP's this time.  I think someone posts in some other forum "hey lets go fuck with dsoforums"  and a group of them come over some post others just lurk, then go back and talk shit about us/me.  I've only been on philzone a couple of times they had some really nasty shit to say about me!  A bunch of little pussies that don't have enough balls to do anything in real life.  Fuck em!

    2. acududeman


      I concur.....fuck em    😏

  9. Taper Ron

    Penns Peak

    This forum is for REVIEW of shows and this thread was intended to be specifically about the Penn's Peak show. Since, apparently, there is nothing more to say on that subject it is now closed.
  10. Taper Ron

    Penns Peak

    Yes, that comment was rude but not a threat. I removed the comment and he has been suspended from the forums for 60 days. He has been a member of dsoforums for 18 years and this is not typical for him, which is why I have not banned him for a first offense. That kinda doesn't hurt my feelings, though I don't know what my offense was. "C'est la vie say the old folks".
  11. Taper Ron

    Penns Peak

    Don't know who you think is "privileged" Started seeing the Dead in ' 94 what's that make you - about 30+, I'd quit being a kid a long time by 30. No one from here is going to other boards "spreading venom" and yet people from other boards come here to spread their venom. I/we are just tired of it.
  12. Taper Ron

    Penns Peak

    Just to be clear we all have opinions and are welcome to them. That said Anyone using threatening language or making threats will be gone. That is a promise not a threat!
  13. Might be because there weren't many male fans in the early years. I remember when they released their first songs the girls loved the Beatles ("Oh, he's so cute"), and the boys hated them (" funny lookin' long haired weirdos"). Considering the Amps they used (on the American tour anyway) you' be lucky to hear them at all.
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