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Captain Zap

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Captain Zap last won the day on October 6 2023

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About Captain Zap

  • Birthday April 2

Profile Information

  • My DSO Shows
    February 15, 2009: Lincoln Theater * Raleigh, North Carolina

    July 3rd-6th, 2009: (Gratefulfest) Nelson Ledges Quarry Park * Garrettsville, Ohio

    February 18, 2010: The Orange Peel * Asheville, North Carolina

    February 19, 2010: The Neighborhood Theater * Charlotte, North Carolina

    February 21, 2010: Lincoln Theater * Raleigh, North Carolina

    August 31st - Sept. 1, 2010: Nelson Ledges Quarry Park (Gratefulfest) * Garrettsville, OH

    September 12, 2010: The Orange Peel * Asheville North Carolina

    July 6, 2011: The National * Richmond, Virginia

    July 7, 2011: Greenfield Lake Amphitheater * Wilmington, North Carolina

    July 8, 2011: Pisgah Brewing Company * Black Mountain, North Carolina

    July 9, 2011: The Lincoln Theater * Raleigh, North Carolina

    April 19, 2013: The Crystal Ballroom * Portland, Oregon

    April 20, 2013: Showbox at The Market * Seattle, Washington

    October 3, 2013: Showbox at The Market * Seattle, Washington

    April 4, 2016: McDonald Theater * Eugene, Oregon

    February 12, 2018: McDonald Theater * Eugene, Oregon

    August 18, 2018: Pisgah Brewing Company * Black Mountain, North Carolina

    April 11, 2019: The Orange Peel * Asheville, North Carolina

    April 13, 2019: Ritz Theater * Raleigh, North Carolina

    June 6, 2021: Cola Speedway * Cayce, South Carolina

    August 27 and 28th, 2021: Salvage Station * Asheville, North Carolina

    May 19th and 20th 2022: The Caverns * Pelham, Tennessee

    May 17th 2023: The NorVa * Hampton Roads, Virginia

    June 16th and 17th 2023: Salvage Station, Asheville, North Carolina

    October 21, 2023: The Anthem, Washington DC

    November 15, 2024: The Capital Theater, Port Chester N.Y.

    November 16, 2024: The Capital Theater, Port Chester N.Y.

    November 17, 2024: MJN Convention Center, Poughkeepsie N.Y.

    November 20, 2024: Rome Capital Theater, Rome, N.Y.

    November 21, 2024: Broome County Forum Theater, Binghampton, N.Y.

    November 23, 2024: College Street Music Hall, New Haven, CT.
  • Gender
  • Location
    Landrum, South Carolina

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  • Interests
    Family and friends (New and Old)
    Politics and Policy

Contact Methods

  • Skype

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  1. It was indeed an awesome Scarlett / Fire. The Eyes of the World were wide open too. Great show, small crowd that worked for me. Off to Rome tomorrow!
  2. Naw ... you're just Rude! 😁 Aiko Aiko all day!!!
  3. We did OK. Lots of cleaning up and lots of sadness for neighbors to the north. The loss of Chimney Rock, Black Mountain ... the devastation in Asheville ... I'm hoping the band comes around in the Fall to really lift spirits. The Salvage Station could not have survived and the Pisqah Brewery may be washed out too. All that said ... I'm looking forward to my mini road trip. It's not well thought out, but is was not well thought out when I got on the bus almost 50 years ago. I am really looking forwards to shaking my bones Perhaps we'll meet ... Aiko Aiko .... ALL DAY!!!
  4. Another crazy thought here ... I have a companion ticket if I have a companion who wants to fly up there on the 15th and come back on the 24th. I'll check in here tomorrow and see if anybody wants to escape the Carolinas for a week in New York. $150 bucks will carry whoever up and back Just a thought and still would love to know the good hotels, motels or whatever. Aiko Aiko GSP Greenville/Spartanburg, SC Terminal journey duration 1h 59m arrives on LGA New York-LaGuardia, NY Terminal Terminal C
  5. Which hotels, motels and notels are the best in each of these towns? I'll be visiting friends for the first three shows of the tour, but am going off on my own for Rome, Binghamton, Boston and New Haven. I hate just picking a random place if there is "A Place"! Help a brother out with some good intelligence. Aiko Aiko
  6. I went to buy New Haven tickets and they were looking for a code. Can somebody steer me in the right direction? Aiko Aiko
  7. Hey now .... my ticket has found a person! See y'all at the show! What's the best hotel in the neighborhood???
  8. I'll get a room right there so I can miss out on the hiking and driving. The Wharf looks to be self contained.
  9. The SmokeHouse ... best BBQ for miles. I'll have to check it out!
  10. Thanks Rude .... I'm looking forward to the ride
  11. Looking forward to "The Anthem" in Washington DC on the 21st. I've got an extra ticket, a car and looking to see if anyone in the Asheville, NC / Spartanburg, SC would want to share the ride and a few expenses. Message me! What can anyone tell me about the venue??? Looks like an awesome spot on The Wharf. Should be fun, but anyone with stronger bearings .... what do you know? Aiko Aiko
  12. I'll be driving up from the Spartanburg / Greenville area of South Carolina to catch this one show in DC. I pulled the trigger a little too quickly and will have an extra ticket. Anyone looking for a ride who wants to share some expenses ... give me a shout! Leaving the morning of the show ... Aiko Aiko
  13. Not looking for a miracle team. Just offering to pay face value for a leftover. Either way ... see y'all at the show.
  14. Anybody got an extra ticket for the show in Norfolk ... I'm interested Aiko Aiko
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