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BillK522 last won the day on December 17

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About BillK522

  • Birthday 07/24/1966

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  • My DSO Shows
    00/04/18 Jack B. Kussmaul Theater Frederick, MD
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  1. Yesterday's bike ride sponsored by 77/05/11 St. Paul. Monster. First set closer? A 14 minute Sugaree. Sugaree a first set closer five times (According to DBX) 76/09/25 Cap Center 76/10/09 Oakland Coliseum 77/05/11 St. Paul 78/02/01 Uptown Theatre 83/06/27 Popular Creek They can still surprise you. End wormhole. Praise DSO.
  2. Lied, Cheated = Next Time You See Me. Baby Whose To Say = Blow Away. If you do not know the name of the song, at least record some words of the song. Deep stuff there. Hoping at some point Dead will officially release some way back material, even bits and pieces. Praise DSO.
  3. Only three left. Losing Phil does tip the scales. Praise DSO.
  4. Celebrating the band's 10th anniversary. Pretty crazy. Praise DSO.
  5. Ouch, that one stings. Missed it by one. Stupid work. Talk about delivering the goods. Even slipping Big Boss Man into the filler. Unreal. Praise DSO.
  6. A tradition unlike any other... The annual pilgrimage to Penn's Peak right around the corner. Heaven coming together with loving family on the mountain. Anyone else making the trip? Stories from previous Peaks? Got any wild speculations on setlists? Driving home one year we were going over railroad tracks while Caution played. How about New Speedway in a gooey old school elective? Praise DSO.
  7. Listened to the end of the Dallas/Washington game on local DC radio on my way to work. Announcers lost it big for the McLaurin TD, had barely caught their breath for the agony of the PAT.
  8. The power of the elective. With a Day Tripper to boot. Praise DSO.
  9. Back four of the first got a nice roll going into the break. Feelin Groovy woven in lovingly. A syrupy slow Loose Lucy. The back of the second delivered with additional gusto, WRS Gold Star. Drive home a snow globe adventure. Thanks Band and Crew. See you in Pittsburgh. Praise DSO.
  10. The sure sign a great time was had. Have carried note taking supplies at shows for years to mark the signposts. Praise DSO.
  11. Breaking in Lost Sailor and Saint of Circumstance on that tour. First four Sailors sans Circumstance, interesting. After those first four, only other instance of Sailor not attached to Saint 85/11/01 Richmond, split by Drums/Space that evening. Praise DSO.
  12. Appreciate the report, found. Hurray for start of late fall tour. See you Pittsburgh. Praise DSO.
  13. Anyone else hearing Phil more acutely lately, or is it just me? Praise DSO.
  14. Mr. Mom contains a Halloween scene as well. Praise DSO.
  15. Probably will bring a little extra gravity to the Kennedy Awards. Amazing legacy of music. Thank you.
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