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DaysBetween last won the day on August 16 2022

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  • My DSO Shows
    Are you kidding?.. 177 shows and counting as of 8/10/17. The DSO Bus came by (on 6/23/99) and I got ON; that's when it all began.
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    Everywhere, and nowhere

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  1. Shakedown C.C. Rider Loser Me & My Uncle > Maggie's Farm Strange Man Lazy River Road The Race Is On Tom Thumb Blues Loose Lucy Stranger Scarlet > Fire Gimme Some Lovin > Easy To Slip > Drumz > Fat Angel > Casey Jones > Throwing Stones > Morning Dew Love The One Your With **99% sure that was Fat Angel by Donovan. Never heard it before, and so I did a google search on the lyrics that I heard as it was happening All good all show long but I was really digging the little extra that many of the 1st set tunes had, like the C.C. Rider, Maggie's, and that STRANGER. What is it about Pittsburgh shows and that song? It always just RIPS here.
  2. So yeah a SWARM of bugs attacked the stage after Second That Emotion, I think. Some kind of beetle, June bug, I'm guessing? Never saw that at a show before. As everyone said: killer stuff tonight especially Tangled Up, That's What Love and Tore Up in my opinion. I mean, they ripped. And yet another first timer here. Great place to have a fest. Highly recommended. Although I wish they hadn't crammed us all in that big open field in GA. We brought wood for a campfire but didn't use it due to the proximity of the nearby cars, canopies, tents, etc. However Michelle and Stevie came through with their fire ring by the stream so that worked out. As did the lady from Arizona whose car we jumped (never caught your name!). Well, we youtubed how to jump it lol. I'm still in shock that some new hybrids can jumpstart themselves (wish mine could). So many vendors. On site local ice cream. Very chill atmosphere. Oh, catch Organ Fairchild when you can. Those guys know what they're doing!
  3. REALLY liked Tom's playing at this show. Rob B sang Low Spark incredibly, and the whole band NAILED that one. Highlight of the show for me, and probably the weekend. I don't think Rob K liked getting dripped on at first, but he seemed to make the most of it by splashing to the beat while grinning ear to ear. And the Drumz this night was AWESOME.
  4. I think I saw two mic stands at the Catskill Jubilee shows, at least one for sure, but I've seen no audio posted to etree or the archive. The youtube vids are pretty damn good, and have decent audio too, but I'd love to snag the entire two shows from the good mics if I could only find where it lies. Has anyone seen the audio anywhere? Thanks! Peace!
  5. Another great Catskill J this year. More porto-johns than last year, or as some call them (or so I'm told), more biffies. Wish it would have rained just a wee bit to keep some of the dust down; it was really bothering my allergies. But you have to admit, the weather was PERFECT. Wild lineup, perhaps a little heavy on jamtronica, and yet I found myself missing Lotus, who KILLED it last year. I thought the highlights musically were Tiny Universe, The Garcia Project, Beg Steal or Borrow (!!!), and New Deal. (first 3-days of fest for me only (work)). But the obvious highlight was Saturday's original DSO set. Slam dunk. Bar none. The bee's knees. (Oh yeah, there were many more yellowjackets this year). Choose your own euphemism for how good it was, but like someone told me immediately afterwards, "there are no words". Yet of course I will try. To my ear, some of the songs in set 2 seemed the slightest bit slower, such a slight change I'm not even sure it occurred, perhaps on Shakedown, St. Stephen, & Mr. Fantasy. It so worked! Loved the Gomorrah, and that buildup at the beginning of Greatest Story. We got a Frozen Logger right quick as set 2 opened with Jeff having a tech issue, and I don't know if I would call this Space, "Space". It began as just Jeff and Barraco, and I swear that was Tomorrow Never Knows that they were jamming on. Skip joins for a little while, then Eaton, and then we wrote that letter to Mr. Fantasy. The closing NFA with a GREAT transition back into St. Stephen into a delicately powerful Morning Dew was something to behold! As well as the White Rabbit encore. It just had such energy ! Great seeing faces I've known for years, or since last year, or ones that I met this weekend. Without Bix, Adore, Ryan & Co, Jonie, Lori, Nina, and Chris the beer fest wizard, oh and those guys that sang "I just died in your arms tonight! It musta been something you saaaaiiidddd" night 1 it wouldn't have been anywhere near the same. Thanks to all involved!!! See you next year!
  6. My thoughts on the fest later when I have more time (hopefully) - short version on that is Yes, more please! - but had to drop a quick note on Rude's conjecture. Probably right brother, but I think I can one up you with last year's Catskill show opener on night 2: Corrina > Morning Dew, Jack Straw. I really, REALLY can't imagine those ever being played in that order before or since. And especially to OPEN a show!
  7. I knew going in this was going to be good, especially after not doing anything like this in about 2 years. But I did not know it was going to be THIS incredibily good! There were some downers, such as the oppressive heat and humidity on the 1st two days, the rain and lightning, and the low number of port-a-johns and garbage cans (just a few more please, especially out by the campers!), but other than that everything was fantastic. What a GREAT place for a festival! All the stages, the pavillions, the pool, the air conditioned bar, the 13-foot locomotive robot(!!), it really had it all - including lots of trees for shade. I was lucky enough to camp in a horse corral lol, which sounds kinda awful but it was 100% clean and had lots of shade. It was great meeting Jamie, Joannie & her crew, Adore, Candice, Mike, Adam, Mandy and Alex there, and others at the show whose names elude me at the moment (not you Ry - got your texts and will be sending you links to check out soon). Lots of cool art and vendors to check out. Lots of cool scenery as you wander the expansive grounds. A really chill place. Please do this one next year... Music. The real reason I think we're all there. Lotus' show (esp that 1st set!!) on Thursday goes right up there in the "Top Shows I've Ever Seen Category". Easily. I think a LOT of deadheads who hadn't heard Lotus before became instant fans. I know the people I talked to had minds blown. BTW you can purchase it at nugs.net. One of the first things I did after I drove the 7 hours home yesterday 😄 And a crazy light (and smoke) show to go along with it! Really enjoyed TBD's set (with parts of Lotus) before as well. Friday I tried to take it easy. I was a little worn out after Night 1 (and Phish in Hershey prior to that) and the killer heat was getting to me. Didn't see every band I thought I would. I was cool seeing Reed Mathis for the first time since his Jacob Fred Jazz Odyssey days. Holly brought her eclectic skills, as always. Then I got my 1st DSO show since October of '19. I got a Casey Jones and about 3 minutes of China Cat before it was ripcorded due to the oncoming lightning. ðŸĪŠ Just my luck I thought but they literally picked it up where they left off, after the delay. 10/17/70 it ended up being and, yes, it was great, esp Hurts Me Too, Hard To Handle, Cryptical, Cold Rain, and the Set 2 closing rockers set, oh, and THE OTHER ONE. But I still figured that it would be even better the next night. Great to see John with JGB again (that was actually my last show before covid) Saturday. By the way, give it up to all the musicians playing in immense heat during the day on the main stage. The sun was right in their faces the entire time. Also loved seeing Boombox for the 1st time in over 10 years, I think (I'll have to check). Love what they do! But the surprise band for me was CIA in the bar. Can't really describe them, and it was a little rough around the edges, but what they were doing was jammy, yet modern, and maybe 80's sounding? Like I said, not sure how to describe it. But I definitely dug it. Which brings me to DSO Saturday. Original setlist, as I predicted they would do - every who asked me: told ya! haha. Anyway, So they open with Corrina. And it's quite good. And then. They smoooothly transition. Into. Morning Dew. WTF. This was the curviest of curveballs that even I, with my powerful prognostication prowess, could not have foreseen in a million years. WHOA. So the show opener is a scorching Corrina into a powerful/beautiful Morning Dew. Stunning. Great Jack Straw to follow. Did Eaton sing "East Burbank Castle Arena" in Minglewood? I couldn't quite get that one substitution. Let It Grow was dedicated to Nancy Griffith, who had passed away the day before 😔 Set 2 was short on actual songs (something I didn't realize until the next day) but it was a perfect set in my opinion. Fire is a song that RAGES every time I've seen it since 2013. A little specific perhaps, but for real. Everyone one of 'em since the Reg Lenna Center '13 show in Jamestown, NY has been amazing. The rare Keep On Growing rocked. Out of space it sounded to me like NFA, which they wouldn't be playing of course (last night), and it took a second to realize it was a bouncy Iko. And then Sing Me Back Home *wipes away yet another tear just thinking about it*... I said aloud at the show as the song began, "What are you doing to me here?!" Dew, AND Sing Me Back Home in the same show? That was just too much to handle lol. Incredible stuff. I thought the "sing-a-long" encore was gonna be Ripple, but in hindsight as I think about it now, Dew, Sing Me, and Ripple might have REALLY been too much to handle So we all enthusiastically sand Rainy Day Women. And that was it. DSO's Saturday gig obviously goes up in the Top Shows Category along with Lotus' Thursday. And 10/17/70 wasn't too bad either! Great fest. Do it next year. Increase the John's and the grabage cans. Do a not-so-sweltering-hot dance or something a few days before it. Thank you DSO, bands, crews, fans, vendors, campground staff, etc! Peace!
  8. Already posted this in the one Pitt thread, but thought I'd make another with the above subject to make sure it was seen in case anyone wanted to check it out. There's this plus a bunch of others from this show, but it's not complete, yet. Enjoy!
  9. This and a bunch more I posted to youtube. It's not the entire show, yet. Had battery issues, used daughter's iPhone to get a few. Haven't had the chance to upload those songs yet. Enjoy!
  10. Personal highlights and other notes: Most of the 1st set, actually. But the Playin was Top Notch 72 style. Yes, have some. Happy Birthday Ellie between sets "That poor bastard dies everytime" - Eaton, after El Paso Don't Ease! and Big River! I counted 28 beats to BIODTL, and sure enough the show was 10/28/72, so my counting skills, like the Playin, are still in top notch shape "Send that one out to Robert Hunter" - Jeff, after Attics Dark Star's notes I jotted down as they happened: good start, lulls, verses, slow purposeful Dino-led space jam, funk jam, space jam, disjointed jam, Eaton leaves, Skip jam, Eaton returns, Skip-lite jam, meltdown/feedback, Sugar Mag. JBGoode and Two Souls were the perfect ending.
  11. Great shows this weekend in Cleveland and Detroit. The band is greater than the sum of its parts, but Eaton was the MVP of this pair of nights: Framing the songs as well as highlighting, and lunging often lol. Just great stuff. Detroit spefically had a powerful Woman Enough, a bouncy Iko, a Shining Star with a very tender, delicate ending, an electric NFA, and a Dew that Skip dropped about 9 bombs on. I'm surpised we all survived. I was lucky enough to catch the bombs on my phone. Maybe I'll get the chance to stick it up on youtube. Can't wait for next weekend's Columbus and Pittsburgh shows! Thanks to all involved!!!
  12. I thought the highlights were Bird Song, Greatest Story (there were mouths agape in stunned amazement during it), and definitely the Lovelight. Lots of tunes had a slower take, I thought, and I was digging it. LOVE the original setlists done in a specific style. Looking forward to listening - thanks again stdilbert
  13. One of the best shows I've seen. Start to finish. Period. Thanks, Minnesota, for getting the recording up SO quickly. Well done!!
  14. I wasn't near the fire dancers, but from my vantage point in front of the SBD they looked cool. The timing of them coming out, and probably the location, seems to be less than ideal. However, my biggest complaint of yet another AWESOME Jubilee would have to be the lack of those hand washing stations near the porta-johns. The hand sanitizer a) doesn't clean your hands and b) leaves them really sticky. And keep bringing the Giants, including the giant caterpillar bendy thing. Love the spectacle. Aside from the caterpillar they move around and don't block anyone's view for more than a few moments.
  15. DaysBetween

    Atlanta #2

    Not sure who all was in attendance, but Lisa singing on Jack Straw followed by a West LA (which debuts in 82 if I'm not mistaken), solidified this as an Original from the GetGo. Sorry I don't mean to be one of "those guys" We had Lisa on Jack Straw, Cassidy, All Over Now, Corrina, Help, Franklin's, The Wheel, China Doll, and Let It Rock (harmonica). Barraco does a Jeapordy tuning before Jackaroe. Tom Thumb included starting out on Prilosec, if I heard right, and definitely went back to Fulton County. Set 2 opened up with Barraco and Jeff playing around with the "extra" section to Terrapin (what is that, At A Siding?). But enough of the details, let's get to what's really important... GREAT SHOW. Perhaps not the spaciest or jammiest ever, but it had great high energy and was just plain FUN all night. Definitely my favorite of the 2 Atlantas. Jack had that awesome buildup and subsequent explosion. Cassidy, Big RxR, and All Over Now were pretty ripping. Stranger and Franklin's (although not together) were the highlights of a 2nd set that started hot and never cooled down. Nothing was in there that was down in any way. And I loved the transition from Corrina > Help. I'd like to hear that again, actually.. Had a great much needed weekend away. Thank you DSO. See ya at the Jubilee.
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