I’m totally immersed in the Native American culture, studying them here on the Delmarva Peninsula. There’s projectile points found here that match up to ones found in caves in Spain and France, Solutrean style. One of the unsuccessful peopling of the Americas 23,000 years ago? I work on a farm that’s on the Chester River, near the spine of Delmarva. There’s a buried bog on the farm with a spring running into the Chester. There’s a Native American site there that they let me surface hunt the beach. In 14 years, I have found 476 projectile points, 47 tools ranging from full groove axes, Bannerstones, Sinew stones, Pestles, Hammerstones, game ball, scrapers, oh, and the bowl from a native clay pipe, about 245 significant potsherds representing at least 18 different containers. Another 3-500 smaller potsherds Diagnostic point styles show continuous visitation to this site for 10,000 years. Grateful Dead music is one of my hobbies. This is the other one.