I had the good fortune of being at the RFK Casey Jones and the Unbroken Chain in Philly.
The crowd reaction to Unbroken Chain was euphoric and big. However, for me it was one of those nights that exemplify the downward trajectory of the band. It was spring of '95. The setlist that night featured an Easy Answers, Way to Go Home, Corrina, Mathilda, and a very poorly played Unbroken Chain. The song never really meant that much to me, so the bust-out was not significant for me and it was very poorly played. Numerous buzzkills in this concert, as was typical for the time period. I've never listened back. I'm sure there were some well played moments, but those '95 setlists could never hold me for very long.
On the other hand......the Casey Jones bust-out was one of the highlights in the best week of my life. What a day at RFK! Not the best Dead show I have ever seen....but a great one for me and a day I will never forget. I have never experienced group exuberance like that Casey Jones. Casey Jones is also not a very important song for me.....but the moment was huge. The colors, the smiles, the green grass, the sun, the dancing, the train whistle, the liquid! I will never be able to adequately express what that moment felt like.